Home invasion, Ripper killed, friends charged with murder..


Active Member
have YOU ever been so drunk you kicked in your own door?

i know i havent.
I have, before I wanted to become a man. I knew damn well, the whole time, it was my house and I always know, skunk drunk, if I go into the wrong house I might scare a family and John Rambo might get mad at me. ...I know going into another persons house means I could get killed, I always knew that. We need to teach those youth, dont run from them, talk to them because it could be worse.

I`ve NEVER done BnE, life is too precious, i`d rather beg a Magna Carta.


Well-Known Member
why so bitter today, sketchy etchy?

you know how poorly things turn out when you get aqll bitter like this.


Well-Known Member
BTW I was meaning to ask what having your burger "like a puck" meant. Does that means you want it hard and black?
well done. i like any meat product i eat to be cooked through more than thoroughly.*

i had some octopus the other day that wasn't all chewy, i thought it was cooked wrong or something. turns out it only gets real chewy if you overcook it.


New Member
well done. i like any meat product i eat to be cooked through more than thoroughly.*

i had some octopus the other day that wasn't all chewy, i thought it was cooked wrong or something. turns out it only gets real chewy if you overcook it.
that's not the reason - water is.


Well-Known Member
well done. i like any meat product i eat to be cooked through more than thoroughly.*

i had some octopus the other day that wasn't all chewy, i thought it was cooked wrong or something. turns out it only gets real chewy if you overcook it.

I like my burger just a itty bit pink inside, I like to hear a moo when I cut into my steak.

I will admit that I like my bacon just a little bit burned though, extra extra crispy and thin.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
well done. i like any meat product i eat to be cooked through more than thoroughly.*

i had some octopus the other day that wasn't all chewy, i thought it was cooked wrong or something. turns out it only gets real chewy if you overcook it.
I thought you might have ordered the gay fairy veggie burger.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Otherwise its a shot of 3.5" 00 Buck shot followed up by 7 more if that doesn't do the trick.
lol, that's what i have handy, double ought, more room for error. but my 12 gauge only holds 2 3/4 inch. plenty good enough to go through walls and bodies though.... once you come in the house uninvited/unknown, you're asking for trouble... i wouldn't think once, let alone twice.