400 watt Mh/ Hps cooltube 3-6 plant grow!!!

Hello RIU! I am currently on day 2 (I suppose) of my 400 watt mh, medically legal, indoor closet grow. There are a bunch of small items and details that need to be worked out as the days/weeks go by but for starters this is what I have to work with and i'll do the best with it. I have dabbled in growing before, grew for about 1 year a few years back, it was a joint project and I was in charge of veg state. Had successful grows which yielded very fair amounts for the size of plants and others that weren't so lucky and didnt do so hot. I was much more knowledgeable on overall everything back than but I still have a decent grip on how everything works and I'm confident for the first grow i've had in years.
The size of the closet is like 4x4x6... Soil is from a local shop, i'd say like 20% perlite as well as some micro nutes the guy said, seaweed extract and just some standard soil i suppose. so far its done its job well :3...
Moving on currently I have 3 bag seeds, Unknown strains, got the seeds from a buddy who has had them for like 4 years he said. I have 2 more bag seed, those from weed my roommate had recently, 1 being Sour Dream, the other Skywalker, and finally I bought a clone from a shop, given its not in the best condition and ive already had to train it a lot to try to get it to where I want it to be, called pre 98' bubba kush. I would like to add 1 more clone but I'm not to sure about how that is going to work out, things are going to be a little messy to manage as is. Now the 3 unknown seeds after vegging for 3 weeks to 1 month will be getting moved outdoor to a green house and the 3 other plants will be staying for indoor flowering. The method of choice I am going by this time around is mainlining, and I'll be setting up a scrog as well, just to help with the training and making sure my canopy is even. The plants are about 1 foot away from the light right now, but I will be lowering it a few inches when I get my fan in there. Finally I have an 8" intake fan that I will be turning into a carbon filter :D
This is the clone, IT wasn't treated very well while in the shop so I'm doing a lot of pruning and topped already to get it to a place where I can work with it and even out all the nodes as best as possible 20131121_215244.jpg20131121_215249.jpg20131121_215257.jpg20131121_215332.jpg

Last time I checked temps are high 80's, once I get my fan ( most likely on saturday) temps should be in a perfect place.

Any and all advice is welcome...
And YES I know I need to raise the smaller potted plants up level with the other ones!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, glad to see you make your first post in 3+ years.....I'm sure you are well read up on the upcoming grow...best of wishes, hope you have a huge harvest in a few months
Update time! Its now day 6 20131125_235703.jpg added in the black fan in the bottom left, kinda disappointed how weak it is, but its doing its job
20131126_120209.jpg Overall picture of all the babies, hopefully we get a lovely bunch of females :3
20131126_120221.jpgThe pre 98' is getting to where i want it to be finally, I got the top on the right side to even out and they are growing strong, the left side 1 shoot is taking over the other for the most part, still need to tie the bigger side down 20131126_120227.jpg
20131126_120232.jpgThe skywalker(Redcup) and sour dream are doing fantastic as well, the leaves on the sour kinda funky looking but they have been growing like that since day 1 of sprouting so I don't take it for much at this point.
20131126_120238.jpg The 3 little ones are coming up fast and strong, these are the ones going outside in 3-4 weeks, already on their 3rd set of leaf

I'm going to be picking up some panda paper/mylar. Still holding off on the nutes for another week. The DIY carbon filter is most likely going to be held off until flower time, not really needed right now
Alrighty update time!!!!! Transplanted the Skywalker out of his little red cup today, Perfect timing cause the roots were starting to get to the bottom, today or another 2 days would be been fine. While I was training the Bubba I accidentally snaped the stem a bit to much got really close taking off the entire right side of the mainline, taped him up and hes doing better now. I will be raising the lights soon and starting nutes next week, still need to get the mylar/panda paper, hopefully will be doing that soon as well.
20131201_133606.jpg20131201_133614.jpg20131201_133620.jpg 3 random bagseed in the front are actually doing great.
20131201_133629.jpg heres the clone, still recovering and still trying to get her to where I need her to be, you can see the tape on the left side.
Forgot to mention, the Sour dream has been growing with some real funky leaf since the day it sprouted, genetics weird possibly??
ALRIGHTYYY UPDATE AGAIN, Sorry, i've been busy with work and some other things. Little update, realized my time for watering was pretty weird ( watering 2 hours before the light turned off, pretty silly) so I changed that without letting the plants go without water a bit, slightly over watered, but no big deal at all, they were over that in a day. 2nd, almost all of the plants have some sort of light burn now, SLIGHTLY, that closet has literally no where for all that hot air to go, so i'm working on a way to get the air out. I moved the light up about 2 feet for the time being because its not getting any better, I raised it up 5 inches a few times, I did this last night and nothing got burned anymore so it'll be staying here for a while.

Lastly, the bubba is quite the pain in the ass, still trying to get her on track with where and which way all her nodes are headed :3 hahaha.

20131207_132125.jpg20131207_132150.jpg the garden... wahaha
20131207_132203.jpg20131207_132212.jpg 20131207_132219.jpg 3 random bagseeds
20131207_132228.jpg20131207_132254.jpg clone pre bubba back far left
20131207_132300.jpg20131207_132314.jpg sour dream, back middle
20131207_132319.jpg20131207_132329.jpg skywalker, back far right
Trimmed up the sour dream I good bit
Got 6 main nodes now
I opened up/leave the closet door cracked so fresh air can get in, the heat is just killing me right now, i'm just buying a blanket to cover the door instead for much better air circulation,

Beside that I bought some materials to set my scrog up, and train the plants properly.

Will have picture updates in a few days :3
Realized today that I cant be giving my plants tap water, on my earlier grows it was fine..... BUT this building I live in is old as FUCK and the pipes are beyond shit. I should have figured when I had all these lead warnings about the water..My water grew bottles grew algae in them and I assume the ph isnt very spot on to say the least. ON TOP of the fact that it made my roommates puke from drinking it. That should have been the final straw, if I wouldnt drink it then my plants sure as fuck shouldnt have to. I've been a bad grower :( such mistake.

Update coming soon


1st thing is 1st, finally got them blankets set up :D 20131214_202749.jpg

2nd, finally started LST on all of them, beside the bubba kush, I accidentally almost murdered the fuck outa her :( 20131214_202802.jpg20131214_203009.jpg20131214_203057.jpg20131214_203102.jpg

3rd, I should be picking up some nutes, changing pots, and getting a ppm/ph meter on monday or tuesday :D

Finally! Here are pictures of the lil ladies (hopefully)
Keep in mind the light burns are from before like last week

Cool thread man. I am doing a similar grow. Using 400w mh.

The single biggest factor for me was getting temp below 80.
Every strain showed increased growth and became more resistant to stress once the temperature dropped from 85 to 78.
78 has been the sweet spot.
try to drop ur temperature some.

I have 6 clones vegging with the big plants. No humidity dome, or cloning/rooting gel has been used.
they rooted and are now growing.
room temp is 78, humidity 45-55.

Hey do you feel the 400w is going to effectively cover 6 plants?
Im starting to think 2-4 plants might be the max under a 400w.
Seems like just one plant can occupy 4sq ft by itself in 8 weeks from seed.

I am starting to think about killing some of my plants for fear of poor yeild due to lack of light.
Thanks for the input and responding!

... The temps have been a pain in my ass throughout the entire duration of the grow so far, thus adding the blankets for better air circulation and the bottom where the fan is ( about 1 feet across the doorway is open up for fresh air to come in.

As for having the cover 6 plants, it won't be 6 for long, 3 of them are moving out to a new home on January 10th. As well as I don't even know of the sour dream and skywalker are female yet :wall: st g

I wouldn't even kill your plants man!

Just go pick up a T5/ maybe some cfl's and keep those gals alive ( If you have the space for it that is)....

Thanks again for the input ill be checking out your grow


picture update tomorrow but! I have a plan of action that will hopefully help with the temps

Get a piece of plywood cover the top creating a little room to at least push hot air into, i know it will seep out but its better than nothing

getting 2 box fans to circulate air in my room much better, 1 in each window pushing air in and out, and the fan i already have

Ordering the nutes online soon as well

The plants are doing fucking great. I'm so glad!!

20131219_202409.jpg20131219_202421.jpg20131219_202430.jpg20131219_202438.jpg 3 random bagseed, doing their things, keep in mind nothing but lst for these plants, I will be topping once on the 10th of January
20131219_202454.jpg20131219_202500.jpg The skywalker, shes a tall mother fucker! topped her, shes doing fantastic as well very happy with how they are coming along
20131219_202509.jpg Good old sour dream, all the cutting trimming and topping paid off, shes starting to grow exactly how i wanted her to beside 1 side is a little behind, so i have 3 sides tied down to the soil, letting more light for the slow side, :3 it'll catch up
20131219_202519.jpg20131219_202530.jpg annd the bubba kush clone. MY GOODNESS this has been the most suprising to me, shes doing sooo fucking great i cant get over it, its just her progress is amazing out of all of them,
Little update,

Picked up some materials finally, not everything of course. Still need....

1) 2 box fans for better circulation in room

2? bamboo/mylar

3) flowering nutes

4? thermometer

SO went to my local hydro store today, was talking to the guy and told him i was only vegging for about 2 more weeks and didnt want anything to big in size for nutes, didnt want to waste money i didnt have to right now
and he hooked up with us some free nutes, pretty excited to try them out....

He got me with a nitro booster and some other thing, for flowering...

Also got a PH tester and some happy frog soil :3

PH off run off WITH the nitro booster is perfect... 6.6-6.7, VERY pleased to see that

To close things off, it sucks that my plants are suffering so much because of the heat issue, its such a shame cause they have so much potential :(

Anyways heres a picture of the stuff!!!

Thanks for the feedback/views since I started thing. Remember advice is welcome if you see anything I could be improving on that I havent touched base with yet.
Alright well here's the last little update before I go home for the holidays, hopefully when I get back they will be big and healthy and ready to go for flowering,
Going to be flipping the switch on 3rd, hopefully know sex by 10th, and getting rid of 3 mysteries as well.. (around the 10th)
Maybe setting up a clone area, not 100% on that yet but yeah!
Thanks for the rep/feedback/views. Sorry things arent going that great but there is still plenty of time to grow and fix things up !!!

Happy holidays RIU
Merry Christmas everyone,

In light of certain things that have come up the plants will have 6 days of darkness starting the 27th or 28th to the 3rd

In that time no one will be watching them but we have no choice.

Will give updates on the HOPEFULLY, not to fucked up girls when I get home :D


Drink some eggnog in my honor ... PL0X!!!


Hope Santa left everyone some primo bowls and spliffs and too bad he didn't water all the plants while he was at it, idk