Whats happening with my plants??


New Member
Hi, I'm really not sure whats happening with my plants, one of them is in a worse state than others as the others are showing the same symptons, im really not sure what it is. I'm pretty sure its not over-watering as they arent exactly yellow-ish.

This is what is happening to the plants. The leaves are drooping and losing colour, but not exactly yellow? i guess its kind of yellow but i'm really not sure, and it looks like its turning crispy sort of, but i don't think i'm underwatering. please if someone could tell me what is wrong that would be great, if you need to know any other info then please ask and i'll try to answer.


Well-Known Member
How are you watering and what are they in? Looks really wet and needs perlite. i suspect roots are getting drowned. Yes, I think you are overwatering. Let it dry up!

They may be ready for a SMALL dose of nutes if there is nothing in that soil.

Also, you don't want two plants in the same pot. next time use solo cups.


New Member
How are you watering and what are they in? Looks really wet and needs perlite. i suspect roots are getting drowned. Yes, I think you are overwatering. Let it dry up!

They may be ready for a SMALL dose of nutes if there is nothing in that soil.

Also, you don't want two plants in the same pot. next time use solo cups.
its been like 3 weeks, my plants are growing very slowly ): and ive been using nutes for like a week now, im in the UK so I use Bio-grow if you know what that is, and i've put about like a teaspoon (2-3ml im guessing) into 2 litres of water then watering, but if you say im over-watering then yeah i'll let it dry up.

EDIT: Sorry i didn't even answer your question. I water by pouring the water through a funnel that connects to a tube that goes to the body of the plant, so like around the stem. and they are in gallon pots.


Active Member
It's early to be feeding. The roots are sensitive to high ferts and too much water. Let them have a chance to use what is in the soil and fill out more until you feed(3weeks). Overwatering is a more common way to kill your plants. You want moist not soaked. Try lifting the pot to feel how heavy it is wet/dry then you will know when to water. The top always dries out first but underneath is wet. Try sticking your finger a few inches below the surface to check for moisture. If moist don't water.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

Looks like over watering to me, and your soil looks rather black (lacking perlite), plus it's stretching a bit, you may wish to consider bringing the light source a bit closer.
Dr. Jekyll

So you started nutes after just two weeks, this is likely a key factor to the poor performance of your pathetic plants, plus what's up with two plants in one container, couldn't afford an additional pot or just thought two is better than one?
Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

Yes, Mr. Hyde can be a handful at times, it's a constant struggle to keep him toned down
Dr. Jekyll

LOL, your comment is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. BTW: the "like" did not come from me
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
what is this split personality shiz? How long you going to be doing that dr. jekyll, or is it mr. hyde??


Well-Known Member
Semen of course.
Does that really work? Do you have to apply it to where it runs out the bottom of the pot? I've already got carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists from typing so I might need to ask if someone could give me a hand with this.


New Member
Op is mastering the art of watering.
Op is laughing his ass off hahahaha!

you should please put them into their own separate pot as soon as possible if you haven't already?
I will put them in their own separate pots when they grow big enough, because right now i'm forced to be kinda stealthy with this small cupboard which only has space for 2 pots ); but I understand that i need to have them in separate pots, and i'll try my best to get to that as soon as possible.

Also, is that semen stuff actually legit? cus i really dunno what that white stuff at the top is i think its just dried up a bit maybe cus i didnt water that part specifically, but no i didnt ejaculate on my plants hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Also, is that semen stuff actually legit? cus i really dunno what that white stuff at the top is i think its just dried up a bit maybe cus i didnt water that part specifically, but no i didnt ejaculate on my plants
I think if you are going to get serious about this you would need to test the pH of your runoff ejaculate matter. It can be adjusted by drinking vinegar, or eating boxes of baking soda, depending on whether your baby batter runs high or low in pH.