WTF exeactly is Beaster!

Maybe we kept the best and sent the rest? I'm not sure, but it was that bad for you guys? Was the mexi any better?
nawwwwwww it wasn't like that at all....... u guys were smoking that same shit to... they even had a grading system for it.. lots of times the elbows were marked a,aa,aaa, single a, double a, triple a.. the triples were the better....
the day of the beaster is done...... the good folks in cali got the pounds of high grade greenhouse and outdoor that is waaaaay better then and cheaper then anything the Canadians send here
nawwwwwww it wasn't like that at all....... u guys were smoking that same shit to... they even had a grading system for it.. lots of times the elbows were marked a,aa,aaa, single a, double a, triple a.. the triples were the better....

Yea I was just buying ounces, qps and splitting it with the friends. Smoke for free type setup ya know?
My grading system was simply saying yes or no, or negotiating a lower price. Back then I wasn't as picky as I am now, but I have no need to purchase anymore.
Yea I was just buying ounces, qps and splitting it with the friends. Smoke for free type setup ya know?
My grading system was simply saying yes or no, or negotiating a lower price. Back then I wasn't as picky as I am now, but I have no need to purchase anymore.
I haven't seen beasters in 8 years.. and mexi schwagg in longer...
beasters= scwhag = mexi brick= compacted crappy grown outdoor......what you would call beaster i would call bobby brown and my friends in kansas would call reggie...its just slang for the worst weed ever
idk who even gets weed from canada???? maybe in the 90's thats where your guys' "kind bud" came from, herb from canada was usually of a way higher quality back then so saying "beasters" = canadian weed made me LOL
idk who even gets weed from canada???? maybe in the 90's thats where your guys' "kind bud" came from, herb from canada was usually of a way higher quality back then so saying "beasters" = canadian weed made me LOL

You obviously don't know what your talking about, and yet you decided to post your ignorance in plain view, for all to see.
Your statement makes it clear that you weren't smoking in the 90's, so piss off junior, the adults are having a conversation.
idk who even gets weed from canada???? maybe in the 90's thats where your guys' "kind bud" came from, herb from canada was usually of a way higher quality back then so saying "beasters" = canadian weed made me LOL

The local vernacular for Canadian bud in metro Detroit was called beasters. This was in the 2000s probably 2005-2007. I know where the bud came from, it was higher quality than the mexi shwag we were buying. Beasters was Canadian imported ganja in our area. Don't know or care where you are from but I know the beasters well.
To confirm what everyone else pretty much said, beasters is just a higher grade, ultra compact commercial bud from Canada. I don't live too far from Canada and most of it has a hay smell to it's a lot of times smuggled in inside of hay bales for transport. I suggest you find someone else to purchase from if your options are beasters because 1. It's not good for you and is generally sprayed with all types of shit..sometimes even chemicals to actually make people get high from it since the crystals are usually shuck off in a shaker box. 2. Whomever your getting it from is probably making a killing or he's getting screwed too which is never a good thing. Ultimately, just be careful most of the high level beaster guys are shady and all about the money, not a crowd you want to mess with on the regular that's for sure.
Beasters still very much alive in straya... The last bastion of the Big B. The b-dawg... Aka paclobeutrazol lol ...same deal ...aka crack weed ...campbelltown-crack ...aka the asian weed (also grown by viet gangs here) ...the PGR (paclobeutrazol) is what makes a beaster a beaster!

The university of nsw studied beasters ('cannabis') for many years with some horendous findings! ...Resulting in the famous stoner sloth campaign ...hehehe

Google ncpic (defnkt)

Pls consider the land of oz for a beaster experience that will be sure to take you back to the year 1999!
lol beasters... m48 I think it was.

They invaded oklahoma with that shit in the mid 2000s big time at $450z. So this dudes prices had to go up to match them. $450z sourd, ogkush vs $450z beasters. It was an easy choice for many.....7200 units #kaching
lol beasters... m48 I think it was.

They invaded oklahoma with that shit in the mid 2000s big time at $450z. So this dudes prices had to go up to match them. $450z sourd, ogkush vs $450z beasters. It was an easy choice for many.....7200 units #kaching
Seen plenty of beaster in the Southeast growing up. It always amazed me how much one little lump of that moist crap could weigh as a whole eighth. It tasted like smoking steam. Back then custies paid pretty close to what people pay for real kind bud now, though you could get elbows really cheap if you could find the right person. I was always under the impression that most all of it came from Canada. Once medical started out west we started getting way more real nug coming our way, I guess the beaster couldn't compete anymore. I love having jars of all sorts of stuff now that I grow, it's a privilege really.
Up in the northeast beasters flooded the market say 10 yrs ago. Was always shit weed. Cheap commercial dro you could buy on the cheap and sell for more. Really compact and never had much of a smell. Heard it was m15 or something like that. Hf the time 0 smell because they always chopped that shit down early and never gave it a cure. Highly produced commercial grade crap = beasters.
So, long story short - in my early 20s I dated a girl that was part Indian from the Akwesasne Rez on the St Lawrence and was part of the larger St Regis Mohawk Tribe.

She introduced me to her brother who said they needed a driver to move hockey bags (25lbs per hockey bag) full of beasters (m39 strain) from the rez in canada to long Island ny for resale. Normal runs to NYC were 50-100lbs. Wholesale prices were around $800 lb on the border and I would charge $1600 lb downstate.

I made this run a few times and got paid according til one fateful evening up north on the river. After making the trip down state n slinging the Asian grown beasters in the city to gangs of Albanians and Blacks I was back up on the St Lawrence River waiting to drop off money to the Indian smugglers and tribal police stop n search me finding the $. I got charged with entering a country illegally (the rez) and not declaring If I had over 10,000$ on me.

Couple days in a holding cell on the rez shook me and having $ taken scared me straight.

Your right, whole house grows of M39 by Asians were how it was grown, transported by Canadian bikers to the Indian rezs and smuggled across by local indians.

Glad them days r behind me bc I was running with a shit crowd , making $ n blowing coke like no tomorrow with no good ending in site. The issue with the tribal police thankfully scared me straight. Good Ole beasters and the craziness around them.

Jimmy Cournoyer or Cosmo- got busted and was the mastermind behind what they said was sending tons of the shit to the states, dude made millions but when he went down , that was the real end of the operation n that's why it all ended. Dude had connections to everyone from political people, to the bikers and even to sports stars like George St Pierre.
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