3rd Party Cup Growoff Official Update Thread

maybe start getting a51 , inda gro and again green gator filters involved. So it doesn't have to hurt the winner. If jim or psu or even if I won. Most of us are broke. We got lives, families and lots of bills. All our extra loot just goes back into our garden or xbox
We could have a fee for entering the comp, and the winners get money from that..
I'l be fine with what ever, its enough just to be in these comps.

Con graduations to all the winners...:clap:
Hey ya'll!

I asked and I received. Inda-Gro has agreed to toss in a Pro-420 light towards the 1st place winner and a Pro-200 to the second place winner of the next cup. Let the games begin! :hump:
Hey ya'll!

I asked and I received. Inda-Gro has agreed to toss in a Pro-420 light towards the 1st place winner and a Pro-200 to the second place winner of the next cup. Let the games begin! :hump:

Well there you go ^^^ JimJim........you have enough prizes for for a shit-load of growers to jump in, and that is an awesome offer by Inda-gro!! thanks chaz

third prize give whatever you want to hyroot, probably needs a new toothbrush.......ha

Enjoy your light Jim and please don't let us grow out of a shot glass;-)

be safe growers I'll see you in the next comp.
Hey ya'll!

I asked and I received. Inda-Gro has agreed to toss in a Pro-420 light towards the 1st place winner and a Pro-200 to the second place winner of the next cup. Let the games begin! :hump:

Awww look....our little party cup comp is growing up...:)

Nice work Chaz....
Shit just got SERIOUS....! :cuss:
Shit just got SERIOUS....!

Be careful guys next thing you know you're getting written up in HT and shit. Ya'll have the get press agents and shit. Mr. P I have a Maury Pauvich is on the other line shall I have him hold? Fuck I'm stoned.

All jokes aside I've seen stranger shit grab center stage. Why not party cup competitions?
I want to send a big shoutout to Psu, Chaz, and The Dawg.

Psu: I want to thank you for giving me the option of prizes. You dont know how happy i am right now. And for that there will be no shot glasses involved next comp.;-)

Chaz: Your the man, Inda-Gro lights as prizes, unbelievable.:clap:


The Dawg: The host that boasts the most. You have run a great comp. I can only hope i can run the next one as well.:bigjoint:

Now the big question....... when does everyone want to start the next competition?
I will start now :P I could use some more lights in my room I only have 1200w of led and that cost me like 4 grand already.... maybe more I have to check receipts lol. Now I am poor until I can come up on a perfect strain to start taking to the collective.

(I know you can't start until the determined time. I am ready at any time though.)
I want to send a big shoutout to Psu, Chaz, and The Dawg.

You're very welcome but the thanks really belongs to IG for making it happen. Quality images make their FB page and when I showed them your last images let's just say they were impressed.
Now the big question....... when does everyone want to start the next competition?

I predict the CFL guys and others are gonna take note and throw in. You might want to consider a team of you and 2 other judges who are not in the competition where it takes a majority to award the winners. Just a thought. If you decide to go that way I would nominate a 'relative' newcomer in UrbanPharmer if he were not in the running. I would offer but I wouldn't want anyone saying I'm siding with an IG cup win. Anyway you decide to run it is fine by me I just love watching what can be done in a frickin party cup!
I predict the CFL guys and others are gonna take note and throw in. You might want to consider a team of you and 2 other judges who are not in the competition where it takes a majority to award the winners. Just a thought. If you decide to go that way I would nominate a 'relative' newcomer in UrbanPharmer if he were not in the running. I would offer but I wouldn't want anyone saying I'm siding with an IG cup win. Anyway you decide to run it is fine by me I just love watching what can be done in a frickin party cup!

past comps. Every contestant that's in it votes. Then the host counts all the votes. That makes it more fair than a panel of judges. Everyone seems to vote them selves for 2nd place except psu.
that works too. It would seem there will always be a hotly contested battle for 2nd place and those that don't place are relegated to toothbrushes. I love it!
The rules are set by the host as always!! and its up to Jim Jim, but he can look how the other comps where setup and follow that if he wants.

Their is only so much you can do in a party cup so all indoor light sources don't matter IMO,a thousand watt hps has to be kept at a reasonable distance unlike led/flouros/induction/etc......... no worries really.

The voting system is fine the way it is.......let the competitors decide works, but that's up to Jim.

His only concern should be cheating as the prizes are really good this round, and he has to keep a vigilant eye on things;-)

the sooner we start the fourth party cup comp the better, but you should give at least a month time for germination till cutoff.

This may be the biggest one yet with those prizes.......get ready growers!! Let the fun begin

Be safe fellas
Hi everyone. I have come up with a bit of a schedule for the next comp.

Im going to start registration on the 1st Jan and it will close on the 1st Feb.

Then start the comp on the 1st Feb

You must have your seeds germed by the 1st Mar

And then we finish when the the last competitor finishes.

This is just a rough outline. If anyone has any problems let me know. If you need an extension or cant meet a date just let me know and we will let the masses decide.

Good Luck to everyone and stay safe over the holidaysbongsmilie