Why you no talk about.....


Well-Known Member
Only things can be oriental, people cannot be oriental, they can be Asian, or Chinese, Or Vietnamese, Or Japanese.....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Only things can be oriental, people cannot be oriental, they can be Asian, or Chinese, Or Vietnamese, Or Japanese.....
people can be Oriental too, all thats required is that they come from east of the Bosporus Straits.
if you come from the west side of the Bosporus, you are Occidental.

shit, this PC bullshit is way out of control.


Jeez, and I thought South Africans have issues with race, wow, you guy's are almost incapacitated by it, seems the commies are winning then. Bummer, I don't like commies much. Ask neslon the douche but thankfully dead mandela why I don't like commies. And why are you so scared to be labelled racist, it's a word that has been twisted to suit the masters that own all our souls and it's powerful weapon the libtards are holding to your heads. If a black man steals something, no white can accuse him because he is labelled a racist. Yep seems the commies are winning.


Well-Known Member
Jeez, and I thought South Africans have issues with race, wow, you guy's are almost incapacitated by it, seems the commies are winning then. Bummer, I don't like commies much. Ask neslon the douche but thankfully dead mandela why I don't like commies. And why are you so scared to be labelled racist, it's a word that has been twisted to suit the masters that own all our souls and it's powerful weapon the libtards are holding to your heads. If a black man steals something, no white can accuse him because he is labelled a racist. Yep seems the commies are winning.

Well true, the USA is only the second most racist place. 1st Place, is the rest of the world.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well, are they really Asian or just Asiatic?
"The Orient" includes persia, all of arabia, all of the "Stans" aryans, most of russia, and all of asia minor and asia major

"The Orient" simply means east of Greece, while The Occident" is Greece and all parts west.

every other inference or implication and all of the wobbly-kneed snivelling is pure sophistry.


Well-Known Member
You and Buck use the "N" word more than anybody here at RIU from what I can see...And I don't agree to any of it..You should seek help for your hatred of mixed couples...imo
why did you never say a bad word against the bevy of white supremacists we had on RIU for several months?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
why did you never say a bad word against the bevy of white supremacists we had on RIU for several months?
I don't know who you are talking about really. I am more concerned about your hatred for mixed couples when your playing your super hero part..


Well-Known Member
I don't know who you are talking about really. I am more concerned about your hatred for mixed couples when your playing your super hero part..
why didn't you make a peep when bignbushy said that he was kind enough to let a couple fish on his (parent's) property, EVEN THOUGH they were mixed race?

plenty of others jumped on that as racist, even cannasylvan as i recall. doer too.

where were you?