Plants growing really slow???

My plants seem to be growing really slow. I'm vegging Barney's Farm Critical Kush and its about 4 inches tall after about 24 days. I'm also vegging +Speed by sweet seeds (its supposedly is a 60 day wonder autoflower). I'm growing in a 2.5x5 space. Temperature when lights are on is about 84, humidity about 30%. Lights off the temp is about 68-74, humidity around 45%. I level the pH around 6.7-7.3 every mixture of nutrients I give it and water about once every two days. Im growing in coco and perlite by the way in 2 gallon pots. I also have a MH 600w bulb that it grows under for about 18-6 cycle. Please help. Iwant to flower soon, because I started some other plants prior to this that have been vegging for almost 2 months.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
My plants seem to be growing really slow. I'm vegging Barney's Farm Critical Kush and its about 4 inches tall after about 24 days. I'm also vegging +Speed by sweet seeds (its supposedly is a 60 day wonder autoflower). I'm growing in a 2.5x5 space. Temperature when lights are on is about 84, humidity about 30%. Lights off the temp is about 68-74, humidity around 45%. I level the pH around 6.7-7.3 every mixture of nutrients I give it and water about once every two days. Im growing in coco and perlite by the way in 2 gallon pots. I also have a MH 600w bulb that it grows under for about 18-6 cycle. Please help. Iwant to flower soon, because I started some other plants prior to this that have been vegging for almost 2 months.
that seems really small! right off, your ph is way off. coco is hydro, ph is 5.8. they must really look bad, i'm guessing. are your containers on concrete or something? having the root-zone extremely cold can really slow growth. i feed every day in coco, once they get established. lights on temps. could be lower, and rh higher. it's possible that the plants could be stunted at this stage. allow for a good 10-15% run-off every feed.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
^^^^^Silky Shagsalot is correct, your ph is way too high for hydro. I can't speak for how that would affect an auto-flowering variety?


Well-Known Member
with a good mh light I get an inch a day or more growth in soil with out co2 . with 2000 ppm co2 I get 3or more in veg . from a hortilux blue the bulb is worth every penny. 220 dollars. hydro ph needs to be 5.0 ish . your plants will lock up and your temp of water is critical . 60 to 70 f soil ph 6 to 7 . idk what bulb your burning but they make a major difference in growth . you can also switch to 24 hours will speed the plant growth . veg plants don't need rest. they need food co2 and as much light as you can afford on the electric bill. if you did 24 hours that's 42 hours extra growth that's 2 days a week and 8 days a month extra growth . that's huge. after you get some experience your major proble will be burning the plants because you for get to raise the lights. and you need to have the lights as close as possible with a mh 2 feet for that 600 max if its air cooled. only way to go other wise you have to raise the light so high its pointless might as well use t5


Active Member
Coco ph?? haha watever... use canna pro no need to ph so ignore the ph fanboys.

Small groth more like heat or nute or genetics


Well-Known Member
PH being off can be one of THE LEADING reasons for slow growth. Nutrient lockout occurs, and the plants can't use them to grow.

But a piece of advice from my experience--if you're going Hempy/soiless, I think you're supposed to feed every day. I had a plant that I ran Hempy style (for a while, I wound up transplanting) alongside of my soil plants. It was a peat moss/perlite mix and I was only feeding it whenever I would feed my other (soil) plants, like every 3-4 days, and it's growth was virtually nonexistent. It was like the damn plant was on pause. I transplanted after it started flowering, and it shot up like 2 feet in 2 weeks for whatever reasons (transplant in flower, it was dying to spread its legs, whatever).

But yeah, try feeding the Hempy style ones every day, see if it helps.


Well-Known Member
Any auto.that says 60 days is ususally false it will be more.then 70 going from seed to.harvest its 60/70 days from true leaves


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
PH being off can be one of THE LEADING reasons for slow growth. Nutrient lockout occurs, and the plants can't use them to grow.
But a piece of advice from my experience--if you're going Hempy/soiless, I think you're supposed to feed every day. I had a plant that I ran Hempy style (for a while, I wound up transplanting) alongside of my soil plants. It was a peat moss/perlite mix and I was only feeding it whenever I would feed my other (soil) plants, like every 3-4 days, and it's growth was virtually nonexistent. It was like the damn plant was on pause. I transplanted after it started flowering, and it shot up like 2 feet in 2 weeks for whatever reasons (transplant in flower, it was dying to spread its legs, whatever).
But yeah, try feeding the Hempy style ones every day, see if it helps.
very good advice! in coco, feed every day, once it's established. when they're really small, they just don't eat a lot. ph is key in coco, as is run-off...
with a good mh light I get an inch a day or more growth in soil with out co2 . with 2000 ppm co2 I get 3or more in veg . from a hortilux blue the bulb is worth every penny. 220 dollars. hydro ph needs to be 5.0 ish . your plants will lock up and your temp of water is critical . 60 to 70 f soil ph 6 to 7 . idk what bulb your burning but they make a major difference in growth . you can also switch to 24 hours will speed the plant growth . veg plants don't need rest. they need food co2 and as much light as you can afford on the electric bill. if you did 24 hours that's 42 hours extra growth that's 2 days a week and 8 days a month extra growth . that's huge. after you get some experience your major proble will be burning the plants because you for get to raise the lights. and you need to have the lights as close as possible with a mh 2 feet for that 600 max if its air cooled. only way to go other wise you have to raise the light so high its pointless might as well use t5
Thanks bro, I appreciate the help