It's a man's world, and real women like it that way!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Camille is a magnificent beast!

"A peevish, grudging rancor against men has been one of the most unpalatable and unjust features of second- and third-wave feminism. Men’s faults, failings and foibles have been seized on and magnified into gruesome bills of indictment. Ideologue professors at our leading universities indoctrinate impressionable undergraduates with carelessly fact-free theories alleging that gender is an arbitrary, oppressive fiction with no basis in biology.

Is it any wonder that so many high-achieving young women, despite all the happy talk about their academic success, find themselves in the early stages of their careers in chronic uncertainty or anxiety about their prospects for an emotionally fulfilled private life? When an educated culture routinely denigrates masculinity and manhood, then women will be perpetually stuck with boys, who have no incentive to mature or to honor their commitments. And without strong men as models to either embrace or (for dissident lesbians) to resist, women will never attain a centered and profound sense of themselves as women."
I actually agree, fuck it.

Repressing male masculinity is as damaging to society as repressing any other identity. I think it is far too early to treat straight men like an oppressed minority however. Gender is not a social construct. It's fucking biology. Pun intended.

Transgendered and gay people don't deserve to be treated like inequal members of society. We all just need to remove preconceived notions from conclusions which science can reach.
sometimes there are negative affects of the choices we make that we have every right to make. A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut...her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.

thecoolman*likes this.

goes down smooth, like dr. pepper and trout.
*"Paglia... urges women to be skeptical toward the feminist 'party line' on the subject, to become better informed about risk factors, and to use the information to lower their risk of rape."[SUP][55]

Feminists are not arguing for superiority over men, they are arguing to be treated equally. You're right, this is a man's world, because that's how we've constructed our social dynamic. Some civilizations in the past were matriarchal. I think every rational person is a feminist, even if they have a negative view of feminism because there is no reason women should not be equal to men. I myself find some feminists to be bitchy and intolerable, such as Melissa Harris-Perry, but that's not because she's a feminist, it's just because she's a wanna be know it all bitch.
just in case anyone was wondering what line of tripe desertdouche was pushing, i took the liberty of outlining it.

rape is the fault of women, not rapists.

anyone else agree with that sentiment? we know for sure conservatives like red and bushy and thecoolman do.
Camille is a magnificent beast!

"A peevish, grudging rancor against men has been one of the most unpalatable and unjust features of second- and third-wave feminism. Men’s faults, failings and foibles have been seized on and magnified into gruesome bills of indictment. Ideologue professors at our leading universities indoctrinate impressionable undergraduates with carelessly fact-free theories alleging that gender is an arbitrary, oppressive fiction with no basis in biology.

Is it any wonder that so many high-achieving young women, despite all the happy talk about their academic success, find themselves in the early stages of their careers in chronic uncertainty or anxiety about their prospects for an emotionally fulfilled private life? When an educated culture routinely denigrates masculinity and manhood, then women will be perpetually stuck with boys, who have no incentive to mature or to honor their commitments. And without strong men as models to either embrace or (for dissident lesbians) to resist, women will never attain a centered and profound sense of themselves as women."

I reckon this whole feminist mumbo jumbo is all about breaking down the family unit. TPTB don't like family units, family units are strong, and when a man has to fight for something he loves he fights all that harder. Commies don't like family units, not one bit.
If dudes were like chicks, they'd lower the basket in the name of "equality", so short dudes could dunk the ball too...
I thought he was pushing men's rights and fedora wearing bronyism. Sometimes I can stomach that flavor. I'm not perfect. My girlfriend has this awkward friend, some chick who thinks Nietzsche is a good hero for any form of feminist. She gets her panties in a wad when I use the word liberty since I'm a white guy. I think she wishes she could lick vagina as expertly as I can. I always try to be nice to her but she acts like a bitch.

I genuinely think she just needs a good dicking down. I wouldn't touch her with kkkynes' dick. Why are feminists never feminine?
I thought he was pushing men's rights and fedora wearing bronyism. Sometimes I can stomach that flavor. I'm not perfect. My girlfriend has this awkward friend, some chick who thinks Nietzsche is a good hero for any form of feminist. She gets her panties in a wad when I use the word liberty since I'm a white guy. I think she wishes she could lick vagina as expertly as I can. I always try to be nice to her but she acts like a bitch.

I genuinely think she just needs a good dicking down. I wouldn't touch her with kkkynes' dick. Why are feminists never feminine?

Tell me more of this wench.

the cited article has NOTHING to do with rape.

you are once again full of shit.

i cited what the author had to say about rape.

rape is the fault of women, and the duty of women to prevent.

rapists are just being masculine and exerting their masculinity. they have a duty to rape.

this is the worldview that "feminists" like the author in the OP espouse, and the nonsense that people like OP delude themselves into believing.
Seems to me we need a standard definition of the word feminist. I was referring to matriarchal types. GOD HERE was clearly referring to egalitarian women (solidarity to those ladies) and I'm not sure where everyone else is. Also, just for argument's sake I don't think it is incorrect to place some blame on Women's Suffrage for alcohol prohibition.
Buck's inch-long clitoris is pulsating wildly, with "war on women" goo sliding down his thigh. "RAPE... MISOGYNY... he croaked while his balls apologized for their crimes"

To claim that Paglia is not a feminist, as Buck does, is risible. She is the kind of feminist I respect, and am attracted to. To point out that men and women are different is almost trite, but the current progressives are so enamored with themselves and so convinced that only they hold any regard for women that it is pointless to talk to them. Paglia illuminates the obvious in her article; that it flies over Buck's head is predictable.