It's a man's world, and real women like it that way!

And the helpful lefty isn't over there doing something? Why? Forget your fishing pole this time?

So NOT ratting is a liberal thing? Ok. I guess that works. Because the inverse is that all Republicans are rats.

Glad you cleared that up bro.

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm a good panda tonight.
Actually I knocked on the door and asked him to keep the noise down. I fucking hate cops. When he answered the door and saw me he was bewildered at my straight forward and courteous request for quiet. Been quite quiet since.
Actually I knocked on the door and asked him to keep the noise down. I fucking hate cops. When he answered the door and saw me he was bewildered at my straight forward and courteous request for quiet. Been quite quiet since.

So he got away with beating his wife because of you.

Nice job.

But hey at least you got your quiet, right? Typical lefty.
i stayed on topic for as long as i could in destroying the feminist credentials of the author in the OP, but all bets are off once angry sketchy folks show up.

This statement of yours reminds me of the 4 year old kid, whom having just been caught doing something bad, screams "he started it."
This statement of yours reminds me of the 4 year old kid, whom having just been caught doing something bad, screams "he started it."

actually, OP did start this thread, by definition. doesn't take a lawyer to figure that one out, even a subway sandwich maker can deduce that one rather easily.

i then primed the pump with two quotes, one from red1966 and one from you.

both of those quotes demonstrated that people like you and red1966 blame women for getting raped. that is simply a disgusting thing to say, and you and red1966 are viewed with contempt by most members here because of statements like that (even your political/racial allies).

i followed up with information about the author in the OP, and how she views rape as the responsibility of the woman to prevent.

i also asked for the OP to reconcile such a patriarchal view on rape with any realistic view of feminism.*

after that point, things devolved pretty quickly with the presence of an australian who repeatedly joined white supremacy groups (echelon1k1), a sock puppet (doritos), a sock puppet white supremacist (nevyn), and another sock puppet (whaletamer).

canna and kynes are blameless in their participation as usual and only add to RIU.

you, however, do not add to RIU in any way. you say revolting things about women, you are a racist and a white supremacist, you steal from your parents, you steal from walmart...

do i need go on?

you didn't even complete your thread about growing some plants in the woods. too lazy or what? it's not like subway could have been that taxing on someone like YOU, you superior being you.

*i hope that's a lenient enough way to describe my request to desertdude, who i view with similar contempt as bignbushy for even sponsoring such a "feminist" or such a ridiculous OP.
actually, OP did start this thread, by definition. doesn't take a lawyer to figure that one out, even a subway sandwich maker can deduce that one rather easily.

i then primed the pump with two quotes, one from red1966 and one from you.

both of those quotes demonstrated that people like you and red1966 blame women for getting raped. that is simply a disgusting thing to say, and you and red1966 are viewed with contempt by most members here because of statements like that (even your political/racial allies).

i followed up with information about the author in the OP, and how she views rape as the responsibility of the woman to prevent.

i also asked for the OP to reconcile such a patriarchal view on rape with any realistic view of feminism.*

after that point, things devolved pretty quickly with the presence of an australian who repeatedly joined white supremacy groups (echelon1k1), a sock puppet (doritos), a sock puppet white supremacist (nevyn), and another sock puppet (whaletamer).

canna and kynes are blameless in their participation as usual and only add to RIU.

you, however, do not add to RIU in any way. you say revolting things about women, you are a racist and a white supremacist, you steal from your parents, you steal from walmart...

do i need go on?

you didn't even complete your thread about growing some plants in the woods. too lazy or what? it's not like subway could have been that taxing on someone like YOU, you superior being you.

*i hope that's a lenient enough way to describe my request to desertdude, who i view with similar contempt as bignbushy for even sponsoring such a "feminist" or such a ridiculous OP.

sometimes it is good to be honest and open about our feelings. as usual, you bring up very good points UB.

now that you are here, I am off to sleep. this green crack bud is making me sleeping as fuck.
sometimes it is good to be honest and open about our feelings. as usual, you bring up very good points UB.

now that you are here, I am off to sleep. this green crack bud is making me sleeping as fuck.

i just got done debranching some pineapple express and covering it with soiled kitty litter, and it seems all hell broke loose here.

these people need to understand that i will hug them, and show them my penis.

have you ever seen people so anxious to see my erection? it is uncle buck's erection midnight fiasco here.
Paglia is known for her critical views of many aspects of modern culture, including feminism and liberalism.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] She has been characterized variously as a "contrarian academic" and a feminist "bête noire,"[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] a "witty controversialist,"[SUP][6][/SUP] and a maverick,[SUP][7][/SUP] Margaret Wente has called Paglia "a writer in a category of her own... a feminist who hates affirmative action; an atheist who respects religion" and "a Democrat who thinks her party doesn't get it."[SUP][8][/SUP] Martha Duffy writes that Paglia "advocates a core curriculum based mostly on the classics" and rails against "chic French theorists Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan," and "has a strong libertarian streak — on subjects like pornography — that go straight to her '60s coming-of-age."[SUP][4][/SUP] Elaine Showalter has called Paglia a "radical libertarian," noting her socially liberal stands on abortion, sodomy, prostitution, drug use, and suicide. Paglia has denounced feminist academics and women's studies, celebrated popular culture and Madonna, and become a media celebrity, writing op-eds and gossip columns, appearing on television and telling her story to journalists.[SUP][9][/SUP]