Dinafem Critical+ 1200w RDWC


Active Member
Is the Critical+ the best yielder of the criticals?

That really makes so nice large buds!

I am thinking about running a single one of those after my bluepit run...so prolly outside next summer
I dont know bro :( First critical i have ever grown..


Well-Known Member
Ah man... it is so on!!! I'm stoked for you. I can't wait for my next harvest.



Well-Known Member
Your opinion on this will dictate weather or not I grab a few of these beans, so dont forget a review after you try it.


Active Member
Yea sure i will :D

I cheated.. Just harvested 2 of the 8 plants.. Took me 5 hours... Holy FUCK i know what im gonna do all day tomorrow.. Really heavy yielder thats for sure..


Active Member
Your opinion on this will dictate weather or not I grab a few of these beans, so dont forget a review after you try it.
Its done... 14 hours of cutting.. Really really hard work.. shit my back is killing me.. First impression is kinda good.. It really REEKS all my clothes really stink.. Ill post some pictures tomorrow i have to go to bed now and relax..


Active Member
Good work. I hate trimming... glad you are done with it. Looking forward to the pics.
Alot more trimming than i expected... DAMN... My back is still sore..

Oh well... The Pics... Tell me how you think it looks.. Because of the looks of it the THC bomb looked much appealing to me...



Well-Known Member
Congratz! That looks just awesome. Hope its as good as it looks! Great job trimming, looks like id would break me. Also the frame screen idea is so cool. Great job m8. Whats next? :D
Oh and nice to see you. Was beginning to think i was the only one here ;)


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow, very nice job!!

I have two phenos of C+ going right now, both heavy yielders with a fruity skunk smell. Last pheno I grew was the size of my forearm.

The weight these suckers pack on is crazy.


Active Member
Congratz! That looks just awesome. Hope its as good as it looks! Great job trimming, looks like id would break me. Also the frame screen idea is so cool. Great job m8. Whats next? :D
Oh and nice to see you. Was beginning to think i was the only one here ;)
Thank you very much.. Well i have to figure out the potency of this grow to see if i should grow it again or go back to THC bomb witch was crazy good..


Active Member
Awesome grow, very nice job!!

I have two phenos of C+ going right now, both heavy yielders with a fruity skunk smell. Last pheno I grew was the size of my forearm.

The weight these suckers pack on is crazy.
Thank you.. And yea it has a very fruity skunk smell to it.. Im really amazed by the massiveness of the biggest buds.. They weigh a ton.. :D


Active Member
Im curing it now.. My uncle came by and tryid a bud and he said it was pleasant to smoke.. With good effect.. But it was not to be compared to the THC bomb ive grown before.. This was a good productive high not the coughlock of the THC bomb... Not even close.. Damnit.. Ill be curing this for 14 days before i try it myself.. Im funny that way.. Im in no hurry i want it to be as good as it gets before i state my own opinion..

The yield i dont know yet.. Im waiting on the 14 days of cure.. But it looks like 2 pound ish...