The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah, did a bit of bar work in my time so can honestly say I HATE TRADITIONAL MUSIC.

Edit..i think the drop kick Murphys did a cover of it 2


Well-Known Member
Anyone watch superhigh me? The comedian that does that has a new show called Doug with high. He basically gets high with famous ppl.ita on YouTube, check it out.


Well-Known Member
Workout done n dog walked finally get to sit down to a lovely bong but sure aren't they all lovely bongs (obscure father red reference in there somewhere )


Well-Known Member
Mornings fellas.always wanted to ask you ae, does that shop based in Belfast "the big shop" package well? Was thinking of ordering soil n wanted to know do they package it up well or what the deal is?


Well-Known Member
m8 ur better going into a shop and buying soil, cause of the weight involved u will pay a fair bit extra on postage costs, i get a 50l bag of allmix for £10 out my local shop but to order online it is £19 including delivery. just a suggestion for ya :)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i buy from cig in clondalkin, google them there, never order online (can`t be trusted with a credit card) but the guys up there will sort you out, i`d say even chance ringing them if you can`t travel they`ll get it couriered to you.. there only at kingswood turn off there so if you are close to dublin pop in, great selection of stuff there and as always friendly, and before you ask i dont work there hahahahaha just find them to be consistanly good at what they do.....;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I might, what's the ph of shamrock lol I can get John inning but no organic soil only soil on steroids. I don't need it yet but I hate running out of things but ill look into local soil supplys but my god its a tiny shit hole I live in :(

Edit....dont like ppl knowing my business that's why I like ordering online everything is discretely packaged.


Well-Known Member
Ladies are/were still droopy after the fim n feed so I hope they look better after lights on.ive decided to use to 600w for flowering since my temps have been nice n low. Don't think my bill will be 2 bad, its at 180 per 2 month.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
still drooping tho... run it down dude, they germed got planted came along well? ow big are they now? feed and light schedule? prob been tossing up info but i`m a lazy so and so, that and running through it can bring problems to light...

on soil, i wouldn`t be too arsed with getting expensive stuff, if your going to be full time your going to go through alot of it so find a cheapo one that suits you and bang away with that, again ph!!! not my thing but i`ve not lost a crop yet to soil, that said there can be mould and other problems but you get that with the other soild too if conditions are right...


Well-Known Member
Their looking waaaaay better,leafs still not reaching up but by tomorrow all will be grand.going to start watering the dog ever 3rd day instead of every other since she's not as thirsty as the og kush.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
getting the watering down i find is as individual as each plant, some drink more others less and so on, but you`ll get you eye in as they say once you been through the grow cycle a few times, and the drooping and odd spot here and there aren`t worth getting bothered about, don`t get me wong there worth investigation and that but you`ll find these are hardy little plants once you got your grow enviroment right...

got my few potted into final pots, starting to show sex now so with any hope theres a few girls there, i`m confident there will be tho been getting a good ratio with these regs, place had been abandoned and loaded with house stuff and since i just fired it back together awhile ago to get back in the game, it really felt that way tonight when potting up hahahaha, time to clean up tomorrow and start sicking it together propely again, after all it will be home every evening for my ritual cuppa and spliff while gardening, god it feels good to be a grower again...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yeah Doug is famous here in the states

whos doug??? i`m out of the loop on cool stuff most of the time..hahahahaha...

whats the plans for christmas this year md? you visiting or they visiting you? relatives i mean... haveing our first christmas here as the full family all kids herself and me, pretty chuffed too as i think its the first year i`m on top of presents and with the bit of work and months of no weed i saved enough to spoil the kids...


Well-Known Member
@AE: plans are visit the inlaws for steaks and then my folks and then back to san francisco to have our yearly growers get together and share strains as in smoking and getting some mexican take out have a few drinks and wait for new years eve. My seattle friends are coming to SF and they have a fresh batch of platinum girl scout cookies so looking forward to that as they are looking forward to the BLZ Bud and Mazar plus some caramels and hash and kief.

@R3I@X: are you talking about leaves being droopy right after the lights come on? if so that is normal they are waking up. If not I don't know. Not a soil man myself. I'd say hit them up with 600w if your temps are good and your ladies are in flower but like I said without being there to see it in person I don't know and I know you don't like to post pic's and I understand that. Plus while your ladies are sleeping they will droop.


Well-Known Member
Still a lil droopy again this morning although they seemed good last night. Sure it couldn't be the fim? Im putting it down to that n the feed I gave em as the 2 seedlings I didn't give feed to (just water) are great now n the most droopy are the ones after a fim..mind sending me ur addy via private? I'll take a few pics now...

Edit, if U wanna wait to see ill take more pics after work so I can have another look.