Where to buy seeds for U.S.?!?!

Do you work there? I guess it doesn't matter too much. But i was going to mail in my order, but is there a way i can call those guys up? I just don't want to be screwed
i just got my seeds from high grade seeds today =).... cheered me up after a long hot day at work. I ordered seeds (black pearl) June 10th. Send an overnight envolope with fedex on wednesday. The payment was delivered that friday (6-13)(so much for over night shipping =\ ). I ask for my order progress that following monday and they said they shipped them earlier that day (6-16). Then i recieved them in the mailbox today (6-26). Its seemed long because i was anxious/nervious (this was my first time ordering seeds). My only complaint is that they didn't send an email saying the beans were shipped i had to send one first.... I registered on the forum to inform you that the seed bank is legit (i live in the chicagoland area). I'm not going to give away much info about the stealth shipping but yes it was stealth and looks like a normal padded package.
Many of the seed companies that i have tried to get seeds from cannot send to the U.S. What i would like to know is if anyone in the U.S. has bought seeds online and what your success is as far as quality of the seeds/ quality of the delivery and so on.

I ordered and got my seeds from the one stop seed shop...Got them in about 10 days...And I live in California!!!
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Do you work there? I guess it doesn't matter too much. But i was going to mail in my order, but is there a way i can call those guys up? I just don't want to be screwed

Man,just go 2 Walgreens and get a PrePaid VISA for the amount of the seeds..then register and order!!Youll have em' in a week or 2...!!

N no I dont work there...
I recently received a 20 seed order from Dr. Chronic.. It took about 5 days from the time of order to the time of delivery.

I'm located in the Washington D.C. area.
Hey what up Pot Heads?
I just placed on order from seedboutique.com. They do have good prices and low shipping cost. But I'll let you guys/girls know what the outcome was. Peace
Sick,dont forget the update!!

Oh,and you will find a VERY nice surprise when your order comes!!FREEBIES!!

Thats right Seed Botuique gives free seeds with every order!!Usually skunk !!

Thank You for using Seed Boutique!!