Stoned Kids


Active Member
Its actually a pretty good short documentary. Medical marijuana saving a little girls life, and a little boys also. Another good one from vice. Nice grow room shots also, I would love a grow room with plants that nice.


Well-Known Member
made me wanna hire a bunch of toddlers to run my grow room..

I did watch it and thought I made a comment? Ever seen the Stanley bros from CO? they have a low THC strain high CBD strain they made..


Well-Known Member
The low THC strain by the Stanley's is called Charlotte's Web. I saw this video and was amazed, why did they try to conceal these kind of cancer break throughs for sooooo long! Alot of people were disgusted in the comments but it works and put the kids cancer into remission. I think I commented like Funny how you guys hate monger Cannabis but when you get ill and it saves your life will you still talk this propaganda garbage?!?! I just feel like maybe we should educate kids better these days and let them know this isn't the Devils Harvest or to be abused because it saves lives and has been a social factor for waaay longer then we think.


Well-Known Member
Arrogant AND ignorant. This is the results of Reefer Madness and the D.A.R.E. program. Unrelated to the topic but anyone else get told by the teachers and cops at school that marijuana shrinks your junk? Haha they said anything and everything.


Stoned kids are quiet kids! :eyesmoke:
Lol, how true, hehehe.

Yeah the choice between radiation and cannabis, seems a simple choice to me. My grandmother went through chemo, if not for the weed I don't know how she would have coped, and this was in the '80's.


Amen Momma! When I babysit my brother's kids I sometimes hotbox them when they are too rowdy. Calms them waaaaay down. I throw them in front of the tv with a movie, and make them some giant nachos.
Lol, I have done this with my daughter and a friend when she was much younger, they were pissing me of jumping around in the back of the car, close windows, light up and 10mins later peace and quiet. Am I evil?


Well-Known Member
Lol, I have done this with my daughter and a friend when she was much younger, they were pissing me of jumping around in the back of the car, close windows, light up and 10mins later peace and quiet. Am I evil?

Jeeesus, man, you have the patience of a saint! If they were jumping around the back seat of my car, I'd slam on the brakes! Bounce those little fuckers around a bit. Then I would pull over and act all concerned while I check them for contusions and breaks; tell them "see, that's why you have to sit still in your seat when we drive".


Jeeesus, man, you have the patience of a saint! If they were jumping around the back seat of my car, I'd slam on the brakes! Bounce those little fuckers around a bit. Then I would pull over and act all concerned while I check them for contusions and breaks; tell them "see, that's why you have to sit still in your seat when we drive".
I tried that once with my kid, it didn't work she thought it was fun and asked me to do it again, I had to go to plan B, lol.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I dont think your evil but i just jacked off to a midget j umping off a stage and
Landing on her huge head! So i dont know if my opinion counts. Midgets are kinda hot!


Well-Known Member
I tried that once with my kid, it didn't work she thought it was fun and asked me to do it again, I had to go to plan B, lol.
I think that's the difference. It was YOUR kid. I was doing about 40 when I locked up the brakes. I was standing on them until we came to a complete stop. I had the decency to wait until they looked like they were lined up with the front seats. I didn't want one of them shooting through the windshield. I had places to be. I will say, when I pulled over and got out there was only one of them back there. I about shit myself for a second thinking one of them had gone out an open window while I was looking for witnesses, but she had shot under the front seat. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on her face. Like I was pulling her out of a burning bunker in a war torn country. She looked scared for 5 different reasons and confused about how to act. That one NEVER screwed around in the backseat again.


I think that's the difference. It was YOUR kid. I was doing about 40 when I locked up the brakes. I was standing on them until we came to a complete stop. I had the decency to wait until they looked like they were lined up with the front seats. I didn't want one of them shooting through the windshield. I had places to be. I will say, when I pulled over and got out there was only one of them back there. I about shit myself for a second thinking one of them had gone out an open window while I was looking for witnesses, but she had shot under the front seat. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on her face. Like I was pulling her out of a burning bunker in a war torn country. She looked scared for 5 different reasons and confused about how to act. That one NEVER screwed around in the backseat again.
Lol, the things our kids put us through, and the things we put our kids through. ;)


Well-Known Member
Lol, the things our kids put us through, and the things we put our kids through. ;)

LOL, that reminds me, one time I was watching my sister's 6 year old. We went through a drive thru late, like 2am, and the cashier walked away but I could see the cash drawer was open and so was the window, so I hoisted her son into the window and told him to get the loot. We was a natural! He grabbed all of the bills, but then started going after the coins, I had to bark at him a little to get him out of there. We just drove away to another drive thru. I gave him $2, his cut of the $317, he was thrilled! Every time we went through a drive thru for the next year, he would be climbing all over me to get a look for an opportunity. I almost went and adopted one of my own.


New Member
I didn't want one of them shooting through the windshield. I had places to be.
that's fuckin awesome

I about shit myself for a second thinking one of them had gone out an open window while I was looking for witnesses
I especially enjoyed the part about how you were concerned looking for witnesses instead of the possibly dead missing little girl. That sounds about like we are cut from the same cloth :joint: