LED Companies w/ LINKS

Owellian, since your comparing a bunch of panels in the 200 watt range, what made you decide to use the 400w California Light Works instead of the 200w model? Wouldn't it be a better comparison if you kept the wattages of the panels as close as you can, or do they overstate there wattage and it's really only pulling around 200? Just curious, I hope if you do this comparison you'll come back here and post the results for us too.

As far as co2, I'm no expert but I don't think the light source matters, a usable photon is a usable photon and that's what co2 does, allows the plants to use those photons faster, hence the word photosynthesis.
Would be nice to see a Blackdog tested as well as the latest growevolution model. Really tired of all the a51 and apache fan boys here. A true side by side could either prove them right or enlighten them.
Would be nice to see a Blackdog tested as well as the latest growevolution model. Really tired of all the a51 and apache fan boys here. A true side by side could either prove them right or enlighten them.

It's not so much that we're fan boys, it's that we've actually used these products, so we know what we're talking about.
Personally, I've have had great results from my Area 51 light.
So please understand, when folks come on here asking for advise, we have our proven choices we provide to them.
It may get a bit redundant, but do you want the truth, or do you want a sales pitch?
We are the best LED growing community on the net, "The LED Nerds", if you will.

As for your Black Dog request, this is as close as your going to get right now, that I'm aware of.
Tallen, Yes if you look on CLW page, it states (200W Grow Lights: 40x5w LEDs) and we all know why thats not a valid measurement. It says nothing of their actual power draw, and the 400W is rated the same (160x 5w LEDs). I choose the 400 because I'm guessing its actual power draw is in the 250 range and also because its the only LED fixture to feature those T8 florescent style UVB bulbs as well as LEDs. Since the shootout already includes so many styles (induction, induction +led, plasma, plams+led, straight LED) I thought it would be nice to see what the LED+UVB can do. Also since I have access to testing labs, we'll be able to see if UVB really does improve the cannabinoid process. I will test and report actual power draw at the plug for all tested fixtures.
The stated wattages for the panels that are pretty much for sure being tested are as follows: Inda-Gro with LED pontoons 460W, REDshift induction light 420W, Plant Photonics 280W DS series 310W, Chamelon plasma+LED 510W, Gavita 300 plasma 300W, Solis Tek HiLite LED 500W, SuperGrow LED Spectrum King 450 250W and Aequator LED 160W (they might use two of these smaller panels Plant Photonics style, 320W). Each fixture will have its own 4x4 area, with a 3x3 tray, and 3 8" Grodan slabs with 3 plants apiece (9 total) to do its best with, no matter what its wattage. While total yield numbers with different wattages make a fuzzy picture, I figure the grams/watt column on the cost analysis chart should clear things up.

Executed right, this can be a study that we can all trust the results of and all use as a basic reference for what these different technologies/fixtures are capable of with cannabis in regards to each other. I'm sure I wont be allowed to post the resulting articles here because they hired me to write fire articles to increase their traffic on their own site, and I know its against the rules to post links to other cultivation sites (right?) so I'm not sure how we'll work that out but I'm sure everyone who wants to will be able to find it on the web.

"It may get a bit redundant, but do you want the truth, or do you want a sales pitch?
We are the best LED growing community on the net, "The LED Nerds", if you will.
Fuck yes Bad Karma! Thats why I'm here, the regulars on this thread know their LEDs, know what works and what doesnt. I learned more from this thread and greengenes707's "LED, plasma, high efficiency lighting thread" than anywhere else on the net. Always killer contributions from goud, greengenes707, hyroot and more.

Lumbo- I checked out Blackdog and growevolution yet, I'll look into it, thanks! The Blackdog video Bad Karma posted looks nice, but Im not testing any alt light fixture over 600W. Perhaps one of their smaller models.
As far as co2 enrichment with LEDs, induction and plasma, I ask because I've always read that Co2 enrichment has no effect on crops grown under T5 flourecent lighting because they dont have the proper intensity to take advantage of the elevated co2 levels. I'm also under the impression that when using co2 nearly every parameter (water, nutes, light) needs to be increased by 30% in order to take full advantage, and that any one of the factors not being present can lessen co2s effectiveness. That its ineffective under T5's leads me to believe there is indeed an intensity limit, beneath which co2 has no effect whatsoever, but no idea how this applies to non-HID light sources. Any experts care to chime in?
Just found this company I never heard of

Interesting design, Web page info is lacking, some good stuff but lots missing. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
Just found this company I never heard of

Interesting design, Web page info is lacking, some good stuff but lots missing. Just thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes, interesting design, but after reading through their site I found some serious flaws.
For $899 you get a 125W LED light, that "covers a 12 plant area".
Anybody know how exactly how big a "12 plant area" is?
Me neither and I've been growing for over a decade.
Just found this company I never heard of

Interesting design, Web page info is lacking, some good stuff but lots missing. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
Almost 1k for 125w...that's is the wrong part of Apache to copy...haha

As far as co2, I'm no expert but I don't think the light source matters, a usable photon is a usable photon and that's what co2 does, allows the plants to use those photons faster, hence the word photosynthesis.

Exactly right.
Light is light and led are no exception. I see the co2 questions a lot. They all need to see your post. simple and right on.

Some LEDs are weak and shitty. Others are more powerful and more light that 1000hps. So if someone is using a shitty low power led... there is not enough light to take advantage of the co2... But if there is intense light that might not be most effecently photosynthesized under normal co2 levels, then co2 will greatly benefit the plants because they have the extra light available to convert the addiotonal co2.
if there is intense light that might not be most efficiently photosynthesized under normal co2 levels, then co2 will greatly benefit the plants because they have the extra light available to convert the additional co2.

Thanks Greengenes, good to know!
Isn't funny that CMH beat all the other lighting in that comparison.

None of us past cmh users are surprised by this are we??? I mean the philips elite agro is top notch hid tech ATM, wait till the larger wattage version comes out:hump:

would love for growers house to test the 860w allstart cmh in that OG hood.......it would embarrass everything, except maybe the new pro-series 1000w gavita hps(better coverage)
I'm still going to grab a CMH of some kind 330 or the 315 in a separate 3x3 tent. Maybe one for veg 4x4 if not another IG or led
Isn't funny that CMH beat all the other lighting in that comparison.

I love all the testing they do. At the end of the video he said if there are any lights you want them to test to send them an email or put it in the comments. I think if we decide on a few we'd like to see (apache & a51 to start the list) and we get everyone to send emails and comments it might be enough to make it happen :)

Meh. 3W Diodes.

Meh. 3W Diodes.
Don take this as defending blackstar, I think they suck.

3w or 5w isn't what makes chips good. No one drives any 3-5w chips over 2w basically. So as long as they stay cool at 2w, it doesn't matter if the max capability is. Plenty are driven at just over 1w. Apaches original 1w chips outperformed and were more intense than any other company's 3w and 5w chips up all the way till the newest releases by them(AT) and a51. All I'm trying to say is don't judge a book by it's cover.

but for the case of blackstar your intuitions are right.