Hi high hi!


Well-Known Member
i moved the humidifier to the other side of the tent and that really did the trick. yay! humidity is close to 60% now. there's a visible difference in how the leaves look and the stems are already stronger too! woohooo!
i also sprayed azamax for the first time today. another yay! no bugs we know of but better safe than sorry.

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lol but now what ur humidity when ur lights are off?


Active Member
about the same. the fans are all still on so the amount of air movement is still the same. the humidifier was under an intake part, so the vapor was just getting blown away more or less as soon as it came out of the humidifier. now the vapor doesn't dissipate nearly as quickly so it has time to linger in the tent.


Active Member
the humidity was only at 80% when the big fan was off :)
Keep on eye out for powdery mildew, it flourishes in cool temps, underlit areas (lower canopy leaves especially), and with low circulation.
If you notice any signs of it Greencure is just potassium bicarbonate and can be sprayed during veg and flower. When we had a huge flood in CO my RH was large problem and I use greencure as a preventative measure in addition to a response to a present problem.

Not a bad set of jugs. Your plants look good to.
Dont you know? Everyone on the internet has great boobs

But srsly, you're pretty ;)


Active Member
hello again! merry christmas and happy new year almost!

we flipped to 12/12 yesterday. i just watered them and then azamax'd the shit outta them, which is why they are all wet and heavy/droopy. gonna try and get one or two more azamax sessions in if possible. going to the ranch later so if i don't see ya till next year, happy 2014! :D
dec31 flip.jpg


Active Member
Keep on eye out for powdery mildew, it flourishes in cool temps, underlit areas (lower canopy leaves especially), and with low circulation.
If you notice any signs of it Greencure is just potassium bicarbonate and can be sprayed during veg and flower. When we had a huge flood in CO my RH was large problem and I use greencure as a preventative measure in addition to a response to a present problem.
eh i realized after i said that it made it seem i liked the 80%. i meant the only reason the humidity was ever at 80% was bc the big fan was off- so it only happened once and for like maybe 3-4 hours. don't want it that humid ever! plants or no plants!
we need to make them some supports a la tomato cages. probably gonna do that next week.