Guerilla spots


Well-Known Member
Does anyme use the same spot over and over again,
im looking for a new spot and keep thinking why not use the one that just worked for me.
i am upping the number from 5 to 20 though song feel a little more remoteness will be key

Also am looking for a water source this spot that I have been using did not so I have been hauling water in.

Thanks guys give me some of your stories/experiences



Well-Known Member
Water is super critical. I would never plant more than a couple hundred feet from reliable water. I've hauled thousands of gallons manually, and every gallon sucked. Even when I was young and ambitious, which I'm not (old and lazy) it always sucked.

And hell yeah use them every year unless you think you've been compromised.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha he'll yeah man I'm right there with you I feel like I was 10 times more ambitious a few years ago ha I feel like water is a must this year.

Im ganna go get searching for a spot, got two good streams in mind.


Well-Known Member
use the same spot n plant a new 1 or 2. spread that 20 out bro. i dig small run-off ponds, line em with 6mil plastic. i'd rather dig in winter at my leisure then haul in the summer.


Well-Known Member
Yea I am thinking I'm going to do 5 where I did those last ones (the 3) for a small little extra something and then do

A nice size patch probley 20 to 30 at this new place where I found a nice little river with another creek running to it.

I was out there for 4 hrs today crawling around just trying to ind a spot, it was insane I thrashed all scratched up and sore the dog had 3 ticks but needless to say this spot is going to be awesome.
Cant wait to pull it off.

Going to get back in in a couple days and level out a good 10x20 spot or so.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
don't put all your eggs in one basket. this grow season one of my spots was found, I chopped them down as to not let someone else harvest my labor, and still had 3 other areas within 200ft that they never found. And yes ive been using the spots for a few years. just be careful not to make paths.


Well-Known Member
Good advice thanks

Thats the reason I plan on doing the same spot as last year with just a few.

then a bigger patch near the water source (completly different spot then my last years spot) but you are right mabey I should split that one bigger patch into two smaller ones. then having three different spots will be nice.

Also this is just a early season auto grow so they are only going to be out there for about 10 weeks
Just got to hope nobody crosses there path for 10 weeks ha.


Well-Known Member
Usually I can put them out feb first her in SoCal and get them harvested 90 days later around may first

Thats the beauty I see in autos being able to get a good spring harvest before you plant all the big photoperiod girls.

The yields are not as good being a early season crop (less sun, colder weather, cloudier days) but I can still pull 1.5 to 2 ounces off these little 2 to 3 foot stalks and if I am doing 40 to 50 of this little things it does add up.

About 4-5 pounds to last till the fall harvest.

Anybody who hasn't done a couple autos should try it, I suggest northern lights by royal queen.


Well-Known Member
First is a look from the top of the crevis/canyon thing

The waters at the bottom nice big stream with a couple little waterfalls..... I think this will be it.

Second pic is a little mini waterfall like 3 footer.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I see all the TV shows about pot police and special groups out there just looking for grows. It must be getting pretty intense out in those woods. They seem like they really go after the bigger guys, but don't you feel like your tax money is being wasted. I mean these bungholes are probly making 100K a year wearing camo and cutting down plants all spring summer and fall. and obviously not really preventing anything but decent prices.


Well-Known Member
Yea seriously I heard they are getting more intense and putting more resources into public land goes.

It is definently a big waste each year it gets bigger and bigger there not stopping anything.
and yea those lucky big got the good job flying around all summer chopping plants in nice ass Cali weather ha.
Whatever though I guess they have to try a we will all keep trying ha.

They are definently after the huge grows though like 1000+. I can see how those can be a problem. they probley do affect the environment and probley use a fuck load of water and mabey hurt the animals in the area.


Well-Known Member
Dude ur fucking dumb my "lapd camera phone"My bad I don't have a good ass camera I just snapped them real quick

Lucky I even shared anything with you fuck you.
And if you look I've got grows documented for the last two years how the fuck am I a lapd fucking pig

Fuck u for even thinking I'm a pig.


Well-Known Member
Aimaim are you bi polor or something forgot your Meds today? Yesterday ur all cool putting in some good info now ur being a paranoid weirdo what's up?



Well-Known Member
I have spots I've grown in for the past five years. I find in my area that's about all I get out of an area before the surrounding trees and brush start becoming unfavorable. Of course you should always hide your grow properly if you plan on using it the following year. You don't want to leave any signs of growing.