Getting Serious About Growing

Before letting this thread die I'd figure I'd reply to the people that actually had something useful to day, and the one stupid fuck that said I'm full of shit, lol.

If you want to learn more read read read. Be careful of what you post too. Just sayin

stay dank

I do, on all points, thanks. ;-)

Wow, for someone so smart why are you developing games? You couldn't have applied yourself a little more in life, maybe? I have a friend who is a project manager for NASA, and he's pretty smart, but doesn't go around trying to prove it to others. I'm sure his IQ isn't 147, but the number is socially variable at best, and not a test of true knowledge. Definitely not a test of wisdom or interpersonal intelligence. It some contexts it's basically meaningless.

Plus, why are you using your superior intellect to try to grow weed, in Colorado? I mean, really, Colorado of all places?? It's about to be legal here, surely you understand market forces and could easily deduce what that means for trying to start a profitable grow. Especially with zero experience and no head start compared to the dispensaries already in operation.

Finally, if you were in fact a software architect you would know that the first rule is NOT to reinvent the wheel. Meaning, you know how to research properly so you don't waste your time and/or money on basic problems. You should have already realized you would save your time, and the time of any mentor you seek, by doing some basic research into growing weed yourself first.

To sum up, you're full of shit. To the brim.

Addendum: Did you really say script kitty? Want to try that again? You sure it isn't script kiddy? You know some C++ and scripting languages, huh? Wow. With that you could be an unpaid intern at most software companies, maybe some day you'll advance, who knows. Good luck with all that.

To sum it up. You must be using voice-to-text. I'm not sure how you'd post on a forum otherwise as apparently you can't read. I'm trying to learn to grow for medical purposes you fuck, I'm not trying to start up a business. I really enjoy it as a hobby and want to find other similar people in my area. I also didn't start in on trying to prove anything till these fucks started talkin shit.

Your profile says you live in CO. Care to meet up and find out I'm telling the truth on all counts?

And where do you get "some C++ and scripting languages" ? Must be that literately issue. I went thru one of the most intense game programming degree programs in the nation. And have held a steady job as a game developer since.

Y'all don't be hatin now :fire:

@op. Dude, I figure you're pretty young.... here's my advice, though you likely won't like it. If you want to grow as a hobby or to offset your consumption tab, so be it, but know that your costs will be easily double that of an efficient commercial operation.

Your plants look great, better than mine for sure. Maybe I could learn something from you, but your post make you sound like a supercilious (I can use big words too) prick. Just sayin.

that don't meant you ain't welcome though, just tone it down some ok?

Hobby, and thanks. 30 btw. Just get angry when these jerkoffs start talking like I'm a liar.

Can I borrow ten bucks?

I don't loan money, sorry. You can have ten bucks if you need it that bad. Although not if your gonna buy alcohol with it. ;-)
Yawn, when you have to start picking apart someone's grammar, or calling them a lair, or pointing out they used the wrong internet term on a forum post it's obvious you have nothing intelligent to add.

Most forums are filled with such 'helpful' people :wall: ...

You know, I'm not too far from the Mile High area... hit me up sometime if you feel like chatting or medicating with another "civilized person" :peace:
Most forums are filled with such 'helpful' people :wall: ...

You know, I'm not too far from the Mile High area... hit me up sometime if you feel like chatting or medicating with another "civilized person" :peace:

Haha, exactly sir, I replied to your PM....

I'm simply not used to this sort of forum environment. The forums I normally read(Unity Community, Stack Overflow, etc) involve people with intelligence helping one another with technical issues. And no one gives a shit about personal crap or flaming or trolling. Its about leaning and helping others, not being some sad internet wannabe that wouldn't have the balls to look me in the eye in real life.
Hey man, there is no need to get hostile on a weed forum. That goes for everyone. AlGore, I know you probably mean well but there is no need to post a resume with your IQ and whatever else attached. Its kind of creepy and/or LEOish. If you want people here to be friendly, try smoking a big ass joint and reading your previous posts in a different context. I am a beginner here too and would love to talk to anyone here about growing this plant we all love.
with a hermetic avatar such as yours you should know how to behave if your truly genius.

"In supero sicut in infero"

"scio me nescire" my friend. - this quote has served me well when i forget the taste of humble pie.
When someone comes on here with the "im a certified genius" and "This is my IQ" and "I can take anyone" and "I have such a great job developing vidya games" bullshit, they deserve whatever they got coming to them.

And he's only got a 65 pound dog? This one's at least 120!

You guys are so quick witted. I'll have you know my IQ is 147. I am a professional game developer with a college degree in game programming.

I'm posting in the Colorado medicinal patients thread looking for peeps interested in LEGAL medical growing. And I'm not so stupid as to not get to know a person before getting into any sort of NOT FOR PROFIT growing with them.

Had you been paying attention instead of looking to troll you would have realized how stupid your statements are.

And where do you get "some C++ and scripting languages" ? Must be that literately issue. I went thru one of the most intense game programming degree programs in the nation. And have held a steady job as a game developer since.

You mean literary? Sorry, jesus, but I have to correct that. It's a compulsion.

Are you fucking kidding me. With your IQ and obvious intelligence why wouldn't you have a full ride at a prestigious college? Game programming degree, is that really a thing? Sorry, I'm being a dick, I actually do know that's a thing. I'm used to dealing with people that have their degree in computer science or computer engineering.

I make $75/hr at home, in my pajamas. I'm not going to brag and say I do it 40-60 hours per week, but enough to make me happy. I am also mature enough to say that I am not a genius, or know everything, but I do know how to grow weed somewhat. Not fire, but it's OK.

Sorry if I come across as a jerk, but that's who I am. I like picking on people that seem to have diminished self-awareness. It's more of a hobby. I'll be back next week maybe. I don't log in very often.

Peace and happy toking friend. :-P
Yea, its called auto spell check sorry. I type fast and let it do it's thing.

For the last time everything I've said is true. I didn't think saying I'm a genius would get such hate right out of the gate. I "said" it off hand as a way to show I am a very fast learner. So many haters with sub 90 scores I guess they get offended. Wasn't till that shit started that I said anything about my IQ or carrier.

PS> Compare me to JP all you like guys, one of my fav movies of all time.

PPS> I work from home too, and manage others that do the same, we work over skype mostly. And I won't tell you what my salary is, lmfao. Not to mention I get to write off thousands in pc hardware, consoles, games, etc. Also, my degree is from an accredited private university it is a BS of Game Development. The program involves more programming eduction than ANY 4 year CS degree, we laugh at state school CS grads. They get like maybe 3 C++ courses.
Are you fucking kidding me. With your IQ and obvious intelligence why wouldn't you have a full ride at a prestigious college? Game programming degree, is that really a thing? Sorry, I'm being a dick, I actually do know that's a thing. I'm used to dealing with people that have their degree in computer science or computer engineering.

Not just any game programming degree... one of the most intense game programming degrees in the Nation (that's like all of the States combined!). AND he's held a steady job as a vidya game developer since.

I'm impressed, I tell ya what. And I sell propane and propane accessories.
PPS> I work from home too, and manage others that do the same, we work over skype mostly. And I won't tell you what my salary is, lmfao. Not to mention I get to write off thousands in pc hardware, consoles, games, etc. Also, my degree is from an accredited private university it is a BS of Game Development. The program involves more programming eduction than ANY 4 year CS degree, we laugh at state school CS grads. They get like maybe 3 C++ courses.

RIU to Gore...I tell ya what. We don't care.
GTFO then, dude asked specifically about my degree, or do you have trouble reading as well?.... BTW, if your gonna use my own words to troll me get it right, "degree programs in the nation"
Actually I did graduate high school. Then I graduated to heroin... and I've been a steady junkie since. I am also a certified genius. This one online IQ test told me my IQ was 155 and I believe it. I tell yah what. Moral of the story is: don't smoke weed.

And LOL you really think JtBR gives a genuine damn about your degree program. That's cute.

K I'm done, carry on.

PPS> I think the way I wrote it was fine and you're just being shit-picker... I mean nit-picker because you think you're better than everyone (my words not yours- not every word is yours you know).
I'm not sure I follow the logic of the stated moral of your story. Sounds more like the moral is don't do heroin.

I'm not sure why I even continue to even defend myself to you children. If all the useless people would kindly leave this thread and never return, especially if you don't even live in Co. Thanks!

PPS> Tell that to your boyz nit picking my entire posts, jackass.
Why? I mean seriously? Without personal bull shit or attacks, why is it so ludicrous?

Do you never meet new people? Do you not like to enjoy shared interests with others?

It's not like I'm posting my name and address online and saying, "hey come rob me". I'm looking to meet people that are also interested in growing and get to know them in real life.

I hate being called a liar, and all these forum kids talking trash gets a rise out of me, they aren't the kind of people I'd want to know anyway so I give it right back "...reap what you sow". I haven't posted on forums where people act like they do here in over 10 years, so I have to get readjusted to all the bull shit and learn to ignore it I suppose.