Well-Known Member
We have spent many, many man-hours building prototypes trying to get the most Umol'/s per cubic foot per watt consumed possible, and the SGS-160 and XGS-190 are results of those man-hours. We went through many different shape, power and size prototypes. We have tested many different spectrums and ratios, and our testing has led us down 2 different successful paths, 1) White and red LEDs and 2) All white LEDs. We 1st released the white + red spectrum in early 2013, then for 2014 we're releasing an all (warm) white LED panel using ultra efficient Cree XTE LEDs.
We have learned that in our testing of many different spectrums and ratios, when comparing all of our yields against the spectrum and Umol'/s over 4 years of growing (with LEDs), one thing that correlates from grow to grow: Yield directly relates to how many Umol'/s there were per cubic foot, not watts consumed, not some fancy spectrum, it just comes down to (the right amount of) Umol'/s and a well balanced spectrum with not too much emphasis on blue or green.
This is a quote from Area 51's Information page, so here's what I'd like to get your opinions on:
it states that Umol's/ft is the most important metric, above spectrum.
Do you think this all white spectrum of the XGS-190 is more optimum for flowering than the older SGS-160 model which does have some red?