Pick our favorite immigration policy


Well-Known Member
Personally, I like how we did it back in the day. Want to come to America, just sign in.

We could select a few cities to have check in stations along the southern border, and just have folks sign in. This way we know who is coming.

I'm all against illegal immigration. But I don't see why we need to be all crazy restrictive. Why can this country never adopt pragmatic solutions?

Currently, if people want in, they just come and we can't stop but a small per cent. If the fuckers come here legally, we can fix the biggest problem both sides have, the fact that we have no idea who is here.

Of course, people could still walk across if they wanted, but there would be no need unless they were up to no good. Several options here, claymore mines and predator drones come to mind.

Who is in favor of just letting folks in if they sign up?
Immigration policy

as of today illigals have 24 hours to leave country, after 24 hours illegal aliens caught will be executed (within 24 hours)

Bring troops home put on boarder to build fences and mine feilds , No mans land anyone caught on it will be shot on site
I found here illegally we cut off a foot and send you back. If you return we lop off the other paw and send back home. Return a third time, bullet to head.

Something tells me that sending one footed illegals home would deter others ftom even trying.
Berlin 1933
Only joking, folks.

I love having an inexhaustible supply of low paid Eastern Europeans to compete with every time I want to change jobs.
I found here illegally we cut off a foot and send you back. If you return we lop off the other paw and send back home. Return a third time, bullet to head.

Something tells me that sending one footed illegals home would deter others ftom even trying.

What if I'm over there, taking the family to Disneyland and some computer error gets me labelled an illegal....?

Then again, I'm an English speaking white man so no one will even check.
Praise the lord for profiling!!!
Personally, I like how we did it back in the day. Want to come to America, just sign in.

We could select a few cities to have check in stations along the southern border, and just have folks sign in. This way we know who is coming.

I'm all against illegal immigration. But I don't see why we need to be all crazy restrictive. Why can this country never adopt pragmatic solutions?

Currently, if people want in, they just come and we can't stop but a small per cent. If the fuckers come here legally, we can fix the biggest problem both sides have, the fact that we have no idea who is here.

Of course, people could still walk across if they wanted, but there would be no need unless they were up to no good. Several options here, claymore mines and predator drones come to mind.

Who is in favor of just letting folks in if they sign up?

But does it have to be just SOUTHERN CITIES....?
Getting to the Rio Grande will be a bitch from England....
Well, their would also be a station or two on the northern border...

Biafra, Detroit, and Seattle are all viable options.

And ports of call on either coast.
I found here illegally we cut off a foot and send you back. If you return we lop off the other paw and send back home. Return a third time, bullet to head.

Something tells me that sending one footed illegals home would deter others ftom even trying.

nope, we need The Wheel Of Exile!

the hot new gameshow where illegal immigrants risk it all in front of a live studio audience.

Miguel Sanchez, COME ON DOWN!

when the contestant spins the wheel he is immediately packed up and sent off the whatever nation the wheel lands on, no matter where he originally came from.

where ya gonna go? somalia? uganda? north korea? cuba? france? italy? mongolia? canada? who can say!

plus just for lulz, theres 2 spaces at the top of the wheel which get the contestant a greencard, and right between them, a little spot with a bonus prize, US citizenship for you and your immediate family and $50,000 cash.

i think it will be a hit!
Immigration policy

as of today illigals have 24 hours to leave country, after 24 hours illegal aliens caught will be executed (within 24 hours)

Bring troops home put on boarder to build fences and mine feilds , No mans land anyone caught on it will be shot on site

I found here illegally we cut off a foot and send you back. If you return we lop off the other paw and send back home. Return a third time, bullet to head.

Something tells me that sending one footed illegals home would deter others ftom even trying.

compassionate conservatives.

and the right wonders why they lost the hispanic vote by about 50 points.
Yea im a conservative .......

It has knothing to do with votes , but whats right

And that is what conservatives are, traditionalists. And fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with that at all. Only when you start to bring God into the equation do things get a little hairy. Not saying you do that.
executing 12 million people if they can't flee the country within 24 hours is what's right?

studiously avoiding the godwin right now.

I have to agree with UB on this one. It really needs to be closer to 96 hours. A day to pack your shit and a border can be reached within three days from just about anywhere in the USA.

I mean c'mon man, we're not animals...have a heart.
Congress traditionally refused to admit new states if theylacked an English-speaking majority. In recent decades, the incentive to learnEnglish has eroded. For example, the Voting Rights required provision ofbilingual voting ballots. California and some other states also allow voting bymail in state elections using non-English language ballots. But bilingualballots should not be needed, becauselegal immigrants since 1906 havehad to demonstrate literacy in English in order to gain US citizenship. Sinceonly citizens can vote, why should anyone need a foreign language ballot?


This is repugnant, if you hate Mexicans keep it to yourself. If joking about execution and corporal punishment gives you some pleasure you are sleaze. Deport the heartless.
MY post was not directed to mexicans, it was directed to illegal immigrants who refuse to learn english wether they are from asia,africa,mid-east, or south of the border.