Pick our favorite immigration policy

Congress traditionally refused to admit new states if theylacked an English-speaking majority. In recent decades, the incentive to learnEnglish has eroded. For example, the Voting Rights required provision ofbilingual voting ballots. California and some other states also allow voting bymail in state elections using non-English language ballots. But bilingualballots should not be needed, becauselegal immigrants since 1906 havehad to demonstrate literacy in English in order to gain US citizenship. Sinceonly citizens can vote, why should anyone need a foreign language ballot?

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go ahead and establish an official language then, but don't be upset if it changes from englsih to spanish in another 40-60 years.
Prison for all government persons involved with crime in DHS including past directors.

Recent quote from a federal judge

[h=2]The DHS, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals," Judge Hanen wrote. "In summary, instead of enforcing the laws of the United States, the government took direct steps to help the individuals who violated it."[/h]