am i moving too fast with this girl?

She'll go full on fatal if you were her man... Can you imagine trying to gout with your boys and go home tired and not text or call???? She may be real pissed then.
Or, she might just have a lot of stretch. Try some LST on those branches that are getting out of hand.

Yeah, pain in the ass, but sometimes they're worth the effort.

Things are moving too fast according to her? She's buying YOU presents? She gets mad when you don't text when she says to text? This girl is working to put the clamps down on you. No matter how you comply (if you choose to do so) she's gonna have another task or situation in which you failed her that she will try to use to influence (control) you. She's this annoying BEFORE sex? watch out!
put some of this on her wrist

if you want femmed for sure
Female perspective chiming in here:

WTF? I thought it was universally known that the 3rd date was "Blow Job Date"? You're jumpin' thru all these hoops and haven't know.....
It's not YOU who's moving too fast physically, but her, emotionally.

Sigh. I think it's only going to get more complicated and weird. Best to do a slow, cautious, polite, fade away. (it's best to placate the insane)

Good luck to you!
First date i went on with her I kissed her on the cheek. Second date i kissed her on the lips and third date we started making out. I have been seeing and talking to her daily and day 4 we started acting like a couple by calling each other babe and cuddling. she starting to buy me stuff like small surprises like food,drinks,gloves. she feels we moving too fast because we only known each other for 8 days. yesterday after we went out I forgot to text her before sleeping and she started acting bitchy the next day. keep in mind i havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet.

8 dates? And you ain't been laid yet? Hmmmm, maybe you're doing it wrong.
Female perspective chiming in here:

WTF? I thought it was universally known that the 3rd date was "Blow Job Date"? You're jumpin' thru all these hoops and haven't know.....
It's not YOU who's moving too fast physically, but her, emotionally.

Sigh. I think it's only going to get more complicated and weird. Best to do a slow, cautious, polite, fade away. (it's best to placate the insane)

Good luck to you!

And when you do back away slowly, DO NOT make eye contact and tell her in your most sincere voice " It's not you Baby, it's me and I need some space to work on my issues. " When you're clear of the blast zone RUN !!!!!!!!!