First date i went on with her I kissed her on the cheek. Second date i kissed her on the lips and third date we started making out. I have been seeing and talking to her daily and day 4 we started acting like a couple by calling each other babe and cuddling. she starting to buy me stuff like small surprises like food,drinks,gloves. she feels we moving too fast because we only known each other for 8 days. yesterday after we went out I forgot to text her before sleeping and she started acting bitchy the next day. keep in mind i havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet.
Female perspective chiming in here:
WTF? I thought it was universally known that the 3rd date was "Blow Job Date"? You're jumpin' thru all these hoops and haven't know.....
It's not YOU who's moving too fast physically, but her, emotionally.
Sigh. I think it's only going to get more complicated and weird. Best to do a slow, cautious, polite, fade away. (it's best to placate the insane)
Good luck to you!
throw a molly or 2 in that heffers drink