HELP!! Trimmed to many fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
If you pop your car tires, you'll go faster.

reason being is since the tires don't have air anymore, they're forced to grow new air, and thus your car will have higher top speeds and accelerate quicker.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, this thread turned into a circle jerk quick, defoliating can be helpful for certain strains IMO and in grow set ups without enough lighting, but without pics how can anyone tell if he took to much off or even should have in the first place


New Member
Ok thanks for all the help guys. I was freaking out yesterday. My plants are fine now. I just took a few too many dabs and probably freaked more than necessary.
For all of you that actually took the time to write out an actual response. Thanks a lot.
And for those of you who are just posting the same stuff without any actually helpful info. You must have been the ones with perfect first grows who did everything perfect. Good job. Write a book. Instead of unhelpful bs on the internet.


New Member
omg, your such a victim
How exactly am I a victim? What did I say that made you think that? The only thing I am a victim of is my own stupidity and paranoia. Ya I trimmed some fan leaves. I needed to because here's a shocker I did something wrong in my first grow.
Guess what I already knew that.
And the fact that you had to reply with even more bs. Just proves you are one of the people I was talking about.


Well-Known Member
Ahh riu, the one place you can learn while getting your balls busted at the same time. Just keep growing em out dabit before you know you won't get stoned and think you hurt something:)

although i do recommend leaving leafs on your plant. If anything tuck them out of the way if you want lower light.


Well-Known Member
Leave your leafs alone until the last week or so of bloom then thin the fan leaves out.If you want to let more light through Pinch the stems of the fan leaves and fold them out of the way without removing them.( i learned this trick from DLopez)


Well-Known Member
Let's say you you need 100 solar panels to catch enough energy to work your house. Just for reference here.

If you take away a panel the outcome will be less energy. I apply the same to the job of my leafs. Yes your plant will grow and produce flowers but if it had all it's leafs(panels) the outcome would be that much more efficient.


Well-Known Member
Surly I'm not the only one who has noticed some strains just grow more leaf in flower than others(sativas) and this dosent always translate to higher yields of bud.......and the whole solar panel argument kinda falls on its face cause let's say you start stacking the pannels on top of each other ( like leaves) the lower ones will not get as much energy if any and be a garden there is only as much "energy" as the light puts out so its not crazy to think a over vegd plant might need some defoliating, e.g your house only needs 100 panels but you have 300 ../but at the end of the day do what gives you the best yield, FWIW the pic in my avatar was defoliated =)


Well-Known Member
defoliating can be helpful for certain strains
Care to back that up with a fact? Or maybe provide ONE example in agriculture or horticulture where stripping leaves off any plant is beneficial to it's growth?

I'll be waiting for your response.