Duck Dynasty Plucked

All this anti Christian bigotry from the rollitup pervs... pathetic pukes!

A real Christian familiar with the teachings of Jesus knows that they have no right to judge anyone else. Period. Jesus himself said it. Why do Christians need to be reminded about the precepts of their own faith? Why thump a book they haven't even read?

The answer is simple: the promoters of the faith are so caught up in their own agenda--condemning everyone else and telling them they have to live a certain way to go to heaven--that they've become incredibly distant from what Jesus said and taught. If Christians lived, taught, and promoted their faith in the way Jesus prescribed, Christianity would be a vastly different religion.

Christians have been distorting and papering over Jesus since they nailed him to the cross. Isn't it peculiar that the Catholic Church, the largest Christian church in human history, has some of the bloodiest hands of any organization that has ever existed? How would Jesus feel about that?
Two things:

1.just because you are free to speak your mind doesn't mean you are free from consequences of your speech.


2. If you're not offended twice a day you don't live in a free country.

1 thing: Just because you are free to speak your mind, does NOT make what you have to say significant.
Then there are the kiddie lovers, which buck, by the way is not just a manifestation of a desire for control/power. These people are genuinely attracted sexually towards children. Sure, some have a desire to dominance, just like some heterosexual, otherwise normal people do. Those folks rape grown women/men instead of little kids. The pedos may also express a sex preference, with some only attracted to same sex (which is far more common) and others attracted to opposite sex children. They often talk about how children are sexual beings, and can seduce you, and they imagine loving relationships. Also, the fact that most male pedos do not penetrate their "lovers" is more evidence that it isn't about control/dominance. That is their natural (to them) target for the love they have to give.

The evidence on pedophiles is much less than the evidence on homosexuals, which should be understandable since there aren't as many to study. But there is physical and psychological evidence, not just physical. Research has suggested that the things are linked together.

Now, consider this... Dr Judith Reisman , president for the institute for media education conducted a bunch of surveys with the grant she got from the justice department (in order to get a grant for research such as this, your methods have to be pre-approved by the body which governs such studies, with very strict criteria) found out some interesting data. One interesting tid-bit she discovered was that same sex molestation of young boys occurs at 5 times more frequency than the molestation of young girls by men.

Here is where the ability to even debate this arises. These numbers came from measuring the molestor, not the molestee. In other words, since there are far more straight-pedos than gay-pedos, the number of girls molested is higher. The "five times the rate" figure can also be said like this. A gay man is 5 times more likely to sexually abuse a child than a straight man is. These are department of justice statistics.

Do you know who Judith Reisman is? First of all, her PhD is in communications. Second, the report she's most known for was heavily criticized and discredited, with the university she was affiliated with refusing to even publish it. She's known for her rantings that gays want to recruit children to be gay. In her words: "recruitment is loud; it is clear; it is everywhere." According to her, 20% of the youth population is in danger of being recruited into being gay.

Then there's this, from an article about Reisman: "Reisman also endorses a book called “The Pink Swastika,” which challenges the “myths” that gays were victimized in Nazi Germany. The Nazi Party and the Holocaust itself, she writes, were largely the creation of “the German homosexual movement.” Thanks to Alfred Kinsey, she warns, the American homosexual movement is poised to repeat those crimes. “Idealistic ‘gay youth’ groups are being formed and staffed in classrooms nationwide by recruiters too similar to those who formed the original ‘Hitler youth.’ ”"

While looking for this info, you will find a lot of stuff saying this is bullshit. There will be rainbows on the page, and they won't provide much in the way of numbers/facts. Consider the source; department of justice, or someone with a pro gay agenda.

Yes, I'm begging you to please consider the source. Reisman was given a non-competitive grant by social conservatives in the Department of Justice to conduct research that serious academics panned as total bullshit. The fact that it was government-funded does not make it credible.

Having said all this, most, the vast majority, of homosexuals would never touch a child, and would find the idea just as abhorrent as you or I. But facts are facts, and it's foolish to ignore them.

Here's the conclusion of a serious and legitimate academic article about your "facts": "The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children."

I am not morally equating homosexuality to pedophilia, no rational human would. Although I will say the more rights homosexuals win, the more likely it is that pedophiles will push for similar rights, but that is no reason to deny the rights to homosexuals.

Who cares? People can campaign for the "right" to hurt children all they want, but it's not something anyone should listen to.

Just because the two may be physically similar/linked, in no way makes them similar in practice.

Again, there's not enough research to justify that claim, and the research that does exist does not justify that claim.
The evidence on pedophiles is much less than the evidence on homosexuals, which should be understandable since there aren't as many to study. But there is physical and psychological evidence, not just physical. Research has suggested that the things are linked together.

Do you know who Judith Reisman is? First of all, her PhD is in communications. Second, the report she's most known for was heavily criticized and discredited, with the university she was affiliated with refusing to even publish it. She's known for her rantings that gays want to recruit children to be gay. In her words: "recruitment is loud; it is clear; it is everywhere." According to her, 20% of the youth population is in danger of being recruited into being gay.

Then there's this, from an article about Reisman: "Reisman also endorses a book called “The Pink Swastika,” which challenges the “myths” that gays were victimized in Nazi Germany. The Nazi Party and the Holocaust itself, she writes, were largely the creation of “the German homosexual movement.” Thanks to Alfred Kinsey, she warns, the American homosexual movement is poised to repeat those crimes. “Idealistic ‘gay youth’ groups are being formed and staffed in classrooms nationwide by recruiters too similar to those who formed the original ‘Hitler youth.’ ”"

Yes, I'm begging you to please consider the source. Reisman was given a non-competitive grant by social conservatives in the Department of Justice to conduct research that serious academics panned as total bullshit. The fact that it was government-funded does not make it credible.

Here's the conclusion of a serious and legitimate academic article about your "facts": "The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children."

Who cares? People can campaign for the "right" to hurt children all they want, but it's not something anyone should listen to.

Again, there's not enough research to justify that claim, and the research that does exist does not justify that claim.

I think its a safe bet that every little boy ever molested by a guy was molested by a gay guy
Well said. I fooled around with my best friend in my early teens. I guess in some sort of fucked up way you could say I lost my virginity to a guy. As soon as my dick went into a female though, I never looked back.

I think the epitome of ignorance is anyone who assumes that sexuality is a choice.

Homosexuals, pedophiles, and goat fuckers all suffer from some sort of sexual malformity. All should be respected as fellow human beings, only the pedo's actually hurt anyone.

There are tons of studies that show how homosexuality has a role to play in society. No one has identified the 'gay gene' yet either. There are genes linked to homosexuality, but studies show that nurture plays a large role in sexuality development as well.

Neither of us are experts, and the experts can't even agree what causes homosexuality. So, we can argue all day about something we actually know nothing about or we can just say we really don't know what causes homosexuality and leave it at that. You don't know for sure that homosexuality is a deformity or detriment, and I don't know for sure that it isn't. When people stop making factual claims when we don't have all the information people on both sides of the argument can actually discuss things openly without getting all butt hurt. lol

People hold beliefs when they should hold ideas. Ideas change, beliefs are rigid.
After thinking about this a while, I have decided that this whole incident is probably just a publicity stunt to drum up interest in DD. A&E is not going to cancel DD and the Robertsons are not going to walk away from their cash cow because Jesus would not want that.
After thinking about this a while, I have decided that this whole incident is probably just a publicity stunt to drum up interest in DD. A&E is not going to cancel DD and the Robertsons are not going to walk away from their cash cow because Jesus would not want that.
Not a publicity stunt more like a gaffe
and yeah A&E cant afford to move away from the show, The problem is that after this the show will get a ratings bump temporarily and then more people will realize it is a shit show and it will doom the series
And police statistics show that there were more little boys molested than little girls.

I fell asleep reading last night, and in a study of convicted sex abusers, the homosexual-pedo had way more victims, in other words they abused many more children than there hetero-pedo counterpart.

Among pedos they are almost all exclusivly drawn to one sex in their victims.

I love how when utterly defeated in his argument buck reverted back to "it's a choice."

I've seen stains on underwear that have more to offer humanity than mr. Buck.

I also believe its a safe bet the majority of the girls are molested by republicans........
Two things:

1.just because you are free to speak your mind doesn't mean you are free from consequences of your speech.


2. If you're not offended twice a day you don't live in a free country.

So in that regard, and according to you if someone hears a gay employee saying something outside of work
that they don't agree with for example that they support homosexuality the boss should of course fire his ass.
I was wondering if a guy in a gay bar walked out of the restroom smelling like ass, did he use the sink to wash his dick and his hands? Something to think about..
If nurture is a part of it, then that implicitly denotes there is some choice involved.

That's just not true. We all have years at the beginnings of our lives that we cannot remember. Some of the things that happened in those years shaped our later development in ways we cannot possibly understand. Even later in life, when our memories begin, we cannot possibly fathom how the events of our lives have shaped us as people.

We rarely make conscious choices about becoming the people we are. Instead we're shaped and made by events and circumstances that we only vaguely remember.

Also every time someone says thats why gays shouldnt be allowed to adopt, it is said that their being placed in a home with 2 gay parents, who have lots of gay friends, will have no impact.

If it isnt a choice, and being around a bunch of fags (environment/nurture) will not cause homosexuality, and there isnt any physical/genetic cause...

then homosexuality must not exist.

This is demonstrating your confusion. Seeing and interacting with gay people is not the "nurture" that would make people gay. How did so many of us get here otherwise? When I was growing up, there were no gay people in my life, only straight people.