Water is dripping off my walls!!!!!


Let me first start off by saying I had no idea............ I built a sealed room in my garage 5x8x8 built inside a 12x8x8 room, 2x 1000 (air cooled hoods), 12,000 btu window A/C, CO2, 3 wall fans, 12 plants (bought teens from buddy 2 1/2 feet tall). So yesterday I transplanted from 1 gallon to 5 gallon buckets and turned on the room to 18/6 have them veg awhile more. I left this morning to go Christmas shopping with my wife feeling pretty good checked on plants they looked surprisingly well for just being transplanted day before. Got home about 5 hours later to water dripping off the walls inside the room literally, I mean water was dripping off of my ducting for the air cooled hoods.......WTF... My question is this just because they were all watered day before and that is just going to happen? Or Do I need a dehumidifier? and if so what size. And this is an expensive hobby I'm getting 5 and 10 dollar'd to death. If I do need dehumidifier what size? and what's the best cheapest one I can get away with for what I need? Maybe I can find one cheap on eBay or craigslist or something. Also, I was only running the lights at 400w each to ease the plants into more powerful light, my buddy had them under a T5. Any knowledge on this situation would be greatly appreciated.... Thank you in advance :confused:


New Member
Whats your temps and RH in the room and the outside temps in street, sounds like condensation and have you insulated your room with anything?


Well-Known Member
Relocate the grow.
I doubt that will be an option- it's in his garage and, usually, garages get used when there is no space under the house roof.
Plus he's spent loads getting it ready....???

I had condensation when I started but I started opening a few windows in other upstairs rooms and it's calmed down.

I think it was the warm air from the grow room hitting the colder air outside and causing condensation....?

I've dropped several hints that I want a dehumidifier for Xmas
(subtle hints like
"I want a dehumidifier for Christmas")
My Mam found an old Bionaire Air Ioniser (????) from the shed and gave me that.

At least she didn't wrap the pile of shite!

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea it seems like the warm moist air is cooling/condensing against a cold surface. I had this issue on my windows when I was drying my buds this year. I agree dehumidifier.


New Member
You must introduce a dehumidifier unquestionably.

You can get away with a humid atmosphere as high as 70% in general during both Veg and Bloom. (Although water dripping is 100%)

But with that high a RH, you will have Botrytis (bud rot) issues for certain.

You must insure that no moisture sits within the folds of the forming bud or it will rot.

A dehuey is not a luxury in your situation, it is a must have.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
Yea dehumidifier for sure. Man that's some shit though for sure. I take it you have used a more water proof/resistant paint for those walls, don't want to make a fungi substrate out of your walls
Also run your ventilation 24/7. When lights go off humidity rises.
and food for thought here. Those plants are likely sweating more now under your hid than they ever would have under t5s
maybe after they adjust to the different lighting and environment the plants will become effective retaining and transpiring water.
The demudifier is no doubt a must. Unfortunately I can't quote on the size u need.
hopefully the above info will help until u get a dehumidifer.

You can crack your room open slightly during lights on time as long as you have strong ventilation and a strong filter.
I open my door slightly at times and can still maintain negative pressure ÷ odor control.

Good luck. Smoke one and chill :)


Well-Known Member
As far as size goes, you can probably just get something the size used in a basement.

One thing to consider if you can, try to find one that empties with a spigot or you will probably be hauling a heavy container to drain daily. Save your back and all that. Also consider if you have an idea how quickly it fills up, you could run a water pump in a timer to fill another sink or move the water over to a drain if you have one near by.


Well-Known Member
You may not need a dehumidifier and just because you have condensation it does not mean humidity is at 100%. Its possible that by introducing some outside ventilation you could solve the issue. Also better insulation on walls will help as well as insulating ducting from outside. When the cold that infiltrates the walls and ducts is below the dewpoint temp it will condensate. You can purchase a bubblewrap like marerial from hardware store that will act like a vapour barrier and its silver as well! Is your climate very cold? Perhaps just diconnecting intake pipe from light and letting air come into room using passive intake will help. Keep me posted as I may be able to help. I spend my days dealing with many air quality issues at work lol.


Well-Known Member
i recently bought a 70 pint a day dehumidifier and hooked a hose up to it and ran it to a drain. it was like 200 bucks but man that thing is money well spent and it even puts off heat. il replace it next year with some of those dual hose AC's cus they are dehumidifiers also but that thing is definantly going to be used in my drying room.

especially if you dry in the same area you grow you want all the environmental control you can get. i have a dehumifier and humidifier int he same room but done let them work against each other have the humidifier on like 35 and the dehumidifier on 45 or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
yeah you have to buy alot of stuff but hell 1 grow i was able to then actually buy everything i wanted. first grow just get by and get a decent harvest then never look back :)

also some people do this just to raise their own vegetables and flowers not grow weed and that sounds a little more expensive to me lol


Well-Known Member
i recently bought a 70 pint a day dehumidifier and hooked a hose up to it and ran it to a drain. it was like 200 bucks but man that thing is money well spent and it even puts off heat. il replace it next year with some of those dual hose AC's cus they are dehumidifiers also but that thing is definantly going to be used in my drying room.

especially if you dry in the same area you grow you want all the environmental control you can get. i have a dehumifier and humidifier int he same room but done let them work against each other have the humidifier on like 35 and the dehumidifier on 45 or something along those lines.
I just use a buttload of vegitation for a humidifier.


New Member
You need to reply to my questions cos u know nothing about heat exchange, but just relocate the grow as suggested cos you are a bigger noob than me lol.............