New World Citizens - How Well Do You Know Your Ancestry...???


Well-Known Member
One parent's father was Spanish Jew/Latvian and Mother was Irish/German
Other parent is Roman and purely so (I am naturalized U.S. citizen as a child)


Well-Known Member
Moms side as far back that I know they are all from america
Dads side my grandmas side is german and my grandpas side moved here from fiji when he was younger...I will find out more from the fiji side when. I visit him next week



Well-Known Member
Mother's side: German, Irish, English- That's about all I know. My aunt is working on a family tree apparently.
Father's side- Adopted, sealed. Know absolutely nothing.

The older I get the more it bothers me that I literally don't know half of me. Kinetic (yes our very own!) turned me on to genetics tests and I've seriously been kicking around that idea for a bit now. I guess this is my big current moral dilemma.


Active Member
Fathers side: grandma born in Ireland (black Irish) grandfather German, and Norwegian. Mothers side is mainly Czech with small amount of dutch. My great grandparents were born in Czechoslovakia..... but everyone thinks I look like a Columbian drug lord?!?l


Ursus marijanus
My folks immigrated to the States about 55 years ago. The parts previous are, well, previous. But to Billhilly I say half as fat, half as hairy, twice as kinky and ~blush~ almost as German. Or Germaner than German, depending on one's particular preference in historical revisionists ...



Well-Known Member
Don't know much about my ancestors but i am half drunken cunt and half milkman. I just call my self full milkman though pretty embarrassed about the first half.


Well-Known Member
My folks immigrated to the States about 55 years ago. The parts previous are, well, previous. But to Billhilly I say half as fat, half as hairy, twice as kinky and ~blush~ almost as German. Or Germaner than German, depending on one's particular preference in historical revisionists ...

ah the land of rednekistan :eyesmoke:


Ursus marijanus
ah the land of rednekistan :eyesmoke:
No; the 'Stan is where I am now! Although to hear momma talk about Arnie's accent was a hoot! She used a single word to place him; it translates poorly as "south-slope backcountry goat fucker". His is not an genteel, urbane Austrian accent, oh no ... you can still hear the critter's neck in the fencing!


Well-Known Member
My folks immigrated to the States about 55 years ago. The parts previous are, well, previous. But to Billhilly I say half as fat, half as hairy, twice as kinky and ~blush~ almost as German. Or Germaner than German, depending on one's particular preference in historical revisionists ...

That's got to be Austria.
Home of Joseph Fritzell and Hitler.


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Staff member
i'm from the dumpster out back next to Danny's family at the ihop :eyesmoke:
We are going to iHop Christmas morning for breakfast. I like iHop. I like waffles, they don't much like me but that's ok. I like them enough for both of us. I am loaded, bet you couldn't guess :)


Well-Known Member
I love the way my US friends have totally humoured this thread as its a pathetic troll attempt through superiority of a longer standing history. I doubt the OP is a historian anyway.


Well-Known Member
My mums parents were German who came over to Aus by ship in the 60's , mum was born here .
My dads parents were from Holland who also came over by ship in the 60's , dad was 3 when he came here .
So i am half German and half Dutch !

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
My mums parents were pure bred English, my dads side it has been said were French travellers that went round france cherry picking! although my dad and his parents were born in England. So I don't know what I'm half of, or whether I am just plain old English. :grin: