Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. My plant is in another city being cared because I can't grow where I am just yet. It will be another week or two before I can get down there to pick it up along with my lights.
Then I have to wait until my son goes back on the road mid January. It sucks, I miss my baby girl (well she's nearly a full grown woman now;)). It's coming though, look for pics around the third week of January ;)
I missed a bit of that, and saw 'My son is a full grown woman now', and had to go back and re-read!


Well-Known Member
the laws here are rather harsh up to 4/5 plants or something/personal use is up to $2000 fine and up to 2yrs jail, differs dependant on state.


Well-Known Member
is nevyn Australian or south African lol im pretty sure its a diff country idk
Pertty sure S.A., but apparently their schedule there pretty much coincides with ours here in the U.S., so I'm happy to be able to help if I can since if he asks a question, we are pretty much awake here.
You know how sometimes you peep a thread like 11 hours after the question was asked, and you see all the F/U suggestions, and it's someone you have been assisting............:wall:


Well-Known Member
I know right, hahahahah. I seem to have a hard time convincing people I am from South Africa, so I thought I would put it there, hasn't helped much. hahahahaha
IDK bro, doesn't matter to me where somebody is from.
Plants grow where plants grow.
The main diff. is I can't suggest the same brand and product to somebody in Cambodia as I can the next state from me.


Well-Known Member
sorry bro misread the question :) perhaps with the younger crew im getting old :) im in my 30's. but hows it goin sounds like howzit , but not howzit in single form,im confused now I might go stare at my plants for an hour see if they get bigger :)