that's for me to worry about. The more you push the issue, the bigger it becomes. Those with a decent head on their shoulders that have been around are more than capable of understanding the answers to your questions, without pushing the issue, and have the respect to let it be. Its a situation that is dynamic and personal. This is a community where some members are linked together, and when one member turned on others it became something to deal with. If you dont already know and understand than it really shouldnt matter to you. But were your personal identity to become exposed and then used against you.... it wouldnt be nice would it. There is LEO all over these boards already. Of that I am entirely positive.
I have missed this place, where people fly off the handle so frequently regarding things that they dont understand or have nothing to do with them and causing threads to go off topic.
And StillBuzzin... anyone can make new profiles, anytime, and still have been a long time member of the site. And anyone can know who BrickTop is, just go to the search feature and look up "BrickTop" (duh lol).
I am curious how the online magazine is coming along and would love it if a link be posted sometime.