DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
That root thing is too weird. I can't even guess what happened there.

What's this one:
That's the Super lemon haze there .. Buds slightly different to the other cut I got from the same guy.

The plant which roots were floating has now been removed .. It was #3 so I not that disappointed Its growing in the sub tray now but it' ll probably get binned if it doesn't improve .

Oh yeah I keep forgetting, to mention, late flowering males are apparently desirable. I had some bud rot chop before last, caught it b4 it spread tho just a few grams lost thankfully.
Yeah I been checking it like a fiend daily now .. Don't think the sativas are a problem as there more fox tailed and less dense but I can see the ash short one being a problem too . . Yeah I did read that too about the males but in this case I'm looking for some earlier flowing times so an eager males fits the bill for that. The psyco male started opening last night so I will start on those pollinations next .

:peace: dre


Well-Known Member
If you get a male are you going to produce some Ethiopian seeds??? Or you gonna cross with something else. I'd LOVE LOVE to get my hands on some seeds like that. I've had an Ethiopian and an Eritrean friend. I told them about each other and they both said "Fuck that guy" lol... they don't like each other. Sorry for the nonsense, just reminded me. They call each other Abasha, means like countryman or something. If you ever run into an Ethiopian/ Eritrean guy you'd probably make his day calling him that.

EDIT: One last Ethiopian thing. Did you know what the Rastafarian people in the West Indies believe that one of the past kings of ethiopia was their holy savior. He didn't think so, but it didn't stop the people from believing. No one from the dudes own country thought he was god, but the rastas did, and do. It's all very odd to me.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Cool jig.. Yeah I do plan on making some f2's or crosses with these Ethiopian seeds.. I might have to go through a few more seeds to find a decent male. Plus it depends on the out come as I know theres a possibility that the females in this line could throw out nanners when flowering so I need to avoid those and see what the smokes like. I don't know what it will be crossed to yet but after these crosses that have been made now are grown I will have an idea of how the males I have behave and if they have shorter flowering traits then they'll be used.
I am thinking about looking threw the stash again for something else to add to the mix of males I currently have.
jig I had a laugh at that last part.. sounds strange when you put it like that.. :) but to be fair all religions sound strange when written down in black and white. But I guess faith in something/some one is what a lot of people need in there life .. My family is a mixed bunch of religions - I myself follow no religion as such and I could pick apart every religion out there as not ones holds up more than its an option for people to have in there life (imo as a critic).. I Don't want to get in to a religion debate on here so i'll stop there.. but yeah those Ethiopian seeds came from a highly respected ras , a long time family friend who goes over there often.

Its like that in a lot of places but it seemed strange to me as these are neighbours but when I spoke to a Somalian they said the same thing to .. History can explain a lot of these situations but it depends on whose side you want to believe but theres divisions created all over the third /developing world from western behaviour and westernized beliefs .. puff puff pass .. smoking on this L.A :leaf: .. Strong citrus taste And aromas ..


Well-Known Member
Cool dre. Saw a funny thing the other day talking about what we do for holidays written out all black and white. Made everything sound all crazy. But ain't that the fun in tradition. We all do crazy shit together and laugh about it... or fight about it, depends on what your family is like I suppose.

Looking forward to see how them african gals do.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
looks like this one might be a hermi .. has what looks like balls underneath female hairs.. well I be keeping my eye on it.. IMG_4499.jpgIMG_4506.jpgIMG_4508.jpgIMG_4510.jpgIMG_4080.jpgIMG_4522 (682x1024).jpgIMG_4544.jpgIMG_4067.jpgl some shots of the pollenated plants and one from the main room..i take way to many pics.. i'll be updating later .. IMG_3946.jpgIMG_3948.jpgIMG_3943.jpgIMG_4015.jpg thanks for viewing.. :peace: edit: enter button not working

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Its Week 9.5 almost 10 .. well looks like this Gsog is has a bit more rot set in .. its kinda of hard to spot at first but when you break it open -mushy bud.. not a lot but this is coming down tomorrow before I get any more setting in.............IMG_4549 (1024x990).jpgIMG_4555 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4563 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4565 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4573 (1024x991).jpgIMG_4584 (1024x794).jpgIMG_4591.jpg

above some good bit of the gsog x cd..
some shots from the room ..I was wrong about the ssh#1 being 8/9wkr ..more like 10 wks and 12/13 on the other .. maybe 9.10 from clone though, the other one is starting to fill out a bit more now and has some slight haze aromas i might need to take it out the room to get a proper smell.ssh #1 is going due to come down with #11 both are on water anyway..IMG_4642.jpgIMG_4647.jpgIMG_4645.jpg
#11 looks done now it will be coming down in the next few days.
ONE thing i must say don;t judge aplant untill its smoked.. unless its just aromas you want to smoke .. my mistake has been to write off plants or boost them up to early. I will be keeping an open mind on every thing i run till the end.
i'll do the rest tomorrow :peace: dre..:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
man dre you smashing this grow,and that (GSOG X CD) has got me ready to pop some of them beans,and I really have no room to do so....dam..

that #9 is looking to my likeing to..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
man dre you smashing this grow,and that (GSOG X CD) has got me ready to pop some of them beans,and I really have no room to do so....dam..

that #9 is looking to my likeing to..
thanks gen.. Does look good in pics .. Pop some bro__ . How's does it look compared to the parents? Smells like kush not deep smells it has fruity / sweet tones too . I've got a little piece drying up to sample and it smells good. Did any of the gsog or candy drop have mold issues ?


Well-Known Member
thanks gen.. Does look good in pics .. Pop some bro__ . How's does it look compared to the parents? Smells like kush not deep smells it has fruity / sweet tones too . I've got a little piece drying up to sample and it smells good. Did any of the gsog or candy drop have mold issues ?
no mold,but large/thick buds that def needed air movment.and the mom(candydrop)chop%20time%20047.jpg << your buds do look like her,just way fatter,more color..
this phenol was in the middle with the sweet/og'ish smells,very good taste.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info and pic gen.. I will be adding two fans to the hydro one as its due to have quite a few more heads than this one.. plus my humidity hasn't been ideal roughly 40 -55 % most days when lights on so I need to dial that in better probably invest in a dehumidifier some time soon. Plucked them colars off today ,very nice plant - fat heads all round, I separated each nug though just incase .. decent yield on this it took up 2 layers on the drying net

Burnt the top of #11 when I was moving it around the other day It must of touched the light bulb .. m now using the vitalink on the last room as the bcuzz food ran out and the shop I thought had the food only stocks the boosters , I will have to get it off line from now on which is not something I want to do..
Anyway I fed them the other day and gave them a low ph feed -vita lowers it to around 4.5 ph so some plants have damage to them .. The tents coming on ok now ,moved around the cheese and put some netting over it for support.

some more pics taken the same day as those above but these needed to be resized as it was taking for ever to load .. I spoke with my guy who gave me the LA and slh and he asked me to cross the Slh as well so there's another DD cross now . I'll give him seeds so he can search for a phenol he likes and get a cut of him and do the same for him. IMG_4632 (683x1024).jpgIMG_4633 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4635 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4643 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4645 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4651 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4652 (683x1024).jpgIMG_4660 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4663 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4691 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4692 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4693 (683x1024).jpg IMG_4687 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4688 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4698 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4699 (1024x683).jpgIMG_4701 (683x1024).jpg
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dr green dre

Well-Known Member
well dates seem to slightly out.. my calendar that's in the grow read 70 days ,end of week 10..mon will be the start of week 11.. Smoking on some of the gsog x cd now has a nice buzz to it ,smoked some with some weed smokers as they know I wouldn't give them nothing to high.. meaning they only like the Jamaican mellow kind of buzz nothing cheesy/skunky gets smoked by these anyway it went down well as its a nice mellow a creeper type of buzz ,few thought it had a slight grapey taste I thought It had a fruity taste also with a taste a similar to that of the dogs.

Popped some more of the sage x lemon cheeses im now looking for males on this round .. would like to find a male with the sage straits for the these.. IMG_4823 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4844 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4827 (1181x1280).jpgIMG_4764 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4743 (1280x853).jpg all pics above are of the gsog x cd and the the finger hash is from said plant . below is the double deth Cambodian x zinn z gooey IMG_4758 (1280x853).jpg ak47 x kali mist IMG_4756 (1280x853).jpg and finally the sage x lemon cheese seeds ..IMG_4721 (1280x800).jpgYour probably wondering whats happened to the purple plant ..well after I took the early samples it got bagged and mixed up with some cheese.. plus the cut that I thought was the purps is not so its looking like that's gone was a good smoke too.

The DD male has been crossed to the :#6 ..#4.. SLH.. The Super silver haze male crossed to the :SSH#1..L.A. confidential and #4.. I have not done the pk crosses yet ,still collecting more pollen off this beast.. ..:leaf::leaf:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
update chopped #11 ,SSH#1 and #6 last night 72 days . The plant that I thought was the purple cut is a gsog x cd so that's got a few seeds coming with the next lot . Getting nothing but good reports off everyone that had this ,got couple in the back and one in the hydro but no more cuts of this . IMG_4887 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4899 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4928 (853x1280).jpgIMG_4955 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4964 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4976 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4914 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4904 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4882 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5056 (853x1280).jpgIMG_5069 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5108 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4932 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4935 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4943 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4945 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4950 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4947 (1280x853).jpgIMG_4948 (1280x853).jpg


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
What strain is #9?

Love them purple looking buds. They are different looking.
That's one the the sage x lemon cheese crosses jig..all the plants that have # without a name beside it are all the same strain.. A lot of variation in these .. Smokes nice and clean ..has slight sagey aroma and taste but not the kick .. ok smoke but not the one imo..my friend likes it but agrees its hit is light..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update more bud shots : pics are labelled -roll mouse over them.. #6 is the best out the bunch so far .. #4.1 is just drying up abit more early samples are good though.. The ssh#1 tastes skunky to me no one else agress with me though they all say its the haze .. its strong anyway hits you on like 2 nd 3rd toke .. Nice ..#9 is ok need to smoke some more to get better view on it but it hasn't stood out . could of done with another few days on some ,#4#8#10 are still growing these will have another week or so .. The SSH#4 is getting solid now has a nice aroma when you take it out the room might have judged these to early too..IMG_5229 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5238 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5242 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5258 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5273 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5179 (1280x952).jpgIMG_5198 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5200 (1280x903).jpgIMG_5215 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5216 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5187 (1280x853).jpg

#9 is not the one ..high doesn't really do anything and tastes kind of average to me.. some like it but not more than a 5 /10 imo..
#4.1 is very nice ..sandlewood/hazy taste and aromas.. gets the nod from those smoking it .. this and #6 has got the goods..

I decided to bin the Lemon cheese crosses as from what i can taste and smell the male hasn't added anything good to this sage cut as the best tasting ones have the sage aromas and the best high comes from those too. Do'nt want to put any more effort into these when i already had suspicions about this male and i've proven myself right.. The lemon cola has been binned ,the ch chunks are too plus the males .. i have some pollen stored from both of the males which will stay in the deep freeze ..

Found my keepers and there's still two more to smoke .. will be running #6 for a while along side the #4.1 ..

smoking some Gsog x cd mixed with some #6 sage x lemon cheese.. very nice combo to get down with..
