Lopside your head for me please and help a sister out


New Member
Dear Experts,

First I'd like to apologize for my lopsided photos. I sincerely tried to rotate them and failed because I suck at anything tech related.

The photos you see below are 5 week old autos. One of them wasn't doing so well until I started to feed it and it's slowly but surely catching up to the others. As you can see they are two different strains, one is super silver for sure and the other I can't seem to remember since I did buy them in amsterdam.

The have white pistols and seem to be doing well with the light feed (20-20-20) that I have been giving them with every watering. They are under CFL's and in soil.

My questions:

How do they look so far?

Are these the formations of buds? (shrieking in excitement)

When do I switch to a flowering nute?

When should I expect to harvest?

Is it possible to predict how much yield from how it looks so far?

What the hell do I do next??

I'm a newbie at this, if all goes well this would be my first grow ever!! Just wanted to make sure I'm doing okay, since I have been getting paranoid that nothing gets screwed up.

Thanks fellas!



Well-Known Member
Pics 1,2,3 are definitely showing sex as female.

#4/5 can't really see anything.

Since you asked.... they look stunted and weak. Pour the light to them, looks like they are hungry as well. Unless you can get some real foliage growing I would not expect much as far as yield. Not gonna grow much bud without leaves, which you are lacking.

What's the stuff they are growing in? Looks like oatmeal or something.


New Member
They are all feminised auto seeds.. number four wasnt growing much at first and started to yellow until i started to feed... its getting stronger and should eventually show sex..


New Member
its soil.. again.. let me clarify I live in buttfuck middle east and things around here aren't like the states.. its a bag a soil for growing vegetables.. I don't know anything else..

So you think I should increase feed and add more lights?

I use 1/4 of a teaspoon of the 20-20-20... Should I increase?


Active Member
Keep up with the 20/20/20 for now, switch over to bloom nutes after everything looks healthy.

They wont be big using CFLs. I would consider ordering an LED if i were you.

Can u order soil over the internet? If so, get some and transplant.

Yield, well, with the amount of plants you have, the soil ur growing in and the light your using, i would be shocked if u got more than 14 grams. More light = more bud.

All of the tops look pretty good, so just keep at what your doing and you'll learn. You have not given the plants the environment it wants. It wants more light and more air in the soil. If you can remedy those 2 issues, you should have no problems in the future.


Active Member
Can't really give much advice here, especially without more details, like, what kind of soil that is, it looks really sandy to me. But, I can say, if you are going to be using CFLs, get them close, like 2 1/2 to 3 inches close. Closer than that, you'll burn em, but too far away, you just won't get the light you need from the CFLs. You CAN grow with CFLs, I grew out 2 autos earlier this year and pulled nearly 4 oz dry, but I was using about a dozen 23 actual watt, mixed spectrum.

Also, like someone suggested earlier, if you can order online, get on amazon or something like that and order some soil and perlite and nutes. Hate to be negative, but like everyone else has said, in your current situation, you're gonna be lucky to get an 1/8 dry as they are. But, don't let that discourage you. Use this as a learning experience and put the new knowledge towards future grows. Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna sound rude but popping beans you pay for under a cfl is a waste. Get a hid light and then spend on beans.

I really wanna say there is a magic bullet but there aint.


Well-Known Member
id start making my own soil by composting food and some animal droppings or getting some worms or chickens or something. start experimenting on making a soil and try growing tomatoes first. maybe order a small bag of soil over the interwebs i dunno you managed to order seeds.


Well-Known Member
Isnt growing in the middle-east like a get your head lopped off type of thing? Unless you are connected kind of thing?