Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
okie dokie sounds good to me BAK.
guess ill stick with 1/4 strength for now everything is green but veins are starting to come yellow a lil bit again but they are fine after a feed so `1/4 it is next feeding!!!!

anyways its Xmas almost and i just want to say THANK YOU EVERYBODY AND I APPRECIATE ALL OF THE HELP AND ADVICE!!! thought id never meet anybody like yall on here (due to some people being assholes and not helping noobs) yall are one hell of a group and i am forever grateful!!!
I resent that!
Some people are born assholes, others have to work at it, but I, strive to be perfect at it!!:-P
Just kidding bro.
Glad you're getting comfortable with us.:clap:


Well-Known Member
that was only 4 pages of wading through posts lmao!!
I WANT IT!!! says its good for anxiety and depression!!! you must let me know how it turns out. 23% !!! :)
Right now it seems since I took pics Fri., the SFV, Alpha, and the Berry I did not top are overtaking the Diesel as far as bud growth.


Well-Known Member
Right now it seems since I took pics Fri., the SFV, Alpha, and the Berry I did not top are overtaking the Diesel as far as bud growth.
thats killer bro...so far, both the SD's I've raised have had sort of small buds. I am going to try not topping one and see how it does.


Well-Known Member
thats killer bro...so far, both the SD's I've raised have had sort of small buds. I am going to try not topping one and see how it does.
It seems to have made a BIG diff on the Berrys.
Both popped on the same day, and right around a month, I topped the one, maybe a little earlier.
I know diff. angle, but I think you can see the 4 1/2" difference in height.Dec 20 berry 2.jpg
Dec 20 berry 3 56 days old.jpg


Well-Known Member
its the 2 way in the back corner i know it has to be an air flow issues i just dont want to have a never ending situtation but ill give it a try and crank up my fans, i hate mold spores


Well-Known Member
its the 2 way in the back corner i know it has to be an air flow issues i just dont want to have a never ending situtation but ill give it a try and crank up my fans, i hate mold spores
Once you get it under control, just rotate your pots daily.
I actually spin my pots every couple hours during lights on, and rotate them daily.
When you can, add another fan just blowing at pot level.


Well-Known Member
hey baka what do you recomend for pm 2plants got that shit im thinking milk or hp or should i just chuckem
Dont chuck em. I use one and a half teaspoons of baking ssoda in a regular squirt bottle of water. I spray them every two days and it usually goes away in about a week. It changes the ph of the leaf making an unfriendly environment for the pm to grow. Pluck off the bad leaves and throw them away. The not so bad leaves i wash off with a damp rag, oh and if you can help it dont have a fan blowing air from infected plants to not infected ones. If you have it in flower its trouble so i hope your still in veg bro. Taker easy.......and if she comes easy, taker twice :):):)


Well-Known Member
thats perfect alternate from milk to bakeing soda each week imma give it a try
I don't think you'll have to do more than a couple treatments of either one. they both will work.
Just get it under control, then add more air or get a dehumidifier.:mrgreen:
Any idea what you're at now?
Prob. just easier and cheaper to add a fan.
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