Outdoor Grow (Pics Updated)


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I am back from vacation with good news. The plants are 1 month old today and doing very well after a week of nature's watering cycle. I have the attached the pictures that were taken this morning before direct sunlight. You may see the river rocks at the base of each stem, I have soaked these in Superthrive so the plants receive a dose with every watering be it mother natures or my own. This seems to work very well.

Will ants, potato bugs, and flying insects harm these plants? How healthy do these plants look? Any advice or comments are welcomed.


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Well-Known Member
they look healthy to me but you could start with a half strength dose of nutes for a few weeks first.

I have always had lots of ants around my plants and never had a problem. If you start having problems with bugs eating your plant's leaves then get a spray that says it's for vegetables and fruits...homedepot or lowes would have it for sure. make sure you take care of any pests fast because they can fuck up your plants pretty fast.
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Well-Known Member
oh and your tunnel is awesome dude! some thick woods your growing in there. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Well I purchased some neem oil today off ebay. The plants show no signs of being harmed but I feel its better safe then sorry. Also the plants seem a little yellowish because of the camera flash they have a very nice color. Tunnels nice eh. Thats only half way through aswell.


Well-Known Member
Good Stuff Dude wish i had a cool ass tunnel to my grow.... I just got millions of TICKS infesting my field!


Well-Known Member
You're on your way!!Ants don't they just like to crawl and remove dead insects,the flying insects you want to look out for are:thrips,Whiteflies,Fungus Gnats,Grasshoppers.etc.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
i dont htink the tunnels that much of a good idea, u want to make it at hard as possible for people to venture into your spot
I could stick you a foot from either of my entrance's and you would not know what to do. The tunnels you see are pictures taken 5 minutes into the tunnel. I did not feel comfortable posting pictures of the tunnels HIDDEN entrance. In addition the harvest exit tunnel is blocked off very well. In addition when in the tunnel numerous pathways are blocked off. Finally If someone was to ever some how find my their way to my op I will know as its full of specifics which I have knowledge of. If any of those many things are moved I will know. It's funny actually, I took a buddy back with me so he could water over my vacation... Well that did not work!
"I'm not army crawling through all this shit for 10 minutes!".

So with all that said I feel pretty confident in my spot. Not to mention very very few people go into these woods. It is very over grown as you can see.

I have attached two pictures. One is a picture of the harvest exit in its closed form. The second picture shows what is above my head at almost all times.

EDIT: With every rainfall everything in the woods thrives. This is nice because with every rain my whole op is hidden that much better.


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