My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
yea i know right me too! i haven't really had time on my side lately so hopefully tonight im gonna chop down the for sure males tonight and possibly repot the ladies because they need the room to grow bigger roots,

i think the stretching has slowed down quite a bit lately i think, they aren't too stretched out i think, just a lil bit more then a couple of the other plants...thanks for stoppin in guys, hopefully a good update comin up here tonight or tomorrow night or sometin...peace out,

ps it looks like i have a good couple females though so two males outta ten right now isn't too bad hopefully thats all there will be...thanks again for the support and site...


Well-Known Member
Hey man nice set up and grow, lookin real lovely. What are the dimensions of your closet, and how much were the emergency blankets? All is looking well tho, keep it up and taking good care of them ladies. Nice work. Peace


Well-Known Member
Two out of ten aint bad at all! I'm sure there is at least another one hiding in there somewhere that will show later.

So if your using bag seed i'd assume it came from a female plant that hermied a little bit... I've read that hermi plants produce hermi seeds, but obviously not in cases where there is only a seed here and there. Also i've read that seeds are more likely to be female the longer they are allowed to devolope. So most bag seeds should have a higher chance of being female as opposed to a plant that was pollinated by a male. Anyone got any input?

keep up the great work bro! it was blazing hot all day here so i hope my babies are okay!


Well-Known Member
Hey man nice set up and grow, lookin real lovely. What are the dimensions of your closet, and how much were the emergency blankets? All is looking well tho, keep it up and taking good care of them ladies. Nice work. Peace
um i think its two feet wide, im only using half of the closet for the grow though but that depth would be around5-6 feet i believe then my height is sometin like 5-6 feet as well, i dont need my babies to get too tall! :mrgreen:, as for the emergency blankets were a couple bucks a piece but they are quiet big for what u pay for i think...thanks for stoppin in zeke, glad u like the setup, if u have any other questions post em up, ill answer anything i can but im a newb as this is my first time...but have read quite a lot of info, so ill help with what i can and maybe the other ppl on here will probably help ya too! thanks for stoppin bro..:blsmoke:

Two out of ten aint bad at all! I'm sure there is at least another one hiding in there somewhere that will show later.

So if your using bag seed i'd assume it came from a female plant that hermied a little bit... I've read that hermi plants produce hermi seeds, but obviously not in cases where there is only a seed here and there. Also i've read that seeds are more likely to be female the longer they are allowed to devolope. So most bag seeds should have a higher chance of being female as opposed to a plant that was pollinated by a male. Anyone got any input?

keep up the great work bro! it was blazing hot all day here so i hope my babies are okay!
yeah idk how that whole thing works i don't understand why one plant produces one kinda seed and the other one produces a different sexed seed???:? but if anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated, yea it got pretty hot here too, my growcloset got a little warm but i gave my babies enough water and gave them a nice spritz...i think im gonna change to my MG bloom booster here probably tomorrow after one more good dose of N just in case... hopefully your babies didn't get too hot...i hope you can figure out a good ventalation system for yourself, i think when i get paid im gonna go and buy a couple more fans for my apartment to circulate the air better, third floor..blah it gets toasty up there....thanks for stoppin in again of luck for your ladies and the high temps brotha..peace :peace:

PS im pretty sure the rest are female because when i killed the two males last night i got a good look at everyone and pretty sure i seen pistils on everyone but i could be wrong we'll just have to wait and make sure...

yeah not bad, gives the huge buds your gonna grow some room :)
hell yea or at least i hope so man i wish i had your strains though..mmmmmm :weed: your grenadine looks dynomite!!! hopefully this grow goes well, its doin alright i think for my first one...maybe after i get a couple more grow experiences ill start orderin some seeds...but for right now im just gonna use up all these good bagseeds until then...well thanks for stoppin by alto always a pleasure to watch your grow...yummy have a good one peace:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the update, finally!!! these pictures are of girls 1-6 i haven't had a chance to name them yet but will soon enough... the pictures are first shown by the pot # then the pictures after that picture are to the according plant sure you'll understand it fine...

I repotted them and started feedin them MG bloom booster, now i know some ppl don't like MG and some ppl do, im just usin it because its better then not using anything and i don't have a hydro shop anywhere around here, so im gonna try it out and when the time is right ill flush it outta there...well here they are enjoy and lemme know what u think....peace out :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
ok heres the last of the update... it starts with plant #7 then proceeds to #8 then the plant i had taken under my wing via...Torgus..(PS i think its a girl torgus) but not 100% sure yet... then the whole group of the ladies... gotta love it... Lemme know what ya think..Peace :peace:



Well-Known Member
Looking pretty awesome.
I'd have to say I like #3 the best, but they are all budding up real good.
Keep up the good work, because whatever you're doing is working.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Them fan leafs look damn good man! Not as good as the little buds tho! Those plants really form a nice canopy at the top don't they? Keep up the great work bro!


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I feel like it was just yesterday we both started our grows. Patience was a virtue. I use the Miracle Grow bloom booster as well it seems to work good..I use it every other watering, with about a tablespoon per gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty awesome.
I'd have to say I like #3 the best, but they are all budding up real good.
Keep up the good work, because whatever you're doing is working.:peace:
thanks bigguy i think its workin out alright except it gets pretty warm in there with the light on from 6pm to 6am, its about 83-84average, and like 87 at the highest but it doesn't even get that high for the most part... yes the buds have grown a lot even in the past two days haha :mrgreen:...cant wait to see our finished product, especiall your LR...mmmm:weed:
ill keep ya updated bigguy and ill def be keepin an eye on your grow! that sucks if your gonna have to haul all that water up there...but as said before its worth it for sure...peace man

Them fan leafs look damn good man! Not as good as the little buds tho! Those plants really form a nice canopy at the top don't they? Keep up the great work bro!
thanks focus for the input man... its crazy how these things take off after a while, i remember when i first planted them i just wanted them to hurry up and get done...but its a really good experience and just plain awesome!! yes the canopy forming is just unreal, love everything about these plants :weed:!!! thanks for stoppin in focus hopefully you can fix that heat issue of yours, i think i might buy another air conditioner and put it in my room that would surely help, idk yet we'll c i guess...thanks for the input brotha, peace..:peace:

Awesome! I feel like it was just yesterday we both started our grows. Patience was a virtue. I use the Miracle Grow bloom booster as well it seems to work good..I use it every other watering, with about a tablespoon per gallon of water.
i know it seems like they were just little kids, and now they're getting all big and maturin' sad but im way happier headed in this direction haha... my patience was bad at first because i would look at them all the time, then i said u know what their not gonna grow any faster if i look at them all the time, so i try to keep myself a little more occupied nowadays, eventhough its still fun to go and talk with them and spend time with them every day, just not as much as before...
alright well thats good its workin then, because everything seems to be alright with mine, eventhough i only gave it to them once, at a tsp per gallon, i didn't wanna over do it the first time so ill gradually introduce them to the bloom booster i don't wanna burn my babies at all, what day did u get sprouts on?? mine was 4/14 i believe, but since i didn't have good lighting until a little into my grow, my plants suffered a lil bit so i think they might be a little behind what they should, seems like they should have gotten a little bigger in that time but o well, its my first time so probably sometin with heat or underwater early on, stunted them for a while...well idk but they seem to be doin alright now...k enough rambling on sorry, do that when i get high sometimes...everyone have a good day!!! :peace: :weed: :leaf: :arrow: bongsmilie= :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i know it seems like they were just little kids, and now they're getting all big and maturin' sad but im way happier headed in this direction haha... my patience was bad at first because i would look at them all the time, then i said u know what their not gonna grow any faster if i look at them all the time, so i try to keep myself a little more occupied nowadays, eventhough its still fun to go and talk with them and spend time with them every day, just not as much as before...
alright well thats good its workin then, because everything seems to be alright with mine, eventhough i only gave it to them once, at a tsp per gallon, i didn't wanna over do it the first time so ill gradually introduce them to the bloom booster i don't wanna burn my babies at all, what day did u get sprouts on?? mine was 4/14 i believe, but since i didn't have good lighting until a little into my grow, my plants suffered a lil bit so i think they might be a little behind what they should, seems like they should have gotten a little bigger in that time but o well, its my first time so probably sometin with heat or underwater early on, stunted them for a while...well idk but they seem to be doin alright now...k enough rambling on sorry, do that when i get high sometimes...everyone have a good day!!! :peace: :weed: :leaf: :arrow: bongsmilie= :eyesmoke:
Mine sprouted may 5th I think it was. And funny you say the suffering of lights thing because my sprouts were under a 15 watt flouro for the first 4 days so that severely stunted their growth to what it could have been right off the bat. I got the HPS and then they started to BLOW up. 6-22-08 is when the white hairs showed up, which was day 8 of 12/12. I think I'm suffering from a magnesium def. now cas allot of my lower leaves are turning yellow from the outside in, leaving the veins green..bummer..I pick off a few each day and find more the next day..they kinda just fall off when i give the lightest tug. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Mine sprouted may 5th I think it was. And funny you say the suffering of lights thing because my sprouts were under a 15 watt flouro for the first 4 days so that severely stunted their growth to what it could have been right off the bat. I got the HPS and then they started to BLOW up. 6-22-08 is when the white hairs showed up, which was day 8 of 12/12. I think I'm suffering from a magnesium def. now cas allot of my lower leaves are turning yellow from the outside in, leaving the veins green..bummer..I pick off a few each day and find more the next day..they kinda just fall off when i give the lightest tug. :cry:
yea i can't wait till my next grow to compare and see how they were stunted becuase i have figured out most of the problems since then i hope... yea i started flowering on 6/14 after two months of veggin.... its crazy how fast they grow with the proper lighting, too bad to hear about your def though hopefully you can get that all worked out soon enough so no more stunting occurs, best of luck:peace:... thanks for stoppin again TAEM...keep it up peacez...


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was gonna take some pics and post them up this weekend, but i couldn't wait so here is some pics i took last night, :) so hopefully these should hold ya over for a couple days...they are starting to bud up nicely...lemme know what ya think, thanks for stoppin peace :blsmoke:

oh the plants go in order from pic 1-2 are from plant #1 and pics 3-4 Are from plant #2, and so on except i took an extra one or two in there so idk how the order goes for sure but thats about how it goes, sorry if too confusing but they look good anyways...



Well-Known Member
Uh oh, you started flowering a day after me and yours are kicking mine asses! lol

My 70 watt just takes a little longer thats all =]

Looking good man!


Well-Known Member
Uh oh, you started flowering a day after me and yours are kicking mine asses! lol

My 70 watt just takes a little longer thats all =]

Looking good man!

Yea dude i have a little higher wattage then u but i also have more plants too! but yours are still comin along good, cannot wait to see when our grows are done!! thanks for stoppin in TAEM, keep it up happy growing :mrgreen: peace


Well-Known Member
Excellent bud-porn man, you're going to have some monster buds.
Keep up the great job man.:mrgreen::peace:
why thanks bigguy, i really hope so... fingers crossed.. as for your girls too!! cant wait till full fledged flowering starts for them... :mrgreen: keep it up, happy growin!


Well-Known Member
Plants all look great, its easy to see the work you have put in.
Flowering, while beautiful, was the hardest part of the waiting for me.
If you are lucky and cautious nothing much happens, and they will just keep getting bigger.
Pays off too in the end :weed: Photos are great as well.
Thanks for the update :joint: