Fungus Knats ..not fun anymore , need advice


Well-Known Member
There are repellant measures one can take to limit re infestation. Cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, neem, and peppermint natural soap brewed together and sprayed on the soil keeps them away if you are using regularly with an ovicide and larvicide.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
my mushroom grow was getting invaded by the little fukerz. red wine, killed every last one. I caught it early and put a glass of wine in my clean room and it wiped them out. If I let it go on for a while probably would have been a little harder to control tho. the best way to steer clear of nats is prevention!! clean and sterilize everything.


Well-Known Member
Most of the food American's eat are sprayed with synthetic chemicals. A majority of these chemicals are Pyrethroids which are based on a natural occurring pesticide in Pyrethrum flowers. These chimicals are neurotoxic and when smoked you get really 'high'. Many killos of weed people think is getting them high is actually the pecidide getting them high and not the chemicals cannabis naturally produces. Many testing facilities will pass theses chemicals off as organic when they are not naturally found in cannabis.

I know tests pass it off as organic because I spray my plants with Bifenthrin, and never have a problem with pests. 'About 70% of all hops and raspberries cultured in the United States are treated with bifenthrin.'

I always say just cause something is organic does not mean its good for you. Lead, Arsenic and many horrible heavy metals are found in organic fertilizers. If your one of those people that think organic is great, go eat wild mushrooms and see if you make it another week.


Well-Known Member
2 steps, this will work. Step1-

Step 2- The traps will get rid of what's left, placed near drain holes.
