droopy leaves


Active Member
i live in the middle of north carolina and growing 6 outdoor plants all of which are doing great. i didnt check them the past 3 days but whenever i looked at them today 4 of them were completely droopy. all the leaves on all the plants just drooped and looked really puny. i cut some of the fan leaves (a few weeks ago) and i heard this can cause stress... is this the problem? if not someone help me please (i dont have a camera so no pics)


Active Member
well i havent waterd them in the past 3 days and there hasnt been any rain the past few days. i watered them earlier today so hopefully thatll fix the problem. thanks guys

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Don't water in the middle of the day! Water early mornings, and when the sun isnt on the plant in the eveneing. This is what I do. I don't know why if you water in the sunlight it's not good for them. Something about shock.


Well-Known Member
Don't water in the middle of the day! Water early mornings, and when the sun isnt on the plant in the eveneing. This is what I do. I don't know why if you water in the sunlight it's not good for them. Something about shock.
The biggest reason is that you lose a lot of water to evaporation.


Well-Known Member
The biggest reason is that you lose a lot of water to evaporation.
That and with some plants, if you leave water dropletts on the leaves during bright/hot days, you can scortch them because the water acts like a magnifying glass. I haven't personally had it happen - could be a urban legend, but when I have to water when it's sunny and we're still heading into the hot part of the day, I just try not to get any on the leaves.


Active Member
yeah i rarely water the plant itself just the soil its in. and about 95% of the time im watering it around 9 in the morning so its only gotten a small portion of sun its gonna be getting the rest of the day. i didnt have enough pots for all my plants so i had to put them 2 to a pot so they probably down that water quick