Well what did you get/give?


Well-Known Member
gave to kids

son gets crap load of vid games
nerf gun
tablet -from folks

Daughter gets
Smart phone with data
(will add as I remember... lol)

so far.. we have gotten
new big toaster for bagels..
new coffee pot
stuff I cant recall yet..


Well-Known Member
My daughter got a bunch of Legos, dolls, and games.

My wife got a nice necklace and I got a set of screwdrivers.

We're being a little cheap this Christmas because my daughter wants an ATV for her birthday this Spring.

I hope everyone has/had a great Xmas!


Well-Known Member
the family still is not even awake here.. I was threatened last night NOT to wake them.. been up since 4 so naturally I want to wake them now.. but the wifey gets mean...


Well-Known Member
You snooze you lose...
she'll wake-up... eventually, besides it's about us kids, I mean the kids

Got my gf a diamond ring and other things as well.
The girls are 14, 17, & 20
They got mostly clothes and stupid shit they don't need



You snooze you lose...
she'll wake-up... eventually, besides it's about us kids, I mean the kids

Got my gf a diamond ring and other things as well.
The girls are 14, 17, & 20
They got mostly clothes and stupid shit they don't need

uhh i thought by 18 kids where supposed to be out of the house and had a job and a degree.


Well-Known Member
We're being cheap this year saving for vacation. Got the little one a teething ball, she ain't gonna remember shit though. But I got my wife a massaging shower head and a scarf/hat/gloves combo. She got me a new pair of boots. But she doesn't work and doesn't have any money so in reality I got me a new pair of boots. Merry Christmas guys. And gals.


Well-Known Member
Power tools, a 600W MH/HPS system, and a bottle of cognac that has me extremely hungover at the moment. Oh, and got some new seeds in from a friend here on RIU, only the damn postmark machine crushed half of them. I once made the same mistake sending beans, wound-up using a jewelry box the second time.

Happy holidays everyone!


Well-Known Member
We got babygirl a bunch of niner gear, clothes and art supplies and 4 new books. Baby boy got hot wheels, a spy set, 2 nice remotecontrol cars, niner gear and the combination present for them both is a first gen xbox with every nes, n64, sega genisis, super nes and xbox game on the hard drive.

Wifey get her presents last night lol


Well-Known Member
Silver and Gold I have not...
So, the gift I offer doesn't cost...
So I received nothing from anyone...
So, I'll smoke some pot...
I represent an easy way out...
I bought nothing either for anyone...
So, I'll just go smoke some pot...
Less you want, the less you need...
I want nothing else in life...
I have all I need....
And now, smoking as much as I want, when ever I want...
Realise....What else could anyone...
Ever, really want, or need?

Christmas to me, means something completely different than it means to you...

Have a great day....



Well-Known Member
I didn't ask for anything for x mas so I got a pair of jeans and a coffee cup.

I bought mom an an I pad mini with keyboard attachment thingy. Gave brother some ganj, and got pops a table saw he desperately needed. Now it won't be a drive to the shop to cut a piece of wood.

ive been blessed since I got my life together and don't long for anything really. I get more enjoyment from getting people things they want or need and my gift to myself is knowing my life is on track enough that I can buy people things they want or need. Really I'm just glad I'm around the family for the holidays.


Well-Known Member
Girlfriend got me some clothes, got my nieces some new bikes, and bought myself a new mh/hps conversion ballast :)
A riu Christmas wouldn't be complete without a gift to the garden. Hardest working ladies I know reside in my garden lol... they deserve something new.


Well-Known Member
You snooze you lose...
she'll wake-up... eventually, besides it's about us kids, I mean the kids

Got my gf a diamond ring and other things as well.
The girls are 14, 17, & 20
They got mostly clothes and stupid shit they don't need


my big gift...
and her ring... she was surprised to say the least!!!



Well-Known Member
i gave more than i could afford as usual and i get the satisfaction of seeing the people i love happy. that's all i need in return.