no trim while cure possible


Well-Known Member
Got a question forithose experience curers hahaha......well what if you hang dry while you only cut the fan leafs and leaves that don't got sugar on them so after hang dry instead of manicure then jar cure what if you put it in jar and cure it that way WITHOUT MANICURE


Well-Known Member
Good luck getting it in the jar.

Got a question forithose experience curers hahaha......well what if you hang dry while you only cut the fan leafs and leaves that don't got sugar on them so after hang dry instead of manicure then jar cure what if you put it in jar and cure it that way WITHOUT MANICURE


Well-Known Member
Great lol I actually answered my question brimck325 great I am just curing luke how you said don't open till smoked comes out great


Active Member
I save my trimmings to make hash. The leaves put off a different smell and taste different (not good like bud). If you cure in those trimming i'm not positive but pretty sure your bud will come out with that leafy smell. Just an opinion. To each is own. :leaf:


Active Member
Wouldn't count on it. I take pride in my harvest. I don't grow a crop for 3-4 months so that I can be lazy the last step. It makes your bud look like shit and guarantee it has somewhat of an impact on taste. I also think you lose more trich's by not trimming b/c the leaves would collect them while rubbing against each other in the jar. Then you peel them off b4 you smoke? Why not just trim before you jar that way you don't have to be bothered w/ unwrapping them when you want to smoke. Seems like a silly method.:sad: merry x-mas.