Javadog's Next Adventure

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

If you had to choose from one of these, then which would you pick:

Ushio Hilux Gro AHS 600/Opti-Red
Sunmaster Super HPS Deluxe Bulb 600W
Global Greenhouse Lighting 'GGL' - 600w HPS Bulb
Eye Hortilux Enhanced HPS Lamps LU600S-HTL-EN - 600W

I need to replace my HPS bulb in my flowering tent.


I use both the Hortilux and Sunmaster bulbs you mentioned with great results. They both are great bulbs. And I have always been partial to Hortilux but honestly not sure if they are worth the extra money over the Sunmaster.


Well-Known Member
That is great to know.

I understand saving a buck, very well, and will not throw money
away, but when I consider that the cost difference in a better bulb
is a one time thing, and that my power bill is killing me, then I have
to go long term.


P.S. BTW: I did the first up-potting of some of the new breed's clones.

So, Trainwreck, Sour Kosher, Bubba Kush, and The Dog are all saved
for the future (they are in the next crop)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pap.

Things have appeared to slow, as we are at Day #42 for the
older plants, and at Day #34 for the younger plants.

The stretch is handled.

I have raised up the shorter plants, and even Somango, though
it did not need it so much....I just want it to get full exposure.
I am looking forward to smoking some more of it!

BTW, the smaller of the two slower CVMMs is indeed showing some
real purpling of the buds:
CVMM Purp1.jpg
CVMM Purp2.jpg

Take care,



Well-Known Member
They are looking good.

I think I am going to go with the Sour Cherry for my Purple gratification since the CVMM stuff is no more.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm late to start flowering and not lemony untill late on sounds like a lemon strain.....

i pick of the little caylaxs on the stem the single ones covered in thc it works well to get the scent the plant may become.....

can u post as many picks as u can be bothered to of your slh and smelly cherry......

in pheno hunting my super lemon cherry haze beans.....but need more scherry picks.......

tent looks siiiiikk

well done man that's dedication...


Well-Known Member
Well, I will be flowering a Sour Cherry to compare to Bass,
in about 5-6 weeks.

LK, I will post the Smelly Cherry and the Super Lemon Haze.

I am going to work with the SLH much more closely and
have clones started. It might make a plant ready to flower
if it is trained properly.

The Lemon Thai Kush has one of the Kessils pretty much to
itself and it is developing nicely.

Going perpetual will allow me to let these breeds develop as
long as they need. I am still working with new breeds here.

...but it is fun to be growing another Somango. This is a very
nice breed. I think that you all will be very stoked by its color
when it is done.


P.S. The next crop, making roots:
View attachment 2943586


Well-Known Member
I really want the Sour Cherry, but am waiting till I have money to spend on the beans, or till a sale on them pops up.

I have the Blue Pits to keep me occupied and the Deep Psychosis and there is the freebies as well.


Well-Known Member
I hope I have solved the small buds issue so next run wont be afflicted as well.
I might have been under ferting them even...

I just cant keep a meter working properly


Well-Known Member
Why havent I been sub'd here bad bro, here now! How are you liking Hempy? I did a test run hempy 2 years ago with a male plant. Hempy grows are fun and blow up quickly!



Well-Known Member
Hey FM,

I am happy to have you here.

I am going to ask an Admin to amend the title to just my "next adventure",
and just keep posting here if I can. Going perpetual is making defining what
the current crop # is confusing.

It is mostly Bass and I bouncing junk around, but I notice the likes people! :0)

After all, we are in the, well, somewhat boring is hard to *see* swelling happen. lol

The interesting thing right now is my trying to gauge the Veg growth of the
next rack of hempys so that they are best prepared to flower when their time

If anyone has specific stretch estimates for any of these breeds, then
please do let me know.

I learned that The Dog can stretch into the 3-4X range. This plant is a vigorous
grower and will require one more chop. It seems that all the BB breeds are
strong, as the Cheese Surprise looks to need a trim too. (you can see CS in the
photo in the P.S. above, it is on the far right in the back row)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Hey FM,

I am happy to have you here.

I am going to ask an Admin to amend the title to just my "next adventure",
and just keep posting here if I can. Going perpetual is making defining what
the current crop # is confusing.

It is mostly Bass and I bouncing junk around, but I notice the likes people! :0)

After all, we are in the, well, somewhat boring is hard to *see* swelling happen. lol

The interesting thing right now is my trying to gauge the Veg growth of the
next rack of hempys so that they are best prepared to flower when their time

If anyone has specific stretch estimates for any of these breeds, then
please do let me know.

I learned that The Dog can stretch into the 3-4X range. This plant is a vigorous
grower and will require one more chop. It seems that all the BB breeds are
strong, as the Cheese Surprise looks to need a trim too. (you can see CS in the
photo in the P.S. above, it is on the far right in the back row)

Take care,

Want me to change?


Well-Known Member
You did fine Beech. Thanks again!

I am back from the F'ing Triple Bypass Surgery
that my beloved Chargers left me needing!

Goodness Gracious! We seem to require drama.

I took a Kosher Kush + PurpleBerry over for the event. Yummy.



P.S. Thanks for liking this Bass, as I spotted a typo.
("You did find" ?? :0)

Oh wow, my edit un-liked it. LOL


Well-Known Member
You did find Beech. Thanks again!

I am back from the F'ing Triple Bypass Surgery
that my beloved Chargers left me needing!

Goodness Gracious! We seem to require drama.

I took a Kosher Kush + PurpleBerry over for the event. Yummy.


Steelers are out.....


Well-Known Member
We were the third least likely, the Steelers were the fourth.

It was a heart-attack of a game.

...but Phillip Rivers is right, that we can now forget about getting
held at the 0.5 yard mark for three downs by the Redskins, and the
disastrous losses to the Dolphins and the Titans. It has been a very
up and down season.

BUT we have, all along, known that with a young coach that there
is a learning process going on. His call for the fake punt was crazy!

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Yea all my BB seeds have been very vigorous. and In happy tidings, my pyshco killer clones have retained the same vigor as the seedlings mother :) Cant go wrong with them! JD, have you had a hempy harvest yet? did you notice a taste difference vs soil?

Im just glad my broncos kicked some oakland ass. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pap.

My PK #1 is still not showing must be two months old.

#2 is behind it and we will see.

I have popped a second Smelly Cherry. Note that I will still be
calling this SC #1, as I only really number females.

Of the new beans in the BST, Soma's NYC Diesel and Smelly Cherry
have popped, but my Jack The Ripper (bean #2 of 3!) and Soma's
Lavender have not popped. Both of these are most desired and
I am on bean-watch for another week before I begin to give up hope.

My Chargers gave us a typically heart-attack that, so
very typically, is getting zero national coverage.

Ah well, as Phillip Rivers put it, we can now forget the terrible losses
of this year....the Titans and the Dolphin losses were terrible.



Well-Known Member

I just checked the BST, as I was putting in two new clones from
the well-recovering Purple Wreck into it, and I noticed that the
JTR is popping out of the soil.

C'mon Lavender!

