U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C


Well-Known Member
You keep talking about war, are we at war with Yemen? If we aren't at war with Yemen, why are we killing innocent people only living their lives over there?
Don't act retarded. This is Bush Doctrine. We are still in asymmetrically warfare with Sunni Jihad these last 220 years or more.

You just make shit up. We are at War. Jefferson War, Bush War, Sky Killer War. Our embassies get bombed and they attack in the USA, and you are lost in Space. Get used it or not. But, do not act like we need to declare war on Yemen pr anywhere. Yemen? We just had 17 sailors killed when these Stateless mutts, allowed to roam free, attacked the Cole.

We are past justification and crying about a few civilians. OK? Did you cry when they hunted down non-muslims in that shopping mall? Why the hell not?

To me, you are part of the problem. The apologist.


Well-Known Member
I bet for every 1 actual Al Qaeda member droned, we kill 10 innocent and create 1,000 more AQ that joined because they were pissed off we just happened to kill their families who were only in a wedding. Pretty soon Every person in that part of the world will be a sworn enemy, even the little babies that Shkylar likes to get droned so much.

Why own a gun if you believe you deserve to get killed for something your country did 300 years ago?
What does this even mean? What country? What 300 years ago? You miss the point.

We didn't start this. We don't create Jihad. These people are born to hate all but Muslim. The training begins pre-verbal, like ours does, but the subject matter is completely different. You have a giant ego like a lot of Americans. You act like we bombed them. The fact it they began bombing us in the Med. when ever we sailed by. But, the did that to all the Eurpoeans they could get their hands on also.

We didn't start it and by God, we don't continue it. We wish it was over. We wish we never found oil in the land of Islam. But, Jihad is relentless and we don't know what this wedding was. I say it was a cover. And we don't know if it was bad intel. We may just need the cover of Bad Intel, for some other purpose. It is War.

But, this is not about oil. It is about Dominion of Religion. Non-secular Rule.

You want that, Drama?


Well-Known Member
So we got DOER and Kynes hell bent on killing every Muslim in the world due to the belief that all Muslims want to kill all non Muslims.


Well-Known Member
So we got DOER and Kynes hell bent on killing every Muslim in the world due to the belief that all Muslims want to kill all non Muslims.
No, we simply have you and your super simplistic point of view. You can't even talk straight. All exaggeration and histrionics.


Well-Known Member

Sorry bub, i'm in my 50's and have less wrinkly hands, and I FARM!!
Did you think she was 14? I'm in my 60s and that looks like a very sweet hand to me. I mean she is wearing a Rollie and on the inside, too.

So hot.


Well-Known Member
No, we simply have you and your super simplistic point of view..
Yes my simplistic point of view that we shouldn't kill innocent people. Pretty straight forward, I am surprised you don't support that.

Your non simple view is that we should kill every muslim cuz those fuckers are BORN to hate us.

Muslims are not BORN to hate you, they end up hating us because we killed their innocent relatives, grandmother, little sister etc etc and destroyed their home and way of life.

But hey, i'm sure you would be content if CHina was sending ordnance our way merely because of the stupid belief that we hate them. Cuz that is a really good justification for killing.

Apparently the people who have never seen one single day of actual war are the ones who most fervently support it.


New Member
Yes my simplistic point of view that we shouldn't kill innocent people. Pretty straight forward, I am surprised you don't support that.

Your non simple view is that we should kill every muslim cuz those fuckers are BORN to hate us.

Muslims are not BORN to hate you, they end up hating us because we killed their innocent relatives, grandmother, little sister etc etc and destroyed their home and way of life.

But hey, i'm sure you would be content if CHina was sending ordnance our way merely because of the stupid belief that we hate them. Cuz that is a really good justification for killing.

Apparently the people who have never seen one single day of actual war are the ones who most fervently support it.
They hate us regardless of whether we killed any of their relatives. Under Islam, all non-believers are to be converted, killed, or enslaved. You have two choices, fight or submit. There is no option of peaceful co-existence.


Well-Known Member
In your 60's?? LOL viagra much?
You knew that, and viagra? I've took that in my 30 and 40s for the blue veined diamond cutter. Now I am Tantric trained.

The V is just for that, first, "Oh my sweet Jesus!" reaction.

50s huh? Just a baby. :)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i bet every person who gets blowed up by an islamo-militant's bomb has relatives too...

you are proposing that islam is not already at war with EVERYBODY ELSE, when in fact they have proven that they hate EVERYBODY who isnt one of them.

in indonesia, even buddhist monks are taking up arms against islam, and you gotta be a real dickhead to drive those guys to violence.

everywhere islam gains the upper hand, everybody who isnt a moslem gets oppressed, repressed or forcibly converted from a kaffir into a corpse.

just because you met a few moslems who smiled and played nice when you were marching around with the 8th infantry doesnt mean those same smiling innocent hajis werent plotting to blow you up as soon as your back was turned.

in case you havent noticed, militant jihajis dont usually try to blow up soldiers and tanks, they prefer victims who cant shoot back.

if they restricted their attacks to military forces and military personell, then they would not be TERRORISTS, they would be soldiers, militia, irregulars or geurillas.

islam is chok-a-block full of violent crazy militant fundamentalist dickhead bastards, it's their number two export.

pretending their crazy ass backwards retrograde society is not crazy, backwards and retrograde is to do violence to the truth.
How is christianity any different? Never heard of the crusades and Spanish Inquisition? A little more modern, Branch Dividians. I bet if Westboro Baptist had the member base of Islam, they'd become quite the terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Yes my simplistic point of view that we shouldn't kill innocent people. Pretty straight forward, I am surprised you don't support that.

Your non simple view is that we should kill every muslim cuz those fuckers are BORN to hate us.

Muslims are not BORN to hate you, they end up hating us because we killed their innocent relatives, grandmother, little sister etc etc and destroyed their home and way of life.

But hey, i'm sure you would be content if CHina was sending ordnance our way merely because of the stupid belief that we hate them. Cuz that is a really good justification for killing.

Apparently the people who have never seen one single day of actual war are the ones who most fervently support it.
Oh, I am all for killing. I am surprised you didn't know that.

You are still making up most of that, to make it simple enough for yourself. I never said more than I said. Your de-coding is your brain on drugs....I hope.

If we thought we could get away with killing them all, we would be done by now. It is not that simple. Well, maybe to you.


Well-Known Member
wrinkly? must have missed that.i don't think you can judge how a person looks by one arm, either.i have seen more and am convinced of my opinion.send her some dick pics and she might hook you up with the goods as well.
Oh Fucky did you really just say this? I remember when you judged me by the look of my arm, but it was a womans arm, and not mine. Once again further proof that you spend time around mighty women with manly characteristics...

See: https://www.rollitup.org/colorado-patients/763035-mits-administrators-4.html#post9955158

With racism even, You're the racist.


Well-Known Member
Oh Fucky did you really just say this? I remember when you judged me by the look of my arm, but it was a womans arm, and not mine. Once again further proof that you spend time around mighty women with manly characteristics...

See: https://www.rollitup.org/colorado-patients/763035-mits-administrators-4.html#post9955158

With racism even, You're the racist.
Further proof? That cracks me up. You have no 1st proof. All you know is from the fingers of one you don't know.


Well-Known Member
Anyone that would confuse the hand in question with a mans, hasn't spent much time around any woman that takes care of her body. That's a nice way to put it...
I just wanted to point out how full of shit he is about the whole judging thing.