U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C


Well-Known Member
well, that's pretty weird.
Yes, it is weird. Not main stream thinking for sure. So, I could be wrong. But, what do you think goes on at many mosques of a certain sway, here and around the world?

They ain't just whistling Dixie, are they? :)

And why do we never hear a straight up denouncement of the conquest doctrine, or Jihad, but only hear a broad mincing of words? Oh it gets pretty slippery all right. And all the Press can do is ask and accept the answer. But, do we listen? I began to listen and I say it all there and they cannot deny it nor discuss it.

And my good forum friends, the Islamist have strict rules and terms for how they may deal with non-believers. And clerics live in fear of the strong arm of world Jihad and always have.

That is no big surprise however as I see it has been going on for a long time. You can read all about it, but unless you speak, not only the language but the code of Islam you can't know first hand.

You consider this in the USA, a religion of Peace? I want it to be that, here. But, so far, even here, they won't say that.

Your wife, I am sure and everyone in her family will agree that God wanted us to choose, to have free will.

In Islam, no free will. All is the mysterious hand of Allah. And if Allah wills it....world Dominion... who are we to say? These are the teachings of Allah.

That is very dangerous logic to me and unique. The first and last true intolerance is... Because I said, God Said.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you're ranting on about Catholics and god knows what else, to justify why the US killed a bunch of innocent Muslims based on NO INTEL, instead using profiling.

You love profiling though...
so the pentagon spotted a small group of dudes with teatowels on their heads and said "fuck it, close enough" and lobbed a quarter million bucks in ordinance at em, just on the off-chance that this was a militant keg party?


somebody screwed up, ahit happens, this does not mean the pentagon is randomly dusting off frat parties, beer busts and hoedowns all over sandland, cuz the evidence PROVES they aint.

this WAS bad intel, or a plain ordinary fuckup, not part of the official policy of the Obama Regime.

odds are, it was bad intel, but we wont know unless the CIA, NSA and pentagon decide to open their books and tell us A: who said this was a AQAP get together, or B: who in the chain of command assumed it wasone, and blowed it up by mistake.

neither of these two eventuallities will be happening, so you can only ASSUME there was no intel, and then further ASSUME that is was not a fuckup, thus ASSUMING it was deliberate, cuz america does that shit all the time...


Well-Known Member
I guess for some minds, that is all that can be grasped. However, I never said a word about any justification. It is a War thrust on us, specifically, long ago. And it was forced on the world before that and is being fought by Buddhists in Burma, for Gawd's Sake! The Boo-boys are hard to rile up.

The Jihad, insists they may, and actually feel compelled to, sponsor State Terror against the USA. That, forced us to arm up. It has never stopped. The Sunni States are still Sponsors.

Because they found oil, they became more than pirates of the Med.

So, all that happened after that, you want justifications as if some teenager's, chore was not done. War is not like that. War is hell.

So, what is it, when one side must force it's religion? We had a couple of sunni here and I asked if they even, could, renounce this Domination Maefesto.

They cannot and it is a mortal sin to do so. So, this is tough nuts, and we fight the ghost and try to stay true to a secular ideal.

But, WE are way past justification. Ask Jihad for Justification. Can't find one? Well, ask any Muslim and he will tell you, if he is honest, says my Pastun friend.

It is a Sin to allow other Religions. And it a Blasphemy not to believe in Allah. No neutrals.

Maybe we can calm it down. I hope. I mean, this was the very attitude of Christianity until very recently, right? But, we did start to play nice....about 60 years ago, we tossed out the Nazi. Didn't work out completely. It was too late and Gestapo is still there.

So, are you really of the mind that if we just play nice and they will leave us alone?
You keep talking about war, are we at war with Yemen? If we aren't at war with Yemen, why are we killing innocent people only living their lives over there?


Well-Known Member
so the pentagon spotted a small group of dudes with teatowels on their heads and said "fuck it, close enough" and lobbed a quarter million bucks in ordinance at em, just on the off-chance that this was a militant keg party?


somebody screwed up, ahit happens, this does not mean the pentagon is randomly dusting off frat parties, beer busts and hoedowns all over sandland, cuz the evidence PROVES they aint.

this WAS bad intel, or a plain ordinary fuckup, not part of the official policy of the Obama Regime.

odds are, it was bad intel, but we wont know unless the CIA, NSA and pentagon decide to open their books and tell us A: who said this was a AQAP get together, or B: who in the chain of command assumed it wasone, and blowed it up by mistake.

neither of these two eventuallities will be happening, so you can only ASSUME there was no intel, and then further ASSUME that is was not a fuckup, thus ASSUMING it was deliberate, cuz america does that shit all the time...
I bet for every 1 actual Al Qaeda member droned, we kill 10 innocent and create 1,000 more AQ that joined because they were pissed off we just happened to kill their families who were only in a wedding. Pretty soon Every person in that part of the world will be a sworn enemy, even the little babies that Shkylar likes to get droned so much.

Why own a gun if you believe you deserve to get killed for something your country did 300 years ago?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You keep talking about war, are we at war with Yemen? If we aren't at war with Yemen, why are we killing innocent people only living their lives over there?

maybe you havent heard, but HALF OF YEMEN is in the firm grip of AQAP. the yemeni govt. has no power there.

they are halfway overthrown by Al Quaeda In The Arabian Peninsula and it's subsidiary groups, who, you may have heard, declared war on the US and the rest of the civilized world a few years back.

Yemen has asked for help, and the only help they have received is drone/cruise missile strikes on targets they identify, or we identify as being part of the AQAP organization in yemen's rebel territory.

Protip: we also offer logisitcal, and even military assistance to the phillippines in combating Abu Sayyf islamo-militants, but we aint at war with the phillippines either.

stop pretending to be stupid, thats bucky's and echie's patented move.


Well-Known Member
I saw the picture of her arm, she is old and wrinkly, not at all good looking, you have been duped.
wrinkly? must have missed that.i don't think you can judge how a person looks by one arm, either.i have seen more and am convinced of my opinion.send her some dick pics and she might hook you up with the goods as well.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I bet for every 1 actual Al Qaeda member droned, we kill 10 innocent and create 1,000 more AQ that joined because they were pissed off we just happened to kill their families who were only in a wedding. Pretty soon Every person in that part of the world will be a sworn enemy, even the little babies that Shkylar likes to get droned so much.

Why own a gun if you believe you deserve to get killed for something your country did 300 years ago?
i bet every person who gets blowed up by an islamo-militant's bomb has relatives too...

you are proposing that islam is not already at war with EVERYBODY ELSE, when in fact they have proven that they hate EVERYBODY who isnt one of them.

in indonesia, even buddhist monks are taking up arms against islam, and you gotta be a real dickhead to drive those guys to violence.

everywhere islam gains the upper hand, everybody who isnt a moslem gets oppressed, repressed or forcibly converted from a kaffir into a corpse.

just because you met a few moslems who smiled and played nice when you were marching around with the 8th infantry doesnt mean those same smiling innocent hajis werent plotting to blow you up as soon as your back was turned.

in case you havent noticed, militant jihajis dont usually try to blow up soldiers and tanks, they prefer victims who cant shoot back.

if they restricted their attacks to military forces and military personell, then they would not be TERRORISTS, they would be soldiers, militia, irregulars or geurillas.

islam is chok-a-block full of violent crazy militant fundamentalist dickhead bastards, it's their number two export.

pretending their crazy ass backwards retrograde society is not crazy, backwards and retrograde is to do violence to the truth.


New Member
so the pentagon spotted a small group of dudes with teatowels on their heads and said "fuck it, close enough" and lobbed a quarter million bucks in ordinance at em, just on the off-chance that this was a militant keg party?


somebody screwed up, ahit happens, this does not mean the pentagon is randomly dusting off frat parties, beer busts and hoedowns all over sandland, cuz the evidence PROVES they aint.
Do you remember when I told you to look up the term "signature drone strike"? A signature drone strike or TADS/Crowd Strike is used to Find/Fix/Finish unidentified individuals based on patterns of behaviour among other circumstantial evidence. This means the pentagon is randomly dusting of individuals based on nothing more than how their behaviour appears.

this WAS bad intel, or a plain ordinary fuckup, not part of the official policy of the Obama Regime.

The United States has begun launching drone strikes against suspected al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen under new authority approved by President Obama that allows the CIA and the military to fire even when the identity of those who could be killed is not known, U.S. officials said.

The policy shift marks a significant expansion of the clandestine drone war against an al-Qaeda affiliate that has seized large *pieces of territory in Yemen and is linked to a series of terrorist plots against the United States.
Signature Strikes ARE an OFFICIAL Obama Admin policy directive.



Well-Known Member
Hellfire missiles only cost $75,000 or so, Even I could afford a few of them. They are so cost effective, the military doesn't mind if a few aren't sent to the right targets.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Do you remember when I told you to look up the term "signature drone strike"? A signature drone strike or TADS/Crowd Strike is used to Find/Fix/Finish unidentified individuals based on patterns of behaviour among other circumstantial evidence. This means the pentagon is randomly dusting of individuals based on nothing more than how their behaviour appears.
no, i dont commit your commentary to long term memory, it's usually not worth the trouble.

if you propose that these alleged "signature strikes" are being done, then i must ask you, do you suppose these "signature strikes" might be a cover story to conceal moles in AQ and other organizations, cover up moslem nations which are co-operating with the Great Satan, and a convenient excuse to dodge the possibility that maybe the chain of command between Bwana Obama, the the guy who pushes the button might have a few missing links?

this "signature strike" policy doesnt sound terribly sensible, efficient or accurate. it sounds like the kind of Deus Ex Machina cover story that is tailor made to redirect militant's questions from "which one of you guys squimped?" to "holy shit, how'd they spot us?"

moles are easy to eliminate if you discover the CIA has ears in your organization, but a mysterious power to pick out one mujahadeeen in a city of thousands and drop a missile through his sunroof would be far more effective than a dozen random potshots at crowds hoping to smoke a terrorist or two.

"signature strikes" doesnt sound like policy, it sounds like a cover story to conceal real intel sources, and cover your butt if somebody puts in the wrong GPS co-ordinates.

Ockhams Razor. the simplest solution is most likely correct, and bombing targets based on fancy guesswork doesnt sound very simple,it sounds more simpleminded.

404. bullshit not found.

highly suspect. even our Nobel Prize Winning Brahmin in Chief isnt so stupid as to develop a real policy of missile strikes based on guesswork and hunches.

he wants to seem more competent than he is, not like a lucky monkey with a talent for picking stocks.


New Member
no, i dont commit your commentary to long term memory, it's usually not worth the trouble.

if you propose that these alleged "signature strikes" are being done, then i must ask you, do you suppose these "signature strikes" might be a cover story to conceal moles in AQ and other organizations, cover up moslem nations which are co-operating with the Great Satan, and a convenient excuse to dodge the possibility that maybe the chain of command between Bwana Obama, the the guy who pushes the button might have a few missing links?

this "signature strike" policy doesnt sound terribly sensible, efficient or accurate. it sounds like the kind of Deus Ex Machina cover story that is tailor made to redirect militant's questions from "which one of you guys squimped?" to "holy shit, how'd they spot us?"

moles are easy to eliminate if you discover the CIA has ears in your organization, but a mysterious power to pick out one mujahadeeen in a city of thousands and drop a missile through his sunroof would be far more effective than a dozen random potshots at crowds hoping to smoke a terrorist or two.

"signature strikes" doesnt sound like policy, it sounds like a cover story to conceal real intel sources, and cover your butt if somebody puts in the wrong GPS co-ordinates.

Ockhams Razor. the simplest solution is most likely correct, and bombing targets based on fancy guesswork doesnt sound very simple,it sounds more simpleminded.

404. bullshit not found.

highly suspect. even our Nobel Prize Winning Brahmin in Chief isnt so stupid as to develop a real policy of missile strikes based on guesswork and hunches.

he wants to seem more competent than he is, not like a lucky monkey with a talent for picking stocks.

The story from the post article is entitled "white house approves broader yemen drone campaign" google that shit if the link doesn't work.

The Case Against Drone Strikes on People Who Only 'Act' Like Terrorists

CIA Drones Kill Large Groups Without Knowing Who They Are

U.S. Drones Can Now Kill Joe Schmoe Militants in Yemen

Do some reading before putting your foot in it. Excellent target centric intelligence sources should be employed with a high probability percentage before a missile is even launched. That way you can hellfire the RIGHT guy, every time. 15 dead innocents isn't just "oh fuck we missed, here's a goat for your troubles". Many experts have stated the recent rise in attack frequency and intensity by AQAP and affiliates, directly correlates with the rise in drone strikes.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

The story from the post article is entitled "white house approves broader yemen drone campaign" google that shit if the link doesn't work.

The Case Against Drone Strikes on People Who Only 'Act' Like Terrorists

CIA Drones Kill Large Groups Without Knowing Who They Are

U.S. Drones Can Now Kill Joe Schmoe Militants in Yemen

Do some reading before putting your foot in it. Excellent target centric intelligence sources should be employed with a high probability percentage before a missile is even launched. That way you can hellfire the RIGHT guy, every time. 15 dead innocents isn't just "oh fuck we missed, here's a goat for your troubles". Many experts have stated the recent rise in attack frequency and intensity by AQAP and affiliates, directly correlates with the rise in drone strikes.

did the latin confuse you?

Deus Ex Machina, literally "God from the Machine"
it refers to an improbable and unexplained plot device which transforms the narrative with little or no foreplay.
a theatrical presentation's version of "because i said so, thats why"

in this context if refers to a ploy by which the CIA, NSA and the Pentagon can dismiss the possibility of moles in AQ or Hezzbollah with some handwaving and a thin story about how they picked their targets based on satellite imagery, voodoo, body language and "remote viewing", rather than the much more reasonable approach of inserting moles or paying squimps.

this fanciful tale offers many benefits:

1 ) moles and squimps are now safer since they are less likely to face hard questions about who ripped off The Great Satan
2 ) jihadjis must now assume that the CIA are always watching, and can ID them based on their horoscopes, psychic auras and shoe size
3 ) it enhances the aura of mystery surrounding the CIA, increasing the Jihadji's irrational fears
4 ) it makes Bwana Obama seem omnipresent, like a vengeful Djinn, rather than a pillowbutt rubber stamp wielding bureaucrat in washington.
5 ) it gives the Jihadjis the mistaken impression that the US is as cavalier with the lives of sandlandians as they are, which may cause them to relocate to more isolated areas.
6 ) if somebody fucks up, their head doesnt have to roll, the CIA can simply say "well they sure looked like terrorists to us..."
7 ) the big red Drone Strike button is no longer on Bwana Obama's desk, but rather, in the hands of faceless nameless unaccountable analysts in the Tower of Mystery in langley virginia.

But no, youre probably right, Obama almost certainly has adopted a "kill them all, God will recognize his own" attitude, that's so like him...*

* note the Official Sarcasm Font, Comic Sans, Bold Italic.


New Member

did the latin confuse you?

Deus Ex Machina, literally "God from the Machine"
it refers to an improbable and unexplained plot device which transforms the narrative with little or no foreplay.
a theatrical presentation's version of "because i said so, thats why"

in this context if refers to a ploy by which the CIA, NSA and the Pentagon can dismiss the possibility of moles in AQ or Hezzbollah with some handwaving and a thin story about how they picked their targets based on satellite imagery, voodoo, body language and "remote viewing", rather than the much more reasonable approach of inserting moles or paying squimps.

this fanciful tale offers many benefits:

1 ) moles and squimps are now safer since they are less likely to face hard questions about who ripped off The Great Satan
2 ) jihadjis must now assume that the CIA are always watching, and can ID them based on their horoscopes, psychic auras and shoe size
3 ) it enhances the aura of mystery surrounding the CIA, increasing the Jihadji's irrational fears
4 ) it makes Bwana Obama seem omnipresent, like a vengeful Djinn, rather than a pillowbutt rubber stamp wielding bureaucrat in washington.
5 ) it gives the Jihadjis the mistaken impression that the US is as cavalier with the lives of sandlandians as they are, which may cause them to relocate to more isolated areas.
6 ) if somebody fucks up, their head doesnt have to roll, the CIA can simply say "well they sure looked like terrorists to us..."
7 ) the big red Drone Strike button is no longer on Bwana Obama's desk, but rather, in the hands of faceless nameless unaccountable analysts in the Tower of Mystery in langley virginia.

But no, youre probably right, Obama almost certainly has adopted a "kill them all, God will recognize his own" attitude, that's so like him...*

* note the Official Sarcasm Font, Comic Sans, Bold Italic.
You are confusing human intelligence with electronic & signals intelligence - not surprising as low IQ and low income are correlated, personified in your case.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You are confusing human intelligence with electronic & signals intelligence - not surprising as low IQ and low income are correlated, personified in your case.
no, youre confusing rational arguments with mindless ad hominems, which is not surprising, since you have displayed a remarkable talent for redirecting your impotent rage whenever your fallacious arguments are defeated.

proposed next Echie post diagram:

step 1: demonstrate that the event in question WAS a "signature strike"

step 2:demonstrate how "signature stikes" would work

step 3: demonstrate how such methods could be reliable ways to target jihadjis

step 4: demonstrate why simply SAYING "we gonna blow up anybody who looks terroristy" and then continuing to rely on real intel would be a bad idea

step 5: explain why a highly improbable story which causes the already superstitious and ignorant jihadjis to fear for their lives is a bad idea.

step 6: stay on topic, and dont engage in ad hominems.

if you can pull that one off, i might even read it.


New Member
Keynes, the entire premise of your argument regarding the droned Yemenis is flawed. Killing 15 innocent people, regardless of nationality or religious affiliation is wrong. I would be condemning this all the same were it 15 jews killed in a case of mistaken identity, due to fatally flawed profiling techniques. The fact these people were killed due to a case of ethnic/religious profiling is even more horrific and should raise serious concerns with any human being.

The US military has the resources to ensure, specifically with the case of armed drones that are effectively handing out death sentences, that only the jihadists are targeted - which I've stated in previous threads I have no problem with; that means the intel (multi sourced sigint/humint) has to be good and missiles only get launched when you know who you're firing them at - which is no different in theory to a firearm.

I don't believe you've thought through your defence of signature strikes either. You claim it's disinfo. to protect methods/sources/TTP - you specifically mentioned moles, a form of human intelligence. If moles had been employed in these strikes don't you think the right people would be getting targeted (barring an ethnic/tribal grudge of a paid informant - commonplace in the near east)? If someone was relying on the old mark one eyeball I don't think the missiles would've been launched.

even after all these threads, one fact remains - hunter/killer drones used in targeted killings is reserved for senior AQ/jihadist leaders/operatives, the regional/national shura council types etc. according to Obamas DOJs own white paper on the legality of the extrajudicial killings. These 15 people were not senior jihadists in any respect.

Counter Insurgency first and foremost is hearts and minds. Killing innocents is counter productive to this goal. Dead kids play too well for jihadist recruiters.