Constable saw my plants after break in

The shotgun idea is fucking retarded. If you have plants growing and loaded weapons right next to each other, don't plan on doing anything for the next 30 years.

skunded by law

New Member
legally purchased shotgun. ive always felt the same way about having both together in the house. i have to assume that some crew will try and come back and they wont just calmly walk away because i threw everything out. if anything they feel entitled to it now and will treat me accordingly.

little butch

Active Member
Courier guy, It was in west Texas hill country (redneck central) where I was a dep sheriff. I know west Texas and cops behavior well from both sides. sk by law is way past needin to worry about mr constable. The DA and court would murder him on procedures before they would file anything......I do tend to agree with getting rid of the shotgun though, legal or not. It may have been legally obtained, but having it around ANY drugs is an invite to many years of 3 hots and a cot, courtesy of the state. Myself, I would lose any related equip, and parafinalia, and stay put. Moving local won't do much if you have the new utilities in your name. The utilities regularly send lists of new move ins to the cops, so they can check wants and warrants on the lease holders. Peace and be kind.

skunded by law

New Member
i shut it all down. planning on selling the house and moving out of state as i am burned in texas. have some old friends in a legal state that will help me get started. for what ever reason i have a window so best to try and use it. with the sale of my house i should be ok cover the cost to start over again, legally this time. my thinking is even with stopping who knows when the ripoff crew will want to drop by and its easier to start again than go to war. my main concern now is they dont come back and find me inside a empty house, they arent going to be happy when the see i threw out all of 'their' plants.


Well-Known Member
three people knew, my brother who was been in korea for the last year, my best friend since i was eight and who teaches kids and is out of the loop on any game, and the guy i work with who ive know for twelve years and has never done anything like this or could hit much bigger targets who dont live on premises if he wanted too. i was either followed from a grow shop,my boy was followed over or it was one of the last two people possibly talking. sucks to think it was a life long friend who may have slipped up. the fact remains somebody sat on my house last night and most likely longer than a night or two as i never go out and they left my work standing like they plan on coming back in a month. i can shoot intruders in texas but i cant shoot at the law so right now that cop trumps all. i cant believe he would just let plants slide, but maybe butch is right.
Why bitch about the cop when he let you get away with it clearly at risk to his job? Talking about contemplating shooting a cop if he comes to steal your grow.. Paranoid.
Yes it sucks somebody you possibly know stole your shit but that's the reality of growing.. fairly rare illegal drugs are much more attractive to steal than a television which everybody has for example

skunded by law

New Member
i would never shoot a officer. i meant i was so jumpy that if they tried to serve a no knock warrant in the dead of night i wouldnt be able to live with accidently shooting someone doing his job because i assumed it was the ripoff crew bashing down my door, paranoia for sure. i shut the house down will be going on the market next month and after it sells i will be moving out of state. at this point rather than try a defend my home or self, i have decided to leave it empty and if someone does come back i dont plan on being there. my apologies my thoughts have been scattered and all over the place. my whole life got uprooted and i have had to make huge life altering decisions in the course of about 24hrs. as much as i want to stay, best thing i can think of now is to move on. hopefully some reading this has learned a lesson that i had to learn the hard way. really going to miss texas, if i do pop up out west i will try to update, thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
i would never shoot a officer. i meant i was so jumpy that if they tried to serve a no knock warrant in the dead of night i wouldnt be able to live with accidently shooting someone doing his job because i assumed it was the ripoff crew bashing down my door, paranoia for sure. i shut the house down will be going on the market next month and after it sells i will be moving out of state. at this point rather than try a defend my home or self, i have decided to leave it empty and if someone does come back i dont plan on being there. my apologies my thoughts have been scattered and all over the place. my whole life got uprooted and i have had to make huge life altering decisions in the course of about 24hrs. as much as i want to stay, best thing i can think of now is to move on. hopefully some reading this has learned a lesson that i had to learn the hard way. really going to miss texas, if i do pop up out west i will try to update, thanks guys.
I feel for you.
I really do.

I hate the fact that some scumbags have enriched themselves at your expense
But, more than this, I hate the fact that growing a few harmless plants can actually place a citizen outside of the protection of rightful law and order.

The origin of the word 'OUTLAW' is a medieval one.
When a person committed a crime (or alienated the powerful) they were ousted from community, family, society.... They were placed, literally, outside the law.

To kill or rob or rape such a person was OK because they were made 'non-persons' by their legal status.

Cannabis possession and cultivation can cause a similar status in our own times - and it is plain wrong!


Well-Known Member
Man that totally sucks that all this happened to you. Especially since you're going to be moving to a new state and everything. That's up and dropping life completely. Work, friends, associates, routines there.
a buddy offered to hold my moms but if anybody was watching i would be putting a stand up guy in harms way. so im back to taking whatever comes my way. told my partner i quit and had to throw out everything, if no one comes back looking for more ladies i will have found the leak. still have a huge knot in my stomach about it all.
The whole partner thing always leaves me feeling sick. You mentioned you friend and then he was "your boy" and I'm assuming that's who the partner is. I know you've probably seen it before here but there're no partners in this game. If they were your friend before then that status is completely changed. Your partner will get one over faster and easier than anyone else would. He probably knows your personal life, routine and everything tied along with it. And greed is an ugly thing. Your partner or long time friend can stand there and lie to your face and know exactly how to go about doing it. If your partner had $ invested then he should be just as torn up as you are over it. But then there's the other guy who's going to "watch your girls" for you. That in itself is too many leaks in the system. You don't just call someone up with hey man I gotta ask you a big favor like that. And if so he's one hell of a guy lol. So what was the partners whole reaction to the whole thing anyways? Your operations well being is his well being as well.


Well-Known Member
I would be very uncomfortable with this...that constable could open his yap at really any time in the future and you are Texas Toast.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you are doing the right thing op , get the FUCK out of that state , (if you want to carry on growing ) otherwise stay where you are and dont grow a fucking thing for a very long time .that cop did you a massive favor and he knows it , wouldn't want to insult his kindness by carrying on growing , just incase he calls back for a checkup .

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
I seriously doubt the robbers will come back the reason your plants are still there is because they wanted a quick theft in and out and away they go. It was probably loose lips that cost you your stuff and I would be willing to bet one of your best friends(so you think) is responsible for the robbery. I am not sure why you have to leave the state though why not just move to another town in Texas.


well skun, i have personal experiences w cops giving breaks a few times. the last one having a local cop tell a county sheriff that it was synthetic mj he was smelling. then having a state trooper have a guy dump a bag of mj on the ground and kick it into the dirt. and i dont think these cops were irresponsible. and the county sheriff handcuffed the kid who had a wopping 1.5 grams of mj. some r on power trips and some r more normal. but a recurring theme w the local older cops can b just get thru the day...also talked w a more serious le officer that would nt pull ovr the hard core bikers?? u were the victim here, maybe the cop had empathy. sorry to hear about this crap..


Well-Known Member
a solid is what it felt like, but that is a gamble especially in texas. probably going to suck it up move what i can and throw away everything else which only has three weeks left, ouch. whoever it was left my work to finish and that can only mean they intend on coming back. the only thing i can piece together is someone was sitting on my house, they hit it the only night i left in the last month. getting a shotgun because its texas and i can shoot whoever i want on my property, but i lost my invisiblity and that cannot be regained. i hate to say it but i think urban is right better to struggle a couple months with bills than to struggle a couple years in the pen. the worst part is i feel like the cop really wont say anything but trusting a cop is not a smart move. turns out you really cant put a price on piece of mind.
there are cops that smoke, looks as if he was one.

i had 3 undercover show up on my doorstep after visiting hydro the day before (been going to the same place 2 years) and i live in florida.

they didn't make it in and would have nothing to gather a warrant with however, i still trashed my GSC's and blue cheese which i was just ready to flip to flower.

never saw them again and eventually will have a new residence.

i now buy everything online and cannot stress "stealth" enough.

we live in crazy states and you're right, there is nothing like piece of mind.


Well-Known Member
He might be waiting for you to grow those seedlings out to full and come back in a couple months and get a real bust. Plants and roots, its all weight to them. If he busted you then do you really think it would be a big bust to them, a bunch of small vegged plants.. Hes waiting for you to grow them babys out full so he can say he busted someone with 10 pounds street value at 50,000$. Catch my drift. Cut down and move shop it really isn't worth it my friend. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
The Fifth Amendment reads, in part, "No person shall be... compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...." These amendments provide the foundation for the rights that protect all U.S. Citizens from intrusive law enforcement practices. If an officer violates your rights then any evidence discovered as a result of that violation must be suppressed from the evidence at trial. This is accomplished by filing a motion to suppress with the trial judge. Even if an officer obtained a warrant prior to searching, if that warrant is defective or not supported by probable cause, then the evidence must be suppressed. Often times, after the fruits of an illegal detention, interrogation or search are suppressed, the government is left with very little evidence and the charges are dismissed.
1. Don't Leave Contraband in Plain View
Although law enforcement officers must obtain a warrant before they can conduct a privacy-invading search, any illicit material that can be plainly seen by any person from a non-intrusive vantage point is subject to confiscation. An arrest and a valid warrant to search the rest of the area is likely to ensue. A "roach" in the ashtray, a pipe or baggie on the coffee table, or a joint being smoked in public are common mistakes which all too-frequently lead to arrests.

2. Never Consent
Many individuals arrested on marijuana charges could have avoided that arrest by exercising their Fourth Amendment rights. If a law enforcement officer asks for your permission to search, it is usually because: (1) there is not enough evidence to obtain a search warrant; or (2) the officer does not feel like going through the hassle of obtaining a warrant. Law enforcement officers are trained to intimidate people into consenting to searches. If you do consent, you waive your constitutional protection and the officers may search and seize items without further authorization. If officers find contraband, they will arrest you.
If you do not consent to a search, the officer must either release you or detain you and attempt to get a warrant. The fact that you refuse to consent does not give the officer grounds to obtain a warrant or further detain you.
An officer can obtain a search warrant only from a judge or magistrate and only upon a showing of "probable cause." Probable cause requires an officer to articulate information that would cause a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is being committed and that evidence of that involvement can be found within the object of the search.
There are exceptions to the search warrant requirement which permit an officer to search an area without a warrant or consent under certain circumstances. The important thing for you to remember is never to consent to a search or talk with an officer if you want to preserve your rights.
If an officer asks to search you or an area belonging to you or over which you are authorized to control, you should respond:
"I do not consent to a search of my [person, baggage, purse, luggage, vehicle, house, blood, etc.] I do not consent to this contact and do not want to answer any questions. If I am not under arrest, I would like to go now (or be left alone)."

So there you go, he coulda fried your ass for cultivation and intent to distribute. You have him access to your home and if he sees contraband a warrant is not needed!
I included a line to be used if ever hassled by police. This is your constitutional right to peacefully resist a unlawful search and arrest.
You owe that cop a donut and a thank you!


Well-Known Member
there are cops that smoke, looks as if he was one.

i had 3 undercover show up on my doorstep after visiting hydro the day before (been going to the same place 2 years) and i live in florida.

they didn't make it in and would have nothing to gather a warrant with however, i still trashed my GSC's and blue cheese which i was just ready to flip to flower.

never saw them again and eventually will have a new residence.

i now buy everything online and cannot stress "stealth" enough.

we live in crazy states and you're right, there is nothing like piece of mind.
stay away from any hydro shops in FL.. they take down plate numbers and everything.. pretty insane


Well-Known Member
stay away from any hydro shops in FL.. they take down plate numbers and everything.. pretty insane
yeah, cause i was only there for as long as it took me to make a purchase 5-10 minutes..i learned the hard way by having to throw away good money..when money's involved, i pay attention.

scary thing is they are so fucking intimidating and their plan was "get inside"..they were here for 15 minutes trying to work me.