solo or social. smoker?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Alone. Stoned people generally piss me off. I just about put up with smoking with the gf, largey because i don't have much choice. same goes with alcohol, alone, drunk people piss me off. But saying that, i like to do mot all things alone, other than the gf, i do not enjoy company.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
When I smoke, I get really horny, and just want to put on Zeppelin and have at it.
That being said, I'm very cautious about when and who I smoke with!


Well-Known Member
Have to say guys id much prefer to smoke on my own... nothing worse than lighting your j up and hearing are you gonna pass that yet... well I was but now I dont think il bother :) or smoking while playin ps4 online .... goodtimes :)


Well-Known Member
Have to say guys id much prefer to smoke on my own... nothing worse than lighting your j up and hearing are you gonna pass that yet... well I was but now I dont think il bother :) or smoking while playin ps4 online .... goodtimes :)
avoid passing the j.. roll more then one.. kinda miss the days when a few puffs of a joint and I was good for a few hours..


Well-Known Member
I'm very generous by nature so it just goes to say that I'm going to share with you or anyone else but most of the time I'm flying solo.
I smoke 2-3 joints first thing in the morning and a couple before bed and non stop during the day, my friends have often wondered how the hell I do it...sometimes why I do it. I have explained myself and they understand to some degree but very few actually get the truth behind it.
I smoke with the friends that I've made here and I find no shame in that, for it is here that I found the true acceptance I was seeking, the common language spoken amongst the RIU community is one of understanding.
We've all been there and bought the t-shirt, so now it's time for the fashion show.

See what happens when I puff ;)....rambling on


Well-Known Member
I'm a solo smoker. When I smoke I want to lose myself. I don't want any social distractions.


New Member
I am usually a solo smoker. The only time I smoke with others is when I attend a party and someone springs out their stash. I think one of my biggest reasons I smoke solo is because I prefer only my lips on my pipe or bong. That seems a bit strange since I have no problem with taking a hit off of another person’s joint, bong, or pipe at a party.


Well-Known Member
I always take a few puffs after work, never before, as I have to go straight into schools, colleges, office buildings, hospitals and the likes to work everyday and that shit is a buzz kill without measure. Once I am through for the day, it is game on.

I have a little reward program worked out for myself when I can smoke at leisure ( basically every moment I am out of the public's eye :-P). If I have something to do, I look at the project overall and pick a few goals to reach, and at each one, there is a big fat bowl and a fresh bourbon and 7-up for the taking. Believe you me, as old as I am , I can still get plenty motivated for a kewl buzz :bigjoint:.

My wife knows, if she wants it done in an epic hurry, she had better factor in daddy's smoke/drink needs into the equation, or I add them myself, and our math on this matter, is not the same for some reason :lol:.

Peace and Stay High



Well-Known Member
medicate alone/away from
wife and kids.....if it were not for the smell no one would ever know...