LED Companies w/ LINKS

^^^^^^^^^^^^Damnit Brother Beef You Stole My Thunder^^^^^^^^^^^^^^On Second Thought I Wonder If It Comes With Batteries :-o
Would be nice to see a Blackdog tested as well as the latest growevolution model. Really tired of all the a51 and apache fan boys here. A true side by side could either prove them right or enlighten them.

I'm a CREE/Osram/Nichia fan, because they make the best LED's available. Subsequently, I'm also a fan of the companies that use these quality products in their panels.

As new companies emerge that also use quality components, not cheap Chinese parts, I'll become a fan of them too. Right now, it's like Apache is Mercedes, Area 51 is Audi, Hans is Mini Cooper, and most of the other companies are selling Geo Metro's. That's just the harsh reality of it.

And what of the guys getting good results with the Vipars?

They're lucky, for now, until something on their light breaks.
They sell the exact same "Vipar" lights on TopLED's site, in the section "Old Model LED Grow Lights".
Rebranded junk, is rebranded junk, no matter what you call it.
Surely they couldn't be too hard to fix? I mean, it's not luck they're getting good results just lucky that their units don't fail you say? Could be best bang for buck for the budget grower with a bit of DIY know how..