Drooping tranplants / yellow spots


Active Member
Read about 50 threads on this but every grow scenario is different.

Just transplanted some really healthy clones. Hit them with full dose of nutes and 4 gallons of water for 12 plants.
(friend with me whos been growing for 15 years was with me and suggested it, he said to do the same on the 2nd night. Probably a bad idea, hes a hydro dude).

Tonight is the 3rd night, the bags are heavy, soil is too wet, leaves are getting yellow spots and are drooping. I for sure think I over watered them and burned them with nutes. Specially being just transplanted (this is my 1st grow).

My question is, is that the problem? Could the light be burning them? Where do I go from here? Should I flush them or wait till soil dries out and hit them with a clean watering then introduce the nutes again? Its hard to find a straight answer.

water ph is 5.8
ppm first watering was 430. 2nd watering 720 (probably too high for a young plant, should have diluted the nutes).
600 watt bulb 2 1/2 feet from canopy
constant oscillation
outtake fan 250 cfm (seems a bit strong, huge vacuum going on in the 4x4 tent).
Humidity 50%
constant temp 75-82 degrees.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, theyre still healthy. I dont want them getting worse


Well-Known Member
Your pH is way to low for soil.
Yah you might have given them to much water.
No I don't think your light is to much for them.
IMO- I would keep the fan on 24/0, 18/6 light cycle. Let the clones recover from the stress.
They look a little sad, but they should bounce back. No water until the containers are light in weight.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
You have a nice looking setup for what it's worth. Take topfuel29's advise he is spot on. Also what kind of soil are you using? Generally most soils wont require anything but plain water for a while until all the available nutes are depleted. I water my soil ladies with 6.5 ph.


Well-Known Member
I think the ladies need time to dry out and establish roots in their new medium. Is your plain water 5.8 or is that with nutes? I have no need to PH in my setup but if that is plain water that seems very low, if with nutes, that doesn't seem off to me.

I think they just need some time to bounce back.
#1 The clones are way too far away from the light....600 is fine they need to be alot closer....even drop to 400 and get em up 12 inches or so from the light. humidity and warmth use the light for them warmth and a misting bottle for the dampness...= humidity. Let them dry out now totally. the droop is too much water....Why give a newborn baby full strength nutrients?( I wouldnt feed a newborn baby a steak.) half strength atleast or use clonex solution for babies....Gettin them warm close to the light and not drowning will help alot....give em a chance, they will be fine. MORE is less with the water.....


Active Member
Sorry forgot to mention its in coco, 1 of the most important factors. Does that mean the PH should still be raised?

PH is about 6.5 with nutes. I used PH down to drop it to 5.8


Active Member
I just went to my local hydro store. He for sure said the plants are over watered. Ill relay what he said for anyone else who might come across this and is having trouble as well. Cant vouch cause Ive never tried yet what he said.

500ML for new transplants and water around the plant only (clean PH'd water, little to no nutrients for the 1st watering. What all you guys said).

3000ML for plants in 3 gallon pots once theyre over the transplant shock.

I drenched them with 10 8-10 gallons of water in 2 days. Itll take a week of 2 for it to dry up in there. I have to water them clean ph'd water and a little super thrive next watering.

for lighting he said to drop it to 400W and raise it up higher? Opposite of what MJ said so Im not sure whats right.

He also said the little yellow dots are spider mites. Im hoping hes wrong, theyve only been in there a few days and my area is pretty clean. Id have to wait a week for the coco to dry out and the and so the plants can acclamate more before I did anything about the mites. Would lady bugs help right now with the mites till I can take a more drastic measure with spray or neem oil or a bomb?

Im going to go check right now


Active Member
Ill take some tonight. Theyre for sure mites. I see them moving around. Sprayed with neem once, the mites didnt seem phased