CFL Distance from plant..


I am growing a few plants under 2 x 250W CFLs..

My box stays around 70f - 80f... directly under my lights within 4 inch is about 100f which is too hot, if my plants are within 6/7 inches of the CFLs they burn.

I keep my CFLs about 12 inch from the plants. Now they are further away they look healthier and are not stretching or anything.. will I suffer with yield keeping the 2 250watt bulbs this far away??.. can I put a sheet of glass in front of the bulb between the top of the plants to lower the direct heat?


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Well-Known Member
Best bet is to keep a small fan blowing lightly between the soil and the bulb. I got one of those 125 and they do put out a fair ammt of heat, but run mine about 6" away.

I wouldn't do the glass, you will further reduce your light utput.


Well-Known Member
Yes, your yield will suffer if you keep your bulbs 12 inches from the tops of your plant. The resulting flowers will not be very dense, unfortunately. Adding a sheet of glass isn't the route I would go down. Why not just buy a couple of cheap desk fans and direct them to blow cool air across the bulbs? That way, they'll emit less direct heat, and you'll be able to move the plants to within much closer proximity to the bulbs themselves.



Well-Known Member
Like the HPS boys, put your hand at the intended height, if your flesh begins to smoke ...that is an indication you are too close, same with plants, as to your question on yield... only you will know after a few grows, better to dangle a temperature gauge at the intended height, but really it may well mean ...time to raise the roof


Well-Known Member
I am growing a few plants under 2 x 250W CFLs..

My box stays around 70f - 80f... directly under my lights within 4 inch is about 100f which is too hot, if my plants are within 6/7 inches of the CFLs they burn.

I keep my CFLs about 12 inch from the plants. Now they are further away they look healthier and are not stretching or anything.. will I suffer with yield keeping the 2 250watt bulbs this far away??.. can I put a sheet of glass in front of the bulb between the top of the plants to lower the direct heat?


Sent from my B1-710 using Rollitup mobile app
I Agree with other Posters Air Cool your bulbs with a Fan. also just a quick question this BOX have you got any Exhaust Vents? If not might be an idea to add some kinda IN FLOW Hole and some Kinda Exhaust(Vent) Hole/Holes-Smaller ones(Maybe above Bulbs-Heat Rises)..but will also have to light proof these mods if you gonna flower in this Box?

another thought How have you got the Bulbs setup?


Hope you sort


Well-Known Member
Yes, your yield will suffer if you keep your bulbs 12 inches from the tops of your plant. The resulting flowers will not be very dense, unfortunately. Adding a sheet of glass isn't the route I would go down. Why not just buy a couple of cheap desk fans and direct them to blow cool air across the bulbs? That way, they'll emit less direct heat, and you'll be able to move the plants to within much closer proximity to the bulbs themselves.Pics?
Well I must have beat your post by seconds. Great minds think alike I guess.