Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
If that's the 70x200mm "L" I got him covered
looks like it huh? don't sweat it cn, I mostly use a 40mm pancake and a 16-35 "L"...our 70-200 mostly sits on the shelf, GF is currently in love with her 17-85 and if she wants to go long she has a 100-400, tobasco sauce on that might make it taste better.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
so my lecithin and my microscope arrived today. Already got the butter refined for the last time and lecithin added.

playing with my microscope now trying to figure out how to use it

f*&^(kn chinese can't make anything simple to operate. :(

I guess that's what you get for fifty bucks.

Nether Region

Well-Known Member

Long week and holiday. Drinking/smoking and listening to this. Where is everyone?

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
That evolved into the entire Dark Side of The Moon, then this, a must see for anyone who likes Pink Floyd



Well-Known Member
so my lecithin and my microscope arrived today. Already got the butter refined for the last time and lecithin added.

playing with my microscope now trying to figure out how to use it

f*&^(kn chinese can't make anything simple to operate. :(

I guess that's what you get for fifty bucks.
I am betting you wont notice any diff with the lecithin... least I couldn't


Well-Known Member
Growing up I knew alot of people who got addicted to heroin and opiates in general. For the last hour I've been watching about ten of them on Facebook implode about a big bust and who snitched on who. Fucking quality entertainment.


Undercover Mod
Growing up I knew alot of people who got addicted to heroin and opiates in general. For the last hour I've been watching about ten of them on Facebook implode about a big bust and who snitched on who. Fucking quality entertainment.
They all snitch on each other but none of them are snitches


Well-Known Member
I love surrounding myself with the cannabis community because we are true warriors of love and peace. We are brave and we have heart.


Well-Known Member
Initial fatal mistake -- not putting the r-tard on ignore. My ignore list is population 1.
I can take stupidity, I can take trolls, and I can even take the occasional special-ed spam. But, when you consistently bundle the 3, it causes overload.
You and me both.....I don't mind ignorant people, or loud people that are convinced you NEED to know how they feel about EVERYTHING. selfish rudeness with ignorance and non stop bellowing send me out the door in search of intelligent life every time.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Initial fatal mistake -- not putting the r-tard on ignore. My ignore list is population 1.
I can take stupidity, I can take trolls, and I can even take the occasional special-ed spam. But, when you consistently bundle the 3, it causes overload.
i don't like the ignore feature. it still leaves an empty hole where the post is, just taunting me.

so I know there is a post, but now I can't read it. no thanks

it'd be better if the ignore feature removed all trace of the offending user from my view. Quotes being the exception.

If this were the case then perhaps I would use it.

Since it is not, I get to view riu in all of it's splendor........scabs and all