Male Plant Smell? (3 weeks)


I've got two plants that I sprouted from some decent bag seed. They're about equal in size now, but one of the plants grew significantly faster than the other. That same plant is now giving off a skunky, dank smell. The other has a weaker smell that isn't very noticeable, it's more mellow and more "plant" smelling than anything.

So, I'm obviously not going to make any decisions at this point but I'm curious to know what people think about those signs pointing to it being a male.



Well-Known Member
if it is a stinky male It might be a good candidate for breeding, depending on the other traits it shows. as for it being male maybe, maybe not


Well-Known Member
Smell means nothing but the height could be an indicator that it is male. Hard to tell with bagseed, good luck with your grow. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I had 2 aminal cookies which were like yours. 1 no real smell and 1 that was STINKY, stinky... I used the Stinky male for crossing. Just waiting on the seeds to finish.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Before you do another thing you gotta sex it, one male and the other female...then you got seeds, not many males actually stink out the neighborhood tho, so look for them balls


Well-Known Member
I have had tall stinkys turn female while shortys grew balls. Ya never know till it flashes you.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else has pointed out, there are no true signs what a plant is going to be before it sexes.
Once again there are tons of myths, but I have seen just about every one of those myths be laid to rest with my own eyes.
You will know the sex when you flower it and it shows the sex.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else has pointed out, there are no true signs what a plant is going to be before it sexes.
Once again there are tons of myths, but I have seen just about every one of those myths be laid to rest with my own eyes.
You will know the sex when you flower it and it shows the sex.

While I agree that there are no true signs other than balls, nature does select for the taller males by the reproductive advantage of height. This allows more of their pollen to be available to pollinate female plants because it is less dependent on the wind and other factors. Does this mean shorter plants aren't successful, no they just have a lesser rate of success. :leaf: