Recent content by 7paperjoints

  1. 7

    4139779524 hit me up !

    4139779524 hit me up !
  2. 7

    Caregiver/patient friendly housing?

    Nobody has anything.?nada come on
  3. 7

    4139779524 I'll actually be in the area tomorrow hit me up when u get this

    4139779524 I'll actually be in the area tomorrow hit me up when u get this
  4. 7

    Caregiver/patient friendly housing?

    Hi .. Just discovered this Site Im diggin it so far lots of great info ! I will be ,moving to ri to start a new job in the next few weeks I was wondering if anyone knew of some friendly landlords or if you are one yourself .. I've seen a few posts on the subject but nothing recent .. My setup...