Caregiver/patient friendly housing?

Hi .. Just discovered this Site Im diggin it so far lots of great info ! I will be ,moving to ri to start a new job in the next few weeks I was wondering if anyone knew of some friendly landlords or if you are one yourself .. I've seen a few posts on the subject but nothing recent .. My setup would be very small nothing extreme... If anyone has any info that would help me out I would appreciate it ..
Hey, tried sending you a message but didnt work. I have been growing here for a little under a year. It is a multi-family house and the landlord's daughter lives in the first floor, I live on the second floor, and no one is on the third floor. The third floor is converted to be ready for a grow space. The landlords' son was going to do a setup up there but never finished it after starting it 8 years ago lol.... He did however do some great renovations to the second floor. There is a great 8ft - 7ft room that has its own key, and is outside of the apartment, inside the building. I have moved my grow else where for the space, and am planning on moving out sometime between now, and December. I would hate to have this place go to some student in the area, since it is decked out for growing. If you are looking to live/grow in the same house, this place is has a very private grow room, and a 200g jacuzzi in the bathroom to do all your cleaning. , the landlord is very cool, and it is, in my opinion, in the best part of RI, on Wickenden Street. Let me know what you think.
Hey, tried sending you a message but didnt work. I have been growing here for a little under a year. It is a multi-family house and the landlord's daughter lives in the first floor, I live on the second floor, and no one is on the third floor. The third floor is converted to be ready for a grow space. The landlords' son was going to do a setup up there but never finished it after starting it 8 years ago lol.... He did however do some great renovations to the second floor. There is a great 8ft - 7ft room that has its own key, and is outside of the apartment, inside the building. I have moved my grow else where for the space, and am planning on moving out sometime between now, and December. I would hate to have this place go to some student in the area, since it is decked out for growing. If you are looking to live/grow in the same house, this place is has a very private grow room, and a 200g jacuzzi in the bathroom to do all your cleaning. , the landlord is very cool, and it is, in my opinion, in the best part of RI, on Wickenden Street. Let me know what you think.
Is this place still available ?