Recent content by 8thGenFarmer

  1. 8thGenFarmer

    What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

    Happened for last 8 years too lol! Top 1% loved Obama.
  2. 8thGenFarmer

    Picking a decent weed school

    When working for an established weed company they will fill out all the paperwork for you. All our hires need here in Cali is the standard new hire paperwork, w2 and such. Color and wash may have specific requirements. You could try to get an internship or just work for cheap for the best...
  3. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    So says the guy defending cop killers, anonymously. Seriously go say it in public, see what decent people think about your nonsense. My reaction was subdued compared to what many Americans will feel.
  4. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    I know, was a German one. We have navy cross and Air Force cross. There are a lot of guys with that tattoo who are not nazis, and don't deserve to be killed by an angry nut ball. People defending the action of cop killers are sick, I have family who are cops. For fucks sake the cop killer shot...
  5. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    I was in the Army in the mid 90's. It's more diverse now than even when I was in, especially more women. Even the women have more balls though than your average person. People always go in with preconceived notions about people, by the time you are through with your training though you really...
  6. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    Absolutely lol. Tensions not violence. You take kids from Alabama put em with kids from Boston and Oakland you'll have tensions. There were crips and bloods in some of the same unit. They punish the whole unit if one guy acts up.
  7. 8thGenFarmer

    Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

    Fact remains the hunted rhinos ARE protected the herds not hunted in a managed state, are in fact, still hunted. Without management rhino will be gone, same with elephant and tiger. All of those animals have extreme cash values on the black market. Basically they need constant 24hr. protection...
  8. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    Here's what the cross tatoo means on fire and police. Christ sakes guys in my unit who were Latino and black had them. Infantry, we certainly weren't all racists. Bucks conspiratorial hate is dangerous.
  9. 8thGenFarmer

    dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

    Micah johnsons actions did nothing but move trumps polls up 6 points and guarantee more black men will be shot without questions. Terrorist shits like that guy make the world nothing but a worse place. What he did had nothing to do with justice.
  10. 8thGenFarmer

    Best gorilla grow pesticides

    Do you have frequent access to spray? Want natural or want conventional? For natural stuff, spinosad and BT are good to put on. Can use some neem as well. Will help with caterpillars and leaf chewing insects. Sap suckers like mites won't be as effected. Most of those don't last too long, under...
  11. 8thGenFarmer

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    We sell plant clippings for 2000 a pound minimum and say other people make too much? Lol. The guy who farms your lettuce isn't making 1/10th of what we can make an hour for almost the same work.
  12. 8thGenFarmer

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    Not saying they did more, they are just more natural in appealing to that demographic. Sanders is a good guy, with a better heart in my opinion. But he can't sell it like clintons can.
  13. 8thGenFarmer

    Help choose the next fake scandal

    What scams? He has a pretty clean record. Clintons made hundreds of millions giving speeches fo foreign dictators and banks and you call the only guy running against them who was against the wars, "a scam artist?" The scam to me is getting the democrat party to vote for George bush in a pant...
  14. 8thGenFarmer

    Help choose the next fake scandal

    I'm voting for Johnson. Democrats lost my vote until they stand for something.
  15. 8thGenFarmer

    Help choose the next fake scandal

    Technically that's what took Nixon out. Lying as well. I don't think you know much about history.