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  • Sweet that's what I figured especially since the half dose I could keep down didn't leave me feeling sick or anything, in fact it did give me a bit of an energy boost but that was it. Thanks for the info it's much appreciated I'm gonna go ahead and make another brew and try my hand at an extraction his cactus was a beast so I was fortunate enough to get around twelve feet to work with :P I figured the potency was just pretty low because I had to harvest it only a couple of weeks ago due to him moving and from what I read the alkaloid content is much lower in the winter right?
    I have a question about a cactus my friend has growing in his yard and you seem to be the guy to answer it. Based off of pics I've seen on the web I would say it's San Pedro but I want to be certain as I have already made a brew using about a foot of one of it's branches but felt nothing when I ingested it... however that could have been due to the fact that I couldn't keep the first half down :P
    Hey man hoping to chat to u but wanted to do it privately how would i go about doing that? (new to rollitup)
    Yeah seriously, the reading on the subject gets real addicting, I had that too. The thread I linked called "forget the fogger, I'm going hp aero" was really a pleasure to read, and he really layed out the setup in an easy to understand way. His only downfall was using too small of chambers. If you didnt see the link, just google it and it shows up at the top of the list.
    Hey, in the true hp for 2011 thread, there are some good links to other threads on the subject somewheres in the first few pages... ;) Thanks for your interest...
    amazing dude, congrats on that. now we got a mini ANC heheh :) i hope all works out good for you bro. your good dude and one of the few that i would like to meet in person. best of luck to you and yours...
    Thanks man, had some good news, my wife is 3 months pregnant, it is our first after almost 17 years of trying.
    But yes its quite a shock to hear one has only a few months to prepare, also the day before we ound out about the baby, we heard my wife will loose her job in a downsizing.
    So now its only my little dissability pension keeping us going.
    Wow sorry to hear that brother. I hope your health improves quick and easy. Please keep in touch. Best wishes to you. Your a great person to have on the forums.
    Naah only diet has to change,not that I was eating unhealthy or even overweight. Just a genetic cholesterol problem. It was very painful but very unreal.
    I got a stent (like a metal spring like tube) placed in my heart now, and only suffered minor heart damage, I'll be around for some time still, if I can quit smoking.
    Sorry to hear that ANC! I'm glad you have the strength to log onto RIU. It must of been a life changing experience much like the awakening of a DMT Trip!
    Well I survived a heart attack end of November, but otherwise I'm doing well.
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